Chapo frat house invades a music sub to remind you to kill cops and open borders

180  2019-06-22 by Platyranger


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I hope that this is the end. r/Drama has a unique way of bringing out the worst in people. It really does, I think. The dynamic here is just so fucking toxic and it turns people into the worst possible people they can be.

Drama is an addiction. It should be classified as something more like heroine or meth than a game.

The legacy of Drama has been written large in blood, quite literally. Several Drama posters have committed mayocide, and this place enabled their downward spirals. u/DarqWolff's insanity was made far worse by this place. I've come to the conclusion that the internet, as a social platform, was a mistake.

It radicalizes people by isolating them with other people just like them and so they spiral into the worst versions of themselves. Drama made me a worse person, and it's made most of you worse people. It's been the breeding ground of pedophile groomers, alt-right killers, and suicidal narcissists. This place is a total fucking shithole and I spent three years of my life that I'll never get back immersed in it. It was a total waste and I'm going to regret this period of my life for the rest of my existence as will most of you.

Even the most moral people have been made worse for being here. I think that the fundamental issue with Drama is that due to the way reputations work, betrayal, secret cabals, two-faced bs, and bad faith negotiation isn't just prioritized, it's the only effective way to operate. Being a huge piece of shit to everybody around you and tearing them down like crabs in a bucket isn't just a viable strategy, it's actually the only viable strategy once Drama reached a certain size. It's all just a bunch of assholes circlejerking over how bad all the other assholes are, because it's impossible to do anything else short of outright genociding anybody who poses any sort of threat to Drama's security and dominance.


  1. Chapo frat house invades a music su... -,,

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I'll never understand this.

We live in a house as siblings/roomies/strangers whatever and we both build it but more often than not, it's me who does it and you tag along and you want more and more money every time. So, one day, in the middle of our ongoing dispute, you decide you will allow people into the house, people you don't know and have no obligation or a right to invite. You put them in the basement and then take more of my money to give to them and you call me names when I ask why. Then you invite more and more and the basement becomes crowded and shit starts happening so I call police to help me out get them out. But you start resisting my efforts, actively and with prejudice. You start letting everyone in the basement know to hide when I try to get them out. However, you still isn't I pay for everything including your mentally unstable empathy tripping. And you still call me names.

This is an Act I of a horror movie.

It really gets me pissed off when my parents came here legally and were just as poor. Seeing people defend those who come illegally is fucking insane.

If I'm understanding correctly, you built America basically by yourself? Facebook-tier boomer rant.

Who built Mexico?

Facebook rants.

How much you need this time?

I built America by having sex with African ladies.

This is a melting pot.


We built America by kicking the goblinos out of Texas, and we don't intend to let them back in now.

37% of Texas is taco


Those are rookie numbers. You've got to smash those numbers down!

> hardcore

> music


Worst yet, OP is from Florida and he's a druggie.

Because only in weed induced dreams can he get a stiff one while imagining how papa stalin fucks his wife, then gives her to Beria to torture and sends him to Vorkutlag.

Fuck I hate the fags at hardcore shows so goddamn much and the sub is 10x worse. Let’s listen to loud cheesy tough guy music and hit each other in the pit but don’t you dare say anything mean to a minority or a woman or a fag. What was that saying about sticks and stones lol. not to mention the second a woman is anywhere near the pit at one of these shows all the guys make damn well sure to steer clear of them because you will still get your ass beat for windmilling some fat girl during a breakdown

These antifags are invading the black metal scene, too. Black Metal. A genre that was founded on pagan mythology, anti-christianity, hate, arson, and murder. But if your band so much as says "Ukraine for Ukrainians!" you'll get your show shut down by whiny edgelords threatening violence all while telling you to shun hate.

Black metal is trash tho

You’re entitled to your opinion but u r also wrong

Come on bro, a black metal band playing folk gave us the greatest RESIST song OF ALL TIME.

I thought Deafheaven was screamo postmetal


I had never listened to them until I saw them live. I went to see some postrock band who opened for them. I think it might have been 'this will destroy you' but I honestly don't even remember now. That ginger weirdo sure can scream his head off. Sounded like a bag of chipmunks in a blender. I listened to that sunbather album on spotify a couple of times and it was alright but not really my thing. That crowd was packed wall to wall with insufferable hipster douchebags. One of those weird situations where you could tell that literally everyone in the room thinks they are better than literally everyone else in the room.

One of those weird situations where you could tell that literally everyone in the room thinks they are better than literally everyone else in the room.

This has plagued every metal genre since late 1990s tbh.

In that decade, there were posers, people who hung around a musical scene and used it as a justification for their lifestyle. Cue the 2000s, and you have hipsters, the more obscure they "claim" their taste to be, the more it makes you look like a sheeple in contrast.

Hipsters are what happens when a social scene invades a musical movement. Most people listen to music because they enjoy it, hipsters use music as a means to having a social life.

The funny thing about metal is it's an inherently absurd genre so anyone who takes it the least bit serious comes off like a total dweeb to me regardless of how cool they think they are. With metal I generally love the music but hate the vocalists. That's why I only listen to BABYMETAL now. Both because I'm that. fucking. cool. and I love how it pisses of fart-sniffing metal purists. I'm like "LMAO dude! Give it a rest dude! Nobody thinks you are a demon bro! You're a fucking clown bro!" Good grief, at least that little jap girl knows how to sing.

Yeah, nice bait and all -_-

Was worth a try. The punk rock elitist in me still can't help but try and shit on metal autists


God I hate music genres

What did deafheaven do?

Flooded the scene with Bay Area hipsters.

country and western are the only real genres.

Free Varg from yt jail

So you just don’t like a music scene cause they hold you accountable for your speech about “a minority or a woman or a fag” ?

That is a pretty elementary mindset, but that makes sense judging by your headache inducing lack of grammar or cohesiveness in your comments.

Find a hobby, do something constructive or positive, being an edgelord on the Internet is lame as fuck.

I hate that they’re still trying to cancel laid2rest for saying faggot during that one breakdown I hate that XservitudeX got cancelled because the singer said my niggas in a group chat to his friends I hate that they’ll still try to cancel Ian mckay after fucking 30 years for his song about getting picked on being white in an all black school and I hate gorilla biscuits whole fuck off nazi punks think on their last reunion show like there were going to be white laced leather boot full blown skinhead nazis there if they hadn’t performed. I love the music but anyone interested in hardcore has a learning disability and has permanently decreased their iq with minor concussions in the pit

Nobody is trying to cancel Ian MacKaye lmao, and if they are I must’ve missed that.

I respect you standing for something you believe in and sticking to it, but you do realize it would take so much less effort out of your life to just acknowledge that these are slurs and are highly offensive as opposed to trying to be an internet free speech warrior and bitching on reddit about how big of pussies people are for having common courtesy when it comes to their lexicon.

You’re really shit talking a music scene because it’s trying to make create a positive community, the only thing it’s really asking is for you to not be racist and not be homophobic and for some odd reason, you’re upset about that.

Lastly, why the fuck do you care so much lol? If you hate this scene so much, stop wasting your fucking time on reddit trying to rally up some edgelords on of all things, r/drama , to go raid r/hardcore . That shit is fucking churlish.

That OP is some dateless weed farming tankie Larper (literally subscriber of moretankiechapo) from Florida and yet he calls up pathetic?

A dark day for drama indeed.

ICE is more than “a group we don’t like” you fucking moron.

They are tools of the imperialists, and their purpose is to rip undocumented people from their own homes, and place them in what most people now agree are concentration camps. They’re dehumanized; stripped, and forced to sleep on dirt and concrete floors, and hardly have access to basic necessities.

Lol he should see how Russia, China or pretty much 98% of the world deals with illegal immigrants. American detention camps are a dream compared to a lifetime of slavery in Qatar and the like

Lol he should see how Russia, China or pretty much 98% of the world deals with illegal immigrants.

That shouldn't matter to how we treat them. They should be treated humanely. Even prisoners get toothbrushes, unlike newly detained illegal immigrants.

The US government should make these camps even more inhumane just to make these activists angry tbh.

How about a 1:1 trade for anyone over 25 without a college degree. If you couldn't get it done by 25 then you get to go to Guatemala while some Guatemalan kid won't squander his chances.

Good idea. Also cute latinas should be allowed regardless of their qualifications 😍👾. You can exchange fat mayo foids and of course chapos regardless of educational qualifications and employment.

1 Venezuelan for 1 Chapo poster.

Sounds pretty racist tbh

Trading mayos for slightly darker mayos


anyone over 25 without a college degree.



If we kick out the losers, then who will I have to look down on though?

The immigrants? Duh.

Racism is for proles.

It's not racism. They're the new kids and they need to be hazed like all the new kids get hazed.

So trade all the blacks for Guatemalans?

How about a 1:1 trade for anyone over 25 without a college degree.

That means all the NEETs, no matter race, creed, religion, sex.

Solution to the student debt crisis: Send every loser English major from state school to central america, replace them with good, devout Hondurans trying to escape gang violence

or... all the NEETs like I already said. It's not that complicated. Don't have a skill? Don't have a degree? GTFO! You had your chance, you didn't try. Now it's someone else's turn.

Implying the vast majority of college grads aren't actually retarded.
I went to college and I wouldn't trust the vast majority of people there with steak knives much less democracy.

Castizos only tho.

i'd take it.

Yes, it does. This favorable treatment compared to those places emboldens these illegals to tempt their fate in the West.

There is zero obligation to provide them with a standard of living you or they would never receive anywhere else. Because it gets abused quickly.

Goblinos aren't human.

They should be treated humanely.


Fuck commies and chapofags, but ICE should be disbanded tbh. They were created under circumstances that allow for passing of laws that don't benefit America. Remember ICE is not a legacy organization, we had other immigration agencies before them.

Disband ICE, replace with Imperial Space Marines Ballistic Repatriation Legions

replace it with gamers


Tabletop gamers at that

First task of the Space Force.

Nah ICE should be given more funds and more gun just because they make the commies seethe so much. And that's from a non-burger.

Dude he should see how fucking MEXICO does lol

It's so embarrassing to read them complain about cops when their pasty mayo asses are the first ones to go crawling to them for help when needed

Implying they've ever had to deal with criminals.

What do you mean?

They fight fascist hate-crimes on the internet everyday.

Out here tryna act buddy buddy with minorities meanwhile I'd bet they don't even know why niggas wear a do rag and what fonto is.

I usually hate tossing the term "nazi" around so casually. But this is like a well-dressed Kristallnacht and it's a fucking travesty


My favorite is the part of “they are separating kids from adults!!” Well holy shit I would fucking hope so. Please tell me what happens if you get a DUI with ur kids in the car? They don’t Throw you in a fucking holding cell with your 10 and 5 year old with 30 grown men ffs. I don’t understand this. Of course not all the people crossing over would hurt these kids etc, but out of the 10s of thousands don’t you think it might be a few people in there willing to abuse them?

fuck ICE and fuck cops. shoot back at them.


shoot back at them.

Yes, do that. That would be hilarious, like a chappo version of Waco.

How ironic would it be instead of a shoot out they just R2-C4 them the way dallas did their hero michah johnson? They thing it’s going to be this grand standoff and nope.

tbh the law enforcement only needs to block chapos access to their dilation station to force surrender

I don't think I'd be able to figure out if I should cum or laugh

The astroturfing is insane. The top comments are always other tankies saying "Wow, I support this in my sub!"

Yep the fascist is government which is why you’re allowed to say it’s fascist and say all your retarded opinions online with no recourse

Importing tons of low education people with little legal recourse to tank the cost of labor and OWN the fascist capitalists epic style!

I usually hate tossing the term "nazi" around so casually. But this is like a well-dressed Kristallnacht and it's a fucking travesty

Arresting criminals, but coordinated, is Kristallnacht

Fuck ICE, fuck the president, fuck the cops, fuck anyone okay with this or "too busy" to worry about what's going on. People should fight for people on their level, not accept that some aren't content.

I really hope that this person and the people who upvoted him are under 20 years old.

Nazi punks fuck off

You know that their "hard core" music is shit when they're still quoting long dead 80's punk bands.

Also, apparently they're cool with Nazis mods as long as they're mods. That's problematic.

I have a genuine question: how do you picture a society without police. Do you think it would work out? If not, what would you change?

Posts an old guy with pants down.


I like how they're deliberately trying to obscure the truth by playing semantics with the definition of "concentration camp." Yes, this technically meets the definition of "concentration camp." Yes, the nazi extermination camps are often called "concentration camps." No, that does not mean that not giving someone a toothbrush is equivalent to the nazi gas chambers.

It's an attempt to obscure the issue by playing word games, and it's not even doing it well.

They actually do that very well as they are back by the mainstream media.

Nah normies aren't buying that shit at all. It's seriously weak.

I thought the majority of US younger generations are center-left leaning? Or they are just apolitical?

They are, but they're center-left because they sort of vaguely agree with SJW types while being annoyed by their tactics and not really listening all that closely most of the time because, being normies, they have actual shit to do with their lives.

If you try to convince a random person on the street, even in a shitlib bastion like San Francisco or New York, that ICE detention centers are equivalent to nazi concentration camps, they're gonna look at you like you're crazy and immediately poke holes in your stupid semantic games. They'll accept that ICE camps are bad, but they won't eat this retarded histrionic LITERALLY HITLER bullshit.

I wish. It's totally weak but minimally engaged non-fetanyl Americans 100% think Trump invented the child cages and that any attempt by Republicans to address the issue can only be motivated by racism.

Did the Nazis give toothbrushes to the Jews before slaughtering them? No. That’s why these concentration camps are evidence that Drumpf will eventually make them into death camps.

We are trying to prevent the next Auschwitz while others ignore the facts.

This is partially some bad advice. For some circumstances cops don't need warrants and if you get in their way and try to block them you could easily be charged. It's much better to file a complaint/ get a lawyer and go after them, then if you end up getting charged for blocking an investigation or something.

I unironically support chapos going to war with police because I know they would lose and the planet would be better off without them.

Is there a reason the admins let the chapos roam about everywhere unbridled

there’s plenty of well regarded criticism with regard to the functional differences between a proletarian state and a bourgeois state, i’m not gonna get into this in this thread, because that’s not what it’s for.

uhm sweaty, it's the People's boots i lick, know the difference ok?

Why don't we close the borders and kill them?

I messaged the moderators to tell them that they're being brigaded and I got banned...

Genuine question. Obviously admins cracked down on this sub for brigading others hence the automod shit.

Why is it Chapo, hands down the worst offender to date, is able to get away with this type of crap?

Because chapo isnt outraged over.

They get a decent amount, not as much as they should. Really the biggest difference between it and TD is Chapo is way more successful at swarming subs/posts.

While a right wing sub might take over a post for a few hours, Chapo puts threads on lockdown for almost a day typically. Nothing better to do (like having a job) than f5 and downvote/upvote shit on reddit all day long.

I think the reason is that chapo isnt targeted by retards on subs like ahs and generally not targeted by the leff leaning idiots on reddit.

Chapo's too pathetic for anyone to cry to the admins about them and admin enforcement of policy is 100% dedicated to shutting up whoever screeches the loudest at any given time.

The right-wing SJWs who would bother to mass-report them have more or less already been driven off the site.

It's weird how these "thousands of families" weren't ripped apart when they knew their place. The kids will be eating shit when they're in the grave because their parents try to bumrush the US without keeping them healthy : )

At least it's the entitled parents who have to live it down. Maybe one will eventually learn from it. Not our loss.

This is pretty much classic hardcore scene. It's always been populated by vegans, straight edgers, and other no fun types. Back in the day there were even fucking straight edge 'gangs' that would go to shows and dog pile anyone drinking or smoking and then wonder why bars and other venues didn't want to host any of them.

Lol the guy's username is moderate. Yet he posts in all the comments in all the commie subs.

Punk music is so gay