Gaming forum Resetera has an pedophile problem

105  2019-06-14 by AntonioS3


Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. Gaming forum Resetera has an pedoph... -,

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One Word: Male Feminists

14 words: The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

The Dinosaurs are now our only hope.


Always glad to see my boy Ted's message being spread.

Male feminists need to stop appropriating libertarian culture

*weeb culture

I'm starting to think it's a gamer thing.

All make feminist are gamers, not all gamers are make feminist

Most people game, the majority have a life outside of it.


Please explain KiA

KiA are libertarians, not male feminists. Important distinction.

Both love underaged holes. That's why I think the theory needs to be investigated again.

wow the same shit that has been present in every community that chooses to tolerate anime profile pictures exists in resetera too. also i am laughing at the guy in the op trying to come up with an explanation for why he instantly searched the word pedo in the discord as soon as he got in as if he didnt create his catfish account looking for kompromat in the first place

Nah he was looking for some material for himself but they wouldn't give him any.

I'm shocked I tell you, shocked

i stopped reading when OP implied that the word "player" was being used to mean something like "stud" when the screenshot he posted of it was obviously referring to a "player" of a video game

reading long-ass posts from people with reading comprehension that embarrassing is just annoying

it's a foid who speaks anglo as a third language or some shit, of course it's confused

implying it isn't a dude pretending

Come on fam, we all know the drill by this point

Complains about reading comprehension, didn’t see that op is a woman whose first language isn’t English. Nice one r-slur

We're not doing that "slur" thing anymore newfriend. Please try to fit in when you post.

I’ve been banned from too many subs to take any risks

Yeah, about that. In this dumpster fire, one of our drunken, unstable mods will ban you because, today, they don't like the color purple, their victim didn't bleed enough, or someone told them that they aren't passing. Enjoy the chaos, just don't break the (((magical))) rules.

I’ve been here a while dude chill

Imagine being this dull

TFW you're so pussy that you can't even make a new account.

Yeah that’s the reason, making a reddit account takes a lot of bravery

B-b-b-but what if the admins suspend me for ban evasion :( I might get an IP ban and have to unplug my router for 30 seconds!

Changing accounts every so often is a good practice for a variety of reasons. Karma becomes meaningless, less fodder for post-history-digging retards to use, virtually zero chance of ever accidentally managing to doxx yourself over time, bans are meaningless, site-wide suspensions are meaningless. Once you just start using one throwaway after another, you rise above the jannies.

But how can I keep my karma and show off how big my peepee is if I switch accounts all the time

Really makes you think huh

Person (chick? Dude catfishing?) seems severely mentally ill. There are a couple screenshotted comments there that are sketchy but the rest are pretty boring. Wonder how much of this is because English is zher second language.

Granted any weeb forum will probably be 80% pedophiles

Neogaf targeted pedo gamers.

Pedo gamers.

You can just say gamers


Like atheism+ but instead of buttfucking kids in the name of PZ Myers, they do it in the name of Todd and Kojima.

I have never heard of PZ Myercuck and atheism+ before and I hate you for bringing it to my attention.

Myers feels the atheist movement pays too much attention to abstract metaphysics, and that the movement is too concerned about better-off white men and does not address issues connected with racial oppression, poverty, and women's issues. Myers feels the atheist movement is shooting itself in the foot with regressive social attitudes and scandals.

Mayocide fucking when

Youtube atheism was certainly something (retarded), got into YT atheism when I was super young. I remember arguing with Naturalselector89 when I was like 11 or something back when I got my first PC (used to listen/watch back in those days).

Atheism+ drama is old as fuck. Old enough to have been live-chronicled in the Encyclopedia Dramatica back when that was a thing.

Atheism v Atheism+ was unironically a prequel to all Social Justice v anti SJW shit and all the YT political commentators we have now.

It basically involved the same people at it's and the split was over the same issues, and of course they all started as some smug atheists back when it was a hot topic.


many years ago i used to read his blog, before the great wokening. he did not feel this way back then. he "chose" to feel this way after a bunch of wokies invaded his blog and angrily chased away all the sane normal commenters. in other words he's a cowardly grifter just like all the rest. fuck pz myers.

Not all pedophiles are male feminists, but all male feminists ARE pedophiles.

I mean this is pretty boring, also they bring up the dude is 18 and the girl is 15, so I don't know, kill him? I mean jesus christ this is boring.


Out out out!

Gee, a militant SJW forum that's full of pedophiles? Who would've thunk.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Resetera exist because NeoGaf was corrupted and infiltrated by pedophile jannies?

Not really, the mod team destabilised the site and fostered the outrage culture there until one accusation was enough to move the community to a new "free and transparent new forum" that predictably turned out to be worse than GAF ever was during the time those mods were in charge at GAF.

No, Resetera exists because Neogaf wasn't Male Feminist enough.

The Neogaf jannies were ungood no-no thinkers.

That was before I discovered Resetera was full of disturbed and dangerous people.


Are you Antonioofvenice?

not pedocriminal per see

If this were SRD, I’d make this my new flair.

Everyone's a pedooooo

Everything is cool when you cum on a teen

Honestly, that was pretty weak

Their minds so warped they don't mind sharing a website with pedophiles