Chapo inspect elements modmail to make us look bad.

137  2019-06-04 by bleached_ammonia


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Chapo inspect elements modmail to m... -,,

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based dramachads triggering chapocels


" i don't understand how that sub still has subscribers tbh, is it just nazis who think they're cooler than the other nazis because they live on a slightly higher irony level "


snappy quote when?


" The irony is how often that shithole lobbies to ban THIS sub while being one of the worst communities on Reddit. "

I'm for any and all subs banned. Reddit is trash and deserves to die


^ this. I do my part to get us banned everyday

You remind me of a snake trying to eat itself. Bad boy.

No one has ever accused me of making good decisions. They won’t start today

This is true..You don't even order from

Subs should automatically self destruct when they hit 50k subscribers


It's over for redditcels

​" i don't understand how that sub still has subscribers tbh, is it just nazis who think they're cooler than the other nazis because they live on a slightly higher irony level "

I'm a fucking nazbol!! when are they going to get it right?

I second Snappy


Melania, get down!


those trans chasing conservitard rejects

Okay we do have some conservitards, but the irony of the first part is stunning.

Damn transgender mayo-disliking Nazis.

They seethe and flap their hands because all the hot trans foids are Drama users.

Get in here trans cuties 🤗🤗🥰

no one:

chapos: ahem Hello lovely lady. My pronouns are he/him/his. Don’t worry, I’m not like those other cis white men haha. Cis get the bullet! Mayocide! Hehe. You should check out my reddit account. I’ve gotten a lot of karma from owning tankies and doing funny bits. But sometimes I can be a bit of a goofball troll too. Yesterday, I went on the_donald and told those chuds to post hog and they banned me haha! A subreddit enforcing its rules, priceless! Sounds like they need a safe space. Not that there is anything wrong with safe spaces though! I think I’m a lot like the twitter account dril when I troll the chuds. Have you heard of dril? That’s D-R-I-L. It’s a pretty crazy twitter account that says silly stuff that you can repeat verbatim to own people. Corncob haha! You should look it up. It’s dumb but hilarious. Whoops sorry, I shouldn’t be using ableist words like dumb. How careless of me. Anywho, have you ever heard of a band called death grips? PRETTY PRETTY NINE MOTHERFUCKER! Haha that’s a death grip lyric reference. Whoops, now everyone is staring at me because I used my outside voice hehe. What’s that? You need to go to the bathroom? If you’d like, I could follow you to make sure no chuds give you any trouble for going in your preferred bathroom because that is my chivalrous duty. Wait, where are you going?! Just a pint of mouthfeel before you go? Please ma’am, might I just have a microwatt of girldick?

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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First of all: ebbin.

Death Grips


First of all: ebbin.

Death Grips


Dril generally doesn't even post stuff that's all that relevant to anything or can be used in any sort of actual context. Almost all if his tweets are just random gibberish, because that's the whole purpose of weird twitter.

To understand the chapotard, you must become the chapotard

Natalie is the smolest bean

This is the best meme, she's over 6 foot


Drama trans cutie thread when?

I think that’s just the entire discørd. Imagine just having a plebbit thread for that.

Mentioning the drama discord 🤢. I already was feeling nauseated

I always figured you fucks have a secret faggot cabol. OH TEE HE WE BANNED HALF THE SUB SO RANDOM!!1

That reminds me, I need to use those chapo trannie selfie's and make that roll of toilet paper. Think they'd enjoy pictures of when I use it?

Another post from this galaxy-brained individual:

Ayn Rand is the prototypical faildaughter. It’s crazy how similar her whiny, bitchy life is to most privileged assholes on this site.

The lack of self-awareness is honestly shocking!

Telling people to do lots of hard work while you live on handouts is the most absolutely patrician life

Yeah we have like what? 1 MTF in our mix and we don't climb over each other to white knight. Chapos and self awareness don't mix

  1. Maybe 2. Certainly couldn’t be more than that.

What was the post the chapoturd wanted removed?

Looking for thethread rn, trying to find specific modmail is difficult. Will get back to you when I find it.

Please and thank you

lmao another chapo struggle sesh over words.

Um wow I know you were upset comrade but you really need to not use the c word it's super gross.

Jokes on them, we already look as terrible as possible

They actually think r/drama cares about it's image.

Look if your not online to start a communist revolution where you call for death to all whites and get carried to the gulag without protest. What are you doing here? Having fun? What is fun?

He sounds like he was being an uppity gamerword.

I sure hope this makes it to the top of their sub before you find the modmail.

Chapoids can't even properly imitate us dramacels

Have gone to the first of my sent mail box and still can't find it; would like for him to post the modmail permalink.

Another option for reviewing removed content is Your user page on revddit is,

reply with 'delete' to remove this comment.


Am I a Chapo or does that first removeddit link not show any comments?

I can view it on my end.

I couldn't see any comments either.

Ah I see. I found the switch for it now. Thanks.

What a faggot, he should just either make a new account or make a fanart like everyone else.

Honestly speaking if your account is older than 2 weeks it should be an autoban

\^ This is a wrong and retarded opinion

Dude aggressive power fantasies lmao

Imagine being mad about getting banned and going through all this effort instead of just making a new account.

Idc this is gay

Fuckin' snitch.

He had a bunch of racist posts that have been deleted it appears he’s trying to push attention to his agenda by making it overblown and tarnishing our fine subs reputation because while I can’t speak for you guys.. I came for the pristine reputation of r/drama

Wtf? I am actually black

Serious (X) Doubt

I can't figure out who LARPs as black people more, conservatards that need a token black, or chapoturds that need a token black.

More proof supporting the horseshoe theory

the best part his i got him unbanned and approved the first time and he still managed to fuck himself by falling for the same bait

I didn't expect him to bite on something so obvious tbh

You expected an ounce of intelligence from a chapo extremely online poster? Wait and he’s the dumb one?

Hes not a chapo, comparing him to a chapo is an insult to chapos tbh

Do you know him IRL? Because he sounds like one of the biggest challenges for the "no child left behind" policy.

I do know him irl

Do you keep him around to make yourself look smarter?

Hes a really big confidence booster for me

Basketball Americans actually don't exist. It was a CIA psypop to get people to vote for the dark-skinned arab Barack Hussein Obama.

can this ebon adonis please post hog

This is exactly what chapo is talking about when they say everyone here is racists facists. Because if we upvote the fact that they aren’t people then the next logical conclusion is that they are trash. And where do facists put trash? In the garbage where it belongs

To be honest looking “bad” in the eyes of a (((Chapo))) is pretty much just another way of saying ‘popular and productive member of society.’

I mean they hate cops, white people, nuclear families, and people who work. So you're not wrong.

And do you want to be a popular or productive member of society? I fucking hope not.

I love how half of chapo would definitely stomp black people if they would get karma for it. Just like half the SS was made up of commie thugs who switched sides after they lost the street fights in the 1930s. It’s just whatever ideology gives them the best chance to rape and beat people they will glue themselves too.

I mean how else are they gonna get laid?

The funniest part about drama is half of the dating stories they comment on are completely fake.

I went through a bad phase in ‘14 where I would come up with relationship fail bits on throwaway

They think we're taking the bait. 😕

This is a new low even for Chapos

Odd, I'm pretty sure I've said an n-word-less version of what he changed my message to. Maybe it's a multi-alt chapo crusader?

I’m so confused the larping black guy is not comfortable with using the nword but it’s ok to call for the death of the family that literally gave him his last name Jackson?

If you try to make r/drama look bad you'll fail miserably, the sub does a good enough job doing that by itself.

Why is this dumpster fire of a subreddit not banned yet?

caring about how chapos see us is pretty sad tbh

When do I get to cut up Chapos? 🗡🗡🗡🥩🥩🥩

holy shit this is too good

Now this is good drama.

Make something entertaining, put some effort into it.

Oh no! Not that way!

this is the #1 mayocide sub on reddit, why would chapo dislike it


Imagine my surprise that commies lie