Megacorps get woke and support abortion. Rightoids and can't believe that money making organizations have a vested interest in following current political opinions among their customers and SEETHE at their betrayal - "But they could have been your customers or employees!".

54  2019-06-11 by WarBoyPrimo


You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. Megacorps get woke and support abor... -,

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Arguing with people is dramatic. Arguing with people in your mind is not.

Thats like 75% of what gets posted here

Sure, there's a lot of 'updoot to gree wit muh pinions' posts, most of them are not quite this blatant though.


The opening line of that article is top shelf rightoid smugness. This is better quality than a lot of the other agenda articles posted on here.

Has it not occurred to these business leaders that unborn children will grow up to buy their products or work for their companies? Clarity of thought and expression about moral issues is not a core competency of CEOs.

Well sweety, you should start a smugness sub huh?

So right and left wing fags get angry over virtue signaling corporations.

They keep climbing the tallest boot to lick the Bussy at the top, but the boot has been lubed with fetus-blood of a thousand nigger abortions. They are giving you this 😮

They seethe and generate awareness for our corporate overlords FOR FREE. Wonder if they'll ever catch on that they're being trolled into being shills.

Imagine listening to Twitter guy say anything

The "compassionate" conservatives on national review are some of the worst. David French makes me roll over

Anyone who isnt BESPOKE alt right like richard spencer or more radical is a limp wristed faggor