Some students in r/Oberlin are miffed that their school got cucked by a small business

201  2019-06-14 by MatioLaHill


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leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Some students in r/Oberlin are miff... -,*,

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Won't someone think of the poor oppressed multibillion dollar college?

How can we let CORPORATIONS get away with this!?

All the lawyers of Reddit down voted that thread.

Is this sarcastic? God dammit man

Yes it is sarcastic.

Thank god

Redditors love pretending to be lawyers, they've memorised the Mueller report and when it comes to Oberlin, they're going to argue the appeal.

If there's one thing I've learned from reddit, it's that once you have a degree in le STEM, you are automatically qualified in all lesser disciplines, like law, psychology, economics, history, etc. -- even moreso than the plebs who have actual (worthless) degrees in those subjects.

A few of them are humanities grads too

It's a Reddit disease.

once you have a degree in le STEM, you are automatically qualified in all lesser disciplines

Where's the lie though

Gonna get rekt on appeal

A jury of small minded middle Americans who wanted to punish teh sjw college. Gave a verdict not even barely within the law. Gonna get the entire thing struck down, yahhhhh being a liberal rocks

And yet again, the Chapo supports the privileged party because they're woke smh my head to be tbh

It's watermark, he'll come back, he always does.

On appeal they will knock down the punative damages, but not over turn it. I think they have the bakery treble damages instead of the legal limit of double. So, knocked down to like $10 million punitive instead of $30 million.

Nah, they're fucked on punative. All the attorney needs to do is wave around the letter the schools general council sent out after the case that proved they learned nothing.

Maybe. You're right about the letter tho. Reading that is like reading orwell.

Family friend was telling me Oberlin's lawyers probably had a stroke when reading that letter. I mean fuck, even Smollets first legal team quit on him because he couldn't shut the fuck up.

The lady who sent it out was their “general counsel” she should have known better.

Letter link please?

You got a link?

I watched some long YouTube video on it, starts on the case at ~1:07

I don't understand how these adults can believe that what they were doing here wasn't outrageously illegal and immoral. Is our species truly doomed?


And you're so open minded your brain's fallen out, chud.

Not a chance lol.

Your schtick is normally at least a little funny, but you're trying waaaaaay too hard here.

It’s far from a multi billion dollar college. The endowment is barely 3/4 of a billion.

All the shit and land and stuff they own proplly puts them over a billy tho

I don't remember any of this Oberlin drama, but damn it feels good to see some liberal arts college get bum blasted

All colleges that aren't vocational are liberal arts colleges retard

Oberlin teaches STEM if that's what you want, that's not what a fucking liberal arts college means you fucking illiterate hick

Also this is entirely why the garbage jury gave this dumb verdict, it's also why it's illegal and is going to get overturned on appeal. Rightists can't help but censor anyone who's not a bigot, it's like all the southern juries that used to issue massive libel judgments against papers that reported in civil rights violations in the south. It's the entire reason that libel law is so narrowly defined now. This just decided to just entirely ignore the law though, fuck them. The entire judgement is going to get nullified, racist mayos are gonna eat shit.

Seethe more

I was gonna give an actual response, but then I noticed that you were one of the legion of watermarks, so I'll just leave this


Time to take some Xanax and throw back a few shots of whiskey (vodka for you I'm guessing) and calm the COPE

WM's drink of choice is mouthwash.


Thank you Watermark, your input is always valued in these discussions



the article should be cross posted to /r/painal

Silly small businesses. It’s racist to protect your property.

White people value their property above others lives, yeah its a fucking problem and fuck them

If I threaten to cut your finger off do you have the right to defend yourself?

no, thats racist if you're white.


you have 9 more fingers to use.

stop downvoting the lolcow

most of the time the property is worth more than the scumbags destroying or stealing it.

They were paying 70k per semester at school tho.

I mean, somebody was. Odds are, not them

I can never tell if youre trolling or not. If so, you have given so much effort into it, its astonishing.

Is this pasta?

Niggers aren't people tho

You've obviously never owned or run a small business, people fucking with your property IS an issue you asshole. That shit costs money to replace and a full on smear campaign like that is designed to harass anyone who steps foot in there.

Uh sweaty I think you mean lives of color


I thought they were "bodies" now?

Of course I do.

You of course are talking about the students who attacked a store employee for preventing them from stealing right?

B-but it's a private business!

You cant own property.

I can because I'm not a penniless hippy

Eventually the real wall will take of reactionary scum like you.

Excuse me. I'm not reactionary, I merely believe in the masses owning the means of production under the auspices of a leader chosen by God in his divine right.

Imagine believing in God.

Imagine not believing in the Debbie rights of kings 😅😅

I believe in myself just fine, tyvm.



What did he mean by this?

This school is hilarious. One of their staff was threatening to key the cars of anyone filming their protest. But yeah the $70,000 per semester school is the victim here.

Sounds based

Semi-based is all I can grant.

What the fuck? Got some video on that?

I don’t, I assume it’s somewhere. Came up in court docs I guess tho.

That number is for the whole year and includes room and board, books, etc. Tuition is $54k per year. But many private universities use tuition as a marketing strategy. Mine also had a high tuition (though not that high) but >90% of students got scholarships or financial aid.

In other words, instead of setting the price of tuition at $20k they made it $40k but gave practically everyone scholarships to make them feel like they were special. The full tuition was pretty much reserved for the Chinese students.

Alright. Reasonable but dumb, save for milking the Chinese.

associate professor of music theory Jan Miyake

Is there a more useless person on the planet to be weighing in on business concerns?

The artists of /r/drama ?

I'd argue we are equally useless.

I'm not weighing in tho, I'm dabbing on. Big difference!

Or maybe we can just agree that it's a dangerous legal precedent to hold corporations liable for the actions of their employees when their employees are acting in a non-official capacity / off the clock.

The actual state of leftists these days.

That means Papa John can come back cause he said nigger in the off-hours.

Based and pizzapilled.

Its like they all collectively forgot about james damore

And pappa john

yeah now they hate it lol

It's also hilarious because the school even admitted that the dean was acting in official capacity

Oops, guess it's time to call up all the Unite The Right guys and tell them they're getting their jobs back.

I would love them to explain how using school funds to provide gloves to student protesters is acting in a non official capacity

And printing all the pamphlets.

And literally endorsing the protest officially as a school.

Just a reminder that Oberlin has produced a nobel laureate in physics:

And also a nobel laureate in medicine:

Yeah let's just destroy one of our greatest centers of learning because they weren't nice enough to white people, and also because we're literal retards who don't understand what liberal arts college means. That's the conservative vision of the future, an idiot nation of people oppressed into conformity to white supremacy.

Will be struck down on appeal.

Will be struck down on appeal

We’re praying like hell it does Watermark 🙌🙌🙌


Jesus fuck, this is probably your 5th comment here, you're absolutely fucking SEETHING 😂😂😂😂😂



greatest centers of learning

sorry that's reserved for U of Wakanda

When your best alumni are from a century ago and they later went on to better schools for their advanced degrees. Lmao. Watermark comments are such a dumpster fire.


1891 and 1945.

Will be struck down on appeal.


More recently, news articles quoted students decrying the school dining hall’s sushi and Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches as cultural appropriation.

Oh it's one of THOSE places

They're in the news every other week for something retarded like that. It's the only reason I've ever heard of the school.

decrying the school dining hall’s sushi and Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches

I'm actually offended

There's a few of these ultra-faggy leftwing looneybins all around the country, and I have to wonder: how the fuck do they keep the lights on?

It reminds me of the Yale students screaming the in the Professor's face because he wrote an email people shouldn't be so sensitive about what people wore on Halloween. Like how do you feel so entitled to scream at some dude over something so trivial?

Crazy that colleges used to be the place to calmly discuss radical ideas.

Doesn't it blow your mind how these people are more insufferable than Ben "Ten Ton Terror of Tel Aviv" Shapiro and Juden "Lobster Salad" Peterstein? How is such a thing even possible?

As a radical centrist, the spergouts of the lolcows of the left and right pleases me greatly.

It's amazing that we live in the current year.

Can you really call it living

Crazy that colleges used to be the place to calmly discuss radical ideas.

LOL When? What a retard take

What a retard take

No u.

The rise of communism in the USSR and China was instigated by a bunch of pissy little limp-wristed college bois in France. Any post-secondary institution that exists to teach people ideology rather than real shit like math or science is bad for our species, change my mind.

how the fuck do they keep the lights on?

It costs 70,000 American dollars a semester and they receive a great deal of funding from the federal government

they receive a great deal of funding from the federal government

They shouldn't get a cent.

Daddy needs to cut them off, unironically.

Especially ironic since banh mi wouldn't be possible without the Vietnamese appropriating French bread.

I'll tell you what tho, the French may have colonized Vietnam, but those sandwiches colonized my taste buds. They are delicious.

The idea they would stop serving them because of some salty mayos is legit triggering to me.

Some salty mayo in my office the other day told me that learning the fact that I'm learning Japanese is problematic cultural appropriation. It definitely is an issue that I'm a subhuman weeb, I'll be the first to agree - but tf kind of person thinks that learning a language is inherently racist, and that sharing this shit-tier take is reasonable enough that you can say so in an office to someone you barely know? These people live in la la land.

Its always mayos tho. Or at best like 3rd generation immigrants. You know who loves it? Actual people from that culture!

Since Antioch is such a shit show the special kids are all going to Oberlin.

Let's be honest: this entire thing was driven by the same people (chapotards) that have struggle sessions in which they proclaim shoplifting to be a revolutionary anti-capitalist act.

Victims of slavery can’t steal. They’re just taking what’s owed to them.

Based and bound with invisible chains pilled.

I went to Oberlin once. A guy I knew said there war going to be a sweet party there and asked if I could drive him. So I drove him there and it turns out there was no party and he just wanted to buy an assload of shrooms. Whatever. We took some of the shrooms and began wandering around campus. We were passing some dorm building when a door flew open and two dudes dressed in tuxedos marched out separated by about four feet. They stopped and asked if we wanted to come to the funeral. For what? The cello string the were apparently holding between them. So me and my, I guess, friend became mourners at a cello string funeral. Then we drove back.

This fake story would've been better if it'd ended in all you dudes running a train on a young Lena Dunham

Dude, not every story needs to end with gross-out horror.


It's disgusting that this bakery tried to prevent Basketball-Americans from claiming the reparations they were due.

I was hoping to see some hot woke takes from Oberlin students but then all it was was Watermark. Let me open up the ol' Butteredtoast toolbox: 😴😴😴

Excuse me but I'll have you know Watermark is a good friend of mine and this subs treatment of him is shameful

I like watermark for all the drama here creates but I'm biased for drama anyways.

They really love to live up to the whole 'Dindu nuffin' shit

I actually gotta hand it to the shoplifters, they did come clean and actually admitted there was no racial bias

The school is only 15% black too. I like to imagine the black dudes had a huge wake-up call as they're standing there while a horde of performatively woke mayo children try to ruin the business of the people they stole from, like "oh God, what have we done?"

> black dudes

> imagining they have self reflection

Nice fantasy post

First the bakery is awesome! They have chocolate covered bacon!!!! However as a former resident of the town, it's about time the college was taken down a peg or two. It would be great to see these pampered little snowflakes have to pay as well. The college teaches them no real life skills like how to walk-they think everyone should as they jaywalk whenever they please looking at their phones with their large headphones. They jump to hysterics constantly. Before the bakery incident, there was a time where a student walked home in the wee hours of the dawn in a blanket. All of a sudden the Klan is back and news crews are everywhere. Just somebody cold doing the walk of shame home.

I'm sorry I don't have money to give you gold :(

That liberal arts degree is really paying off

Racist business making thieves apologize for stealing. They deserve what they are getting

Imagine paying a lawyer that said a 140 year old business was only worth 35k.

Your son has you for a parent so he's already fucked. I'd put 50/50 odds on regular rapist/pedophile for his future, assuming he doesn't die a heroin addict before getting the opportunity to molest anyone.

Unironically good post

Tuition goin up next year. CHOOO CHOOO

Milfed you say?

Oh. Miffed.

Or maybe we can just agree that it's a dangerous legal precedent to hold corporations liable for the actions of their employees when their employees are acting in a non-official capacity / off the clock.

Won’t anyone please think of the poor corporations!!


That school has like 2000 students are you telling me that 1/4 of them are on its sub?