Daddy really wants WW3 with Iran.

33  2019-06-15 by GodOfDarknessWine


If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. Daddy really wants WW3 with Iran. -,

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It’s been surreal to watch this play out in real time.

Were you not around for the build up to Iraq?


with Iran

Pick one sweaty.

Btw what's with daddy's gripe with Iranians, did a Persian cuck him at Wharton or something?

Military industrial complex and Saudi Arabia and Israel.

He has totally cucked American interests to Bibi, MBS and MBZ it seems!!

I still remember how Alex Jones and DDF used to go crazy over mommy's links to KSA during 2016, but they have completely flipped their stance now.

The right are the true nihilists in 2019.

Nah, nihilists just reject the idea of life mattering in anyway. Post-modernists are the one refuting reality as subjective.

The right are the true post modernist in 2k19.

That isn't the only type of nihilism. There's moral nihilism too.

There's moral nihilism too.

It's about rejecting morality tho. Rejecting literally everything including reality is pretty much unique to post modernists.

Fuck I know an irl post modernist that I could make very mad by pointing out that the american rights are the best post modernist politicians in the world.

You'd also piss off most right wing post modernists by pointing that out to them

Those exist ? I mean, beyond memerson ?

They don't realise they are is what I'm saying.

They don't realise they are is what I'm saying.

Ah, yeah, that was what I meant. I was wondering if some called themselves post modernists, tbh.

Actually reading back my response saying "most" implied that there were people who did call themselves post modernists lol

But most moral frameworks don't openly cater to hypocrisy.

Get better moral frameworks, fam.

Post-modernists are the one refuting reality as subjective.

you literally have no idea what you are talking about retard. Atleast read the wikipedia page before vomitting your jordan p. memerson unwashed penis philosophy on us

You are a complete retard.

Many postmodern claims are a deliberate repudiation of certain 18th-century Enlightenment values. Such a postmodernist believes that there is no objective natural reality, and that logic and reason are mere conceptual constructs that are not universally valid.

a postmodernist believes that there is no objective natural reality

directly contradicts you

Post-modernists are the one refuting reality as subjective.

If they refute no objective reality... then reality is subjective.

Like, literally how much more brain dead retarded can you get than not even being able to read what you wrote? Did you get kicked out of remedial english before they taught you the difference between "subjective" and "objective."

Even wikipedia is wrong, but at least they aren't so catastrophically and retardedly wrong as you are. Imagine being more subhuman than the starbucks barrista that writes philosophy wikipedia pages.

If they refute no objective reality... then reality is subjective.

Yes, they refute reality as subjective. They refute reality, making it for them subjective.

Holy fucking cow imagine failing that hard at reading comprehension, you absolute mongoloid.

They refute reality... The refutation apply to reality

No, no... you fucking retard. Read the wikipedia paragraph you just posted.

Such a postmodernist believes that there is no objective natural reality, and that logic and reason are mere conceptual constructs that are not universally valid.


This is a level of retardation I've never seen before. To actually think there is a philosophical doctrine that refutes reality...


It's almost as if idea can exist regardless of the medium used to vehiculate those idea.

Beside it's not even a new idea solipsism is like 2.5k years old.

You clearly don't really understand the words you are using.

Reality is what exists or what we perceive to exist. It isn't a medium that "vehiculates" anything.

U guys r cute,u should fuck

It isn't a medium that "vehiculates" anything.

So you are saying that reality isn't needed for philosophy ? I agree, but that goes back to what I was saying, fam.

I get what you're saying, but you did phrase it awkwardly and shoulder the blame, as the speaker.

I would like to disagree but I can't, so I am gonna call you a faggot. Faggot.

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The right are the true nihilists in 2019.

Nihilism is the only coherent political ideology in 2019 friend.

Francis Fukuyama wasn't wrong when he predicted the end of the ideology it's just that cold war marked the end of political sanity.

So in 2019, we have 'Socialists' who think that open borders are a good idea and Conservatives who think that climate change is a Chinese hoax.

Trump was literally bragging about personally making money from Saudi Arabia during the election while also attacking Clinton for being too friendly with Saudi Arabia:

The reality is, these people just do not care about facts. Trumplican views are basically just based on what makes liberals mad. They'll completely flip stances in an instant if they think they can piss off liberals.

We have a serious problem on our hands and nobody seems to want to admit it. These people are not normal, we have a large portion of the population that has decided anti-liberalism is the only political view that matters, everything else is just up in the air.

If Trump came out tomorrow and said he was a communist, /r/The_Donald would put the hammer and sickle on their sidebar and start claiming to have always been communists.

Trumplican politics is about aesthetic, nothing else.

It is mildly impressive how Daddy has managed to harness anti-liberal negative nationalism to his own ends.

Shias are cucks

Shias are cucks

t. Sunnicel.

I’m neither but it was the most butthurt-inducing thing I could think of

I don't think you thought very hard then

Look I’m working with fewer brain cells and more chromosomes then the rest of you, give me a break

It's over for chromosomelets.

I am a chromosome Chad 🤪

but it was the most butthurt-inducing thing I could think of

t. American.

I can't imagine Russia or China would be happy with the US outright declaring war on Iran.

can't imagine Russia or China would be happy

They won't be happy but they won't go to war either. America still rules the seas and will do so for the next decade.

They will help Iran overtly and covertly but I think America will get fucked pretty bad in case of an invasion of Iran. Iranians are pretty competent and I have never met a more proud people.

JohnnyBolton would like to know your location

Would be delicious irony for Iran to get fucked by America after all their violent “death to America” shit they promote.

Would still be a useless war.

Y'know I have my gripes with Saudi Arabia but they are comedy geniuses. Not only did they do 9/11 (the single funniest event of the century), having their retarded dogsitter bomb the shit out of their biggest enemy is also pretty hilarious.

As if random Americans are not promoting violence against Iran every day. As if the president of America did not literally threaten a total genocide of the Persian people. Americans are a violent and bloodthirsty people who want nothing but dead innocents.

following meeting with the Army Air Force commanders, he declared Iranian nation are not against American people, in fact down with the USA means down with Trump, John Bolton, and Pompeo as well as down with the American politicians.[9][10]

As it Americans would ever qualify their bloodlust like this. Americans want every Iranian dead, especially the innocent, just because of their religion, because Americans are death worshippers. As if you aren't wishing violence in Iranians right now, you violent genocidal hypocrite.

Down with Trump, John Bolton, Pompeo, and the american politicians. Long live Iran and glorious Persian civilization.

You're really boring.


So if they didn't do it, how'd it happen?

Israel or Saudis


I know, I just wanted to make someone else say it.


wasn't it their oil they bought or they were coming to buy their oil or something

wasn't it their oil they bought or they were coming to buy their oil or something

Doesn't matter, this will raise prices enough that they can take the hit.

“I do not see Trump as worthy of any message exchange, and I do not have any reply for him, now or in future,” Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said.


Can we please invade somewhere nice for a change

Always sand, but never a beach in sight.

Imagine thinking anywhere in the tropics that isn't a small sheltered pacific island is "nice".

at least there's beaches.