Patriots triggered by FACTS and LOGIC in /r/ImGoingToHellForThis

69  2019-06-05 by ItsSugar


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That is interesting, because did you know It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 bears, male and female, pleasing the male when she's tired, and vice versa. Slowly sliding my lips up and down his thick shaft, tasting his pre-cum on my tongue. Once he's had enough of that, he rolls over onto his back, lifting me up as though I weighed nothing. Gently placing me on his cock, I guide him in, feeling him stretch me wide open. I moan with pleasure, feeling him fill me up. He growls softly, I feel it rumble deep in his chest, vibrating all the way down his body and through mine. He continues to lift me up and then pull me down. He's doing all the work for me, it feels so good, the warmth of the fur, his paws either side of my waist. He is in total control, I'm just nothing compared to his vast size and strength, but I have total trust in him, I know he won't hurt me. I feel the pace quicken, almost imperceptibly. I slowly stroke myself, feeling myself nearing the point of no return coming closer with every stroke. I can hear the growl getting louder now; he speeds up even more, forcing me further and further down onto his thick cock. If it wasn't for the fact I my body is releasing so many endorphines, I would probably be screaming in agony. Except I am panting and whining, just like a bitch, begging her mate to fill her up. His claws dig in deeper, the pain, its excsquisite. It sends me over the edge. My head goes back, I let out a short grunt, I feel my cock explode, covering his chest fur in my seed. I keep stroking, it looks as though I'm trying to rip my cock out. I let out another grunt, another torrent flows forth, then another and another. A drop lands on the beasts muzzle. He seems confused for a moment. That's what I think. He digs his paws in even harder now and slams me onto his cock, I feel his grumble turn into a roar. He's cumming, oh my god. I can feel in, filling me up. It's undescribable. He's mating with me, he's claimed me. I feel him slow, his cock still throbbing within me, it seems as though there's no more room for his cum. It's dripping out of me, onto his fur. I reach down, and then bring my hand up, tasting him. It's more than I ever expected. It's heaven.


  1. Patriots triggered by FACTS and LOG... -,

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At least we got this snappy quote.

Imagine being born an American and NOT taking advantage of every single welfare program the US Army has to offer you.

Some people are scared though

They don't send smart people to the infantry, that's exclusive to niggas from East St. Louis and mayos from Oklahoma.

least yu have to risk your butt

Imagine spending several years of your life getting hassled by boomers just to run around in camo and not shoot anybody since the USA isn't doing anything exciting right now and technology has surpassed infantry.

You don't want to chug monsters in the desert with a bunch of dudes? What are you fucking queer? Are you? Please tell me if you are, faggot. I really wanna know.

This is the military we're talking about. You're not chugging Monsters or Red Bull in between taking pot shots at mountains.

You're chugging RIPITs and Bang while you spend 10 hours driving around a metal humvee in 110 degree weather in enough gear to make you feel like you're standing on the surface of the sun.

If you're really lucky you'll be able to drink a Bud light in your barracks while the line cook is jerking off on his bunk above you.

Imagine having no other options to reach the same wealth independently, without having to be a cuck and propaganda slave to your government and possibly dying.

Imagine being born an American and still fighting wars for Israel. Can you be anymore cucked?


Being Muslim.


You mean cuck school

I'm really surprised that sub hasn't gotten banned considering how many of the other edgy humor subs were

Some power-jannies have been mod of that sub for years. That probably helps. Even he who shall not be named was mod there for a while.

Name the Boob weakling

Who stickies such 😴😴😴 tier drama? Best part was the random anti-Israeli comment, and even that was garbage bait.

Whoever is in charge of stickies lately needs to be given the boot.

chapocels just want that jarhead dick bad

"Everyone wants to fuck a Marine." - Jarhead

except their wives 🤣

Why wait for a Marine to come home when Jody's home all the time?

He was meaning literally and figuratively

Vroom vroom dinosaur!

they hated griffinp01 because he told the truth

Like an Ibsen play

I mean yeah you COULD be doing really well for yourself at 24 if you've chosen some STEM degree and are a hard worker. But let's be real, that's nowhere near the majority of people. Most have some generic "marketing" or "psychology" degree and will work as assistant manager at Target for the next 15 years.

Ah, the classic Reddit musk. I thought it went extinct!

Where's the lie?

The meme is thinking that being successful at 24 requires you to have a degree.

I thought the meme was that redditors who are online all day aren't the ones who are gonna be successful in STEM careers, much less thinking that you don't need social skills to succeed as an engineer.

Don’t join until you are 22, don’t get married until you are 29.

This tbh

Anyone who gets married before 25 is either an allah worshipper or stupid.

Sometimes Reddit confuses me. Guy makes comment that the common factor between joining the military and having a cheating wife is that you're stupid. Gets downvoted. Some guy below him says the first guy is right. Gets heavily upvoted? Dafuq?

I full on support geniuses dying so Daddy can resell guns overseas

They hated him because he was right