"The Trans athlete debate has nothing to do with sports", contracel blurts.

138  2019-06-26 by 2Manadeal2btw


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. "The Trans athlete debate has nothi... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Remember: if an athlete is trans they're cheating, just ignore them when it comes to determining who won.

How are they even cheating? They are women

Tbh, at this point I'm seriously unsure if this is sarcasm or not.

Either way his bait is weak

Made him delete his whole account. Damn.

Am I now a cyber bully? šŸ¤”

You post in /r/drama. You automatically fall under one of two categories: lolcow or cyberbully. Evidence is pointing towards the latter now.

Then I am Schrodinger's shitlord

I'm okay with trans athletes competing against women without any restrictions. They will blow the current records away and prevent another woman from reaching that level. It will be really funny.

Jesus, could you be any more fucking borning. Hurr, maybe one day the women's Olympic curling team with be all men. Hilarious! šŸ˜’

My proposal: any man can compete in any women's sport provided he wears a head full of dollar store hair extensions, some lee press on nails, a pair of payless pumps, and a face full of dollar store make up and so on. Disqualified if his mascera runs or he loses a nail, etc.

Jesus, could you be any more fucking boring. Hurr, maybe one day the women's Olympic curling team with be all men. Hilarious! šŸ˜’

Seething cope!

lol, the cure for being annoyed by something is to hope it turns into a full-blown fiasco.

u doth protest too much, lady

yeah, if you could just quit šŸ’©manšŸ’©splaining and šŸ’©manšŸ’©existing on my comment, that would be great. šŸ˜¤

This, but unironically.

Might even makes womyns sports worth to watch.

Because they're biological males competing with women.

AndšŸ‘ that's šŸ‘ašŸ‘ good šŸ‘thing

they are women but not female, which is what matters wrt sports.

They are women but

No. They are men wanting to be treated like most women are treated.

They are women

no, since woman = adult human female

but not physiologically female

aka not women

any1 can be anything if u play with definitions enough

My penis doesn't get hard so I disagree.

Why do you hate trans people? do you think they are not valid? do you think they do not exist? this type of abject hate just has no place on the internet (a tool that exists for the expansion of human knowledge, and nothing else)

They aren't people.

Hating anything besides other humans is hypocritical and so I'd never do it.

anime culture reference in username

have you raped any kids yet or are you waiting until your 2d girlfriend leaves you for bbc


That's also how you were born.

I would like to say u should stop raping kids it isn't cool u should also cut off the anime for good measure

How about stop cutting yourself and seek mental help?

The thing about trans folk is that the debate is controversial for good reasons, as despite all the autism from both sides it still brings up interesting questions that society has to face.

The nature of pedos legitimizes that they aren't people as there is no moral side to raping innocents. You (a pronoun which shouldn't be use as it identifies you as a person but the English language doesn't really have any subsitutes) have no ground to stand on and have no place to be the arbiter of any moral issue.

Kids are gross and I'll never have them tbh.

It's cool that your mum bought you a projector last week, but I don't really care about it.

yeah no, the trans community are the ones who constantly start slinging mud and accusing bigotry the second facts don't coddle their mentally addled minds. I've seen this exact debate start and get derailed by a tranny claiming "only TERF's say that". Little unsettling how many tranny's are involved in big tech.

Isn't pedophilia the mental illness here why am I the one getting therapy

Because you're projecting your mental illness onto me and it's not cool man.

you could choose to not advertise your pedophilia and make a new account don't know what you expect when you put it in ur username tbh

Kids don't have boobs but ok.

classic anime pedophile trying to argue masturbating to 14 yos isnt pedophilia

14yos don't have boobs but ok

lol ok sure

The fact that you don't believe that I'd know better about what kids look like when I rape them 24/7 just basically proves that I am not a pedo.

then why does your username have the word pedophile in it

Cucks are supposed to be submissive losers, not pretentious faggots who tell others what to do.

who said I'm a cuck?. also interesting how ur dodging ur pedo allegations u must have accepted it that's the first step to healing good on you

Cuck is literally the first word in your username.

uh no it isnt


ya the first word is cuckime not cuck what's ur point? do you normally go into an epileptic fit like this when u see those four letters next to each other?


do you want me to call a doctor

Ouch, you got them there! Anime-related usernames totally invalidate completely valid points!

The humanity!

do you use this sub to have real arguments I really only like the part where you insult other users maybe thats just me

I read it to keep up on current events. Drama really isnā€™t my thing, but it helps me keep up with current happenings.

You talk about having real arguments over insulting after literally implying that I do nothing but rape kids all day.

do you only rape on the weekend

Mental šŸ‘ Illness šŸ‘

Awesome bait

dont downvote the baitdramacels


Uh no

Sweaties, pls, we are all equal. Who cares about the #4221 overall best not being a man? If they wanna earn some money they can either stop being lazy and beat men, or do some gussy and trussy competitions on Twitch and chaturbate.

Trans people should only compete against tran people


Disabled people compete against disabled, mentally disabled shouldn't be any different in that regard.

No, sorry. It's way funnier to see lame guys defeating women

Specially when people who hate sports start pretending women's sports is the shit

Trans people should only compete against train people. Rumor has it that 40% already do...

Look at how many of them finish their arguments or include the phrases ā€œsports donā€™t matterā€ or ā€œI never cared about sports ball anyway.ā€ Thatā€™s why so many of them simply donā€™t get it. They donā€™t know why anyone would get upset about this because they donā€™t care. Honestly I donā€™t give a shit about womenā€™s sports either but this is fucking stupid.

Tbf I like sports but couldn't care less about women's sports.

Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. I just know if I was a girl and played sports this would make me livid. Even if I have a daughter in the future this would bother me. I know Iā€™m serious posting but my tolerance runs out here. Iā€™ve even seen some places that make FtMs compete with the girls and thatā€™s a problem too. In that case theyā€™re girls essentially on steroids.

If all foids were replaced with doinked up bussy, I might actually tune in.

Youā€™ll care once the womenā€™s teams are filled with men.

well yeah, it might be marginally more interesting than watching junior varsity sports.

It's just a massive own goal really.

Later in the thread

Sports are a luxury; Anything that flows from the existence of sport is therefore also a luxury.

The ā€œtrans athlete debateā€ isnā€™t actually about sports

The ā€œdebateā€ is nothing more than a distraction, a smokescreen, a facade, to take attention away from trans people receiving rights and real issues facing the trans community.

Like, if they don't matter, if they are a luxury, then I can make an argument that it's ok if no trans people are allowed to compete before we determine if it's fair, right?

They really aren't helping themselves here as their claims just opened this argument for me.

Thatā€™s a good point. They are dunking on themselves with those lines. They see oppression everywhere they look. Some are even upset that allies arenā€™t coming far enough. ā€œTrans women are womenā€ literally isnā€™t enough for them. Fuck me if I donā€™t want my girlfriend to have a penis I guess. Iā€™d consider myself incredibly tolerant but I should go even farther to not be a bigot? Iā€™ll offer my sympathy and support but itā€™s becoming increasingly clear Iā€™ll never satisfy particular wings of the community.

That's why you never give an inch to begin with. Trannies are mentally ill and if you don't tell them to fuck off immediately they'll be demanding you suck their "female" dick. The worst thing they'll do is call you a transphobe, which means shit all as long as your career isn't in selling to SJWs.

Even starving third worlders play soccer. If only we could ping

Not only that, but Third World Africans own Liverpool jerseys and held their own championship parade. People care about sports because competition is a basic human instinct. I have a lot of sympathy towards progressive causes but the amount of people who don't see how much competition, you know, the thing that even the most basic fucking life form engages in, is completely natural. Rigging competition by putting yourself in a category that you cannot fit into without unnatural methods is, well, unnatural and I completely understand why a large portion of the population is against trannies. I'm probably going to be labeled alt-right for this, even though I think they are more retarded than the libs, but fuck me for actually embracing the theory of evolution.

Weā€™ve been playing sports since, well, maybe forever. Iā€™m gonna assume most contrapoints are leftists as well, because this idea that the ā€œpoor doesnā€™t need but food, whatever and shelterā€ is exactly what these people thinkā€.

People care about sports because competition is a basic human instinct.

Woah, comrade, that sounds awfully hierarchical of you.

The only thing I know about women's sport is that the USWNT is annoying and I want them to lose. I root against all American women in international competition.

If sports don't matter, why do they care if trans people play at all? What a stupid fucking argument.

I don't give a shit if you're trans but there is a reason we separate men and women in sports -- biology is a real bitch and someone's feelings getting hurt isn't worth women getting the shit beat out of them by biological males.

wanting to take away the ability for women to participate fairly in sports because you personally don't care because you're a lazy fatass

like fuck me, even i quit a sport because i was literally too lazy to get up in the morning for practice, and i haven't been into any sport since then, but even i don't see why these retards are so hellbent on destroying women's sports

like, even if you accept the "transwomen = women" meme, the biological arguments still remain. unless these people are literally so delusional that they've convinced themselves sexual dimorphism don't real, they literally just don't give a fuck about women's sports being destroyed, yet they will still unironically consider themselves "progressive" and "feminist"

it's actually mindboggling

unless these people are literally so delusional that they've convinced themselves sexual dimorphism don't real

As far as I can tell, they have.

A couple of weeks ago, we had someone screeching that the feminine penis was, biologically, a completely different organ from the masculine penis. And any skepticism = bigotry. Twitter was canceling people for doubting whether transwomen got periods a few months back.

yeah, i mean, a woman was banned from badwomensanatomy from pointing out how a mtf neo""""vagina"""" wasn't an actual vagina. i'd like to think these people are just ignorant and grossly misinformed, because if they've truly been brainwashed into rejecting the truth, that is honestly frightening. these people are going to peddle this rhetoric, and newer generations will be "taught" this, and very soon we might have a population where the majority thinks women can have dicks and a surgical hole is comparable to a vagina, and any criticism gets you labeled as an -ist and cancelled

anyways dude trussy lmao

That only works if you hang out in feminist/SJW circles. They have no power over you if you don't want to associate with them anyway.

Reddit's weird way of trying to sound cool about hating sports by calling it "sports ball" is the cringiest shit in the world. You would look like a total fagget if you said that in real life.

that's usually how it goes with the whole sjw thing tho isn't it? astroturfing fuckbois with zero interest in the franchise or competition or subculture or whatever they're currently ruining

Massive cope

who cares it's just a game were talking about human rights

Oh dear. How are the sports fans not convinced?

More trans women in combat sports tbh.

300lb newfoids ripping chicks arms off in MMA would be dank.

Locked This is a No No topic, You will not do it again Jannie says so.

I love how misogynistic they are lmao

it's kind of insane / hilarious how a feminist group can be taken over by a majority of men and trans women who then collectively decide "actually, cis women voices don't matter." if i still cared about this stuff id be furious lmao

I feel like this can only be sustained so long. I've noticed in my (purely anecdotal) personal experience, every woman who ends up interacting with this type of mentality personally almost instantly goes semi-TERFy. And it's not like I live in Nebraska or some shit, these are your stereotypical Coastal EliteTM big city liberals. Someone posted an article about how Millennials and Zoomers have decreased in there support for LGBT+ for like 3 years straight, and you gotta wonder if it's just young women getting tired of being told that men in wigs' opinion of "women's issues" are more important than their own.

It's people in general getting tired of LGBT+ saturation. Same thing happened after desegregation and the sexual revolution - once the legal discrimination is repealed, normal people leave the movement, but it continues to get a lot of press and the whackjobs still activist-ing turn off the majority. Give it a few years and most of the media and corporations and whatnot will get the hint and start treating them as not representative of your average gay person.

People were plenty sick of radfems and dashiki-wearing soul brothas by the end of the 1970s, just as we'll all be sick of transthletes and lispy queers by the mid 2020's.

Men do everything better.

If I weren't already a TERF this thread would have made me one tbh




That thread has cured my dysphoria and turned me into a TERF.

Fucking entitled bastard woman-hating males with uncontrollable sissies fetishes.

Based and feministpilled

this is a perfect example of

"trans women are a uniquely Oppressed(tm), and thus deserve all of these things"

and also

"trans women are literally the exact same as cis women, and if you give cis women anything you're being exclusionary"

So... Are you just completely disregarding the opinion of the multiple cis-women who claim that they are being disadvantaged?

yeah. it's bollocks.


We've come full circle. The "left" is now arguing that women's opinions on women's matters matter less than any man who throws on a dress and declares themselves a woman, and you're an evil conservative dinosaur who's on the wrong side of history if you even try to point out how fucking ridiculous that sounds. Like, for fuck's sake guys, I'm definitely a 'liberal' but I also know how testosterone in teenagers works. It is CLEARLY advantageous.

they're either a) so delusional they think sexual dimorphism isn't a thing or b) they know but simply don't give a fuck about women's sports, and would be happy see it get destroyed by a small minority (or possibly c), both a) and b)). """"left"""" indeed, how these people can consider themselves progressive is just mind bogging

ContraPoints is a smart person who is beloved by idiots. Sorta like Destiny on spirolactone.

It's amazing that the Janitor thinks that article says what they claim it says. "no distinguishable physical advantages over cis women in sports" is not said at all. It's sort of implied that the restrictions are good enough of a handicap, but definitely doesn't make any claim to remove physical advantages. I'm also suddenly curious on makes men taller than women, and whether trans women are proven to get shorter.

Also, lol at trans men having 0 restrictions. If you wanna try to make it as a man, you're free to just declare yourself a man the night before and go for it without anyone blinking an eye.

One of my cis-friends is pretty much the same size as me if we stand back to back, and I'm big, btw.

I'm big, btw.

I'm shocked and amazed, btw.

>being such a fan of a YouTube "personality" that you not only watch it, but actively discuss it on an internet forum

May Allah rid us of these "people"

Ah yes, Cuntrapoints. Giving men the rights women fought for for 100+ years to own the Nazis


He has a dick lmao

Can still be a massive cunt tho, as are his cultish followers

Contrapoints fans are literally in a cult

Have you ever watched one of his videos?

They're not very good. But that's the great thing about tranning. You can be just as mediocre as when you had short hair and trousers, but now everyone loves you because they think it triggers the alt-right.

she makes such pretty videos, she must be right šŸ˜šŸ˜

this is the equivalent of retarded boomers being convinced by youtube videos with ominous music telling them how obama was an evil islamic terrorist

I disagree, the older videos were good and a new, refreshing take on the anti SJW mindless shit happening on youtube and the internet. Before transitioning, he was engaging in politics and giving a different perspective to those issues. Why I Quit Academia is a very interesting video, from someone with a philosophical background. The debate with Sargon was also very good.


After the transition, she became obsessed with sex, beauty, plastic surgery, make up, all that shit and every single video or tweet was about those superficial things. Then she started to hit big numbers with the quality drastically decreasing.

The debate with Sargon was also very good.

jesus christ youre more embarrassing than a degenerate tranny

What is that Destiny % ?

% of all comments posted in a subreddit

I love Destiny but had to leave that subreddit, it was turning into chapo 2



They're not very good. Good to see the alcohol abuse is finally catching up.

ContraPointsā€™s value is that she can sorta criticize the leftā€™s SJWishness without being shushed by hordes of shrieking wokescolds because her gender identity is the most sacred of all the identities modern leftism loves.

It's the leftoid equivalent of PragerU

Trans women (note that trans and women are separate words; this is important because ā€œtranswomenā€ has become a dog whistle used by TERFs and other transphobes,

uh, what

Mental illness that surpasses even whatever trannies have.

used by TERFs and other transphobes

That'd be trans phobes, thank you.

Comment that šŸ˜‚

how do you convince biological girls to take part in sports? How do you tell them they can be a pro one day, win a medal, if the podiums are filled w/ transwomen?

Anyone who attempts to argue in this forum a definition of "Biologically Male" or "Biologically Female" as referring to one or more individuals in the species Homo sapiens must present citable works, published in a high-citation-index, peer-reviewed publication, that delineate a taxon for the holotype and allotype specimens of H. sapiens.

If you want to distinguish between trans women and cis women, use "trans women" and "cis women".

"Folx, biological sex and gender are totally separate"


"delineate a taxon for the holotype and allotype specimens of H. sapiens." is what you get when philosophy majors try to talk about biology. It reminds me of those absurd jim crow literacy tests.

lmao @ these smug pseudo intellectuals

they think because language is a construct, the things language is used to describe is also a construct as well

Anyone who attempts to argue in this forum a definition of "Biologically Male" or "Biologically Female" as referring to one or more individuals in the species Homo sapiens must present citable works, published in a high-citation-index, peer-reviewed publication, that delineate a taxon for the holotype and allotype specimens of H. sapiens.

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a transphobe supporter. A moron.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

fuck you, transphobe

When will these people learn that societal acceptance/tolerance =/= competing in physically demanding sports with people you have an unfair advantage over? Iā€™m okay with treating you like whatever you identify yourself as, but do I need to entertain your ā€œwomanhoodā€ while you beat a girlā€™s face in with your denser bones, neurologically faster reaction timing, etc.?

Iā€™m left handed, so by definition, Iā€™m a minority as well (10% of the population), but I donā€™t bitch and complain when I canā€™t do certain things that right handed people can (like those painful scissors that have the grooves molded for right handers), I just deal with it and accept that I canā€™t do certain things. Is accepting that too hard to swallow?

Oh, hi. I was a participant in that thread! You can't ping, so here I am for you to say what you would've said if you could.

Can you tell them to stay indoors and turn the WiFi off?

Trannies make everyone really uncomfortable and we'd all rather they just stopped existing.

Oh no, I'm fine with them existing. I like Contra because she's actually aware of the fact that she's trans. Mark my words, in 5 years she's going to pull a John Lydon and leave the Chapos seething at her for "selling out."

He's unironically argued on video that biological sex doesn't exist, fam.


idk I don't keep a catalog of when he said which retarded bullshit in my head

I remember he was arguing it to Blaire White tho

That was back when she was still in dysphoric man mode. Most transgender people (apart from the idiots who just get girlie haircuts and expect lesbians to fuck them) are pretty realistic about biology and gender.

Still, no transwomen in womenā€™s sports. The world doesnā€™t revolve around them.

Most transgender people (apart from the idiots who just get girlie haircuts and expect lesbians to fuck them) are pretty realistic about biology and gender.

have u met any transgender people literally ever

A few, but there arenā€™t very many of them.

When I was little (like, before puberty) I had a friend who Iā€™d bet anything was a trans guy. I literally just thought that he was a boy whose parents had given him a horrible name for a while. This was at a Catholic school, and he really hated wearing the girlsā€™ uniform. Eventually the nuns gave up and let him wear the boysā€™ clothes, probably because they figured having a sullen kid with a boyā€™s haircut wearing a skirt would look ridiculous.

I had a friend who Iā€™d bet anything was a trans

so literally zero of them huh

Let's get down to business, to defeat the Hons

Did they send me daughters who were born as sons?

You're the saddest bunch I ever met

But you can bet before we're through

Honey, I'll make a ma'am out of you

biological girls

Anyone who attempts to argue in this forum a definition of "Biologically Male" or "Biologically Female" as referring to one or more individuals in the species Homo sapiens must present citable works, published in a high-citation-index, peer-reviewed publication, that delineate a taxon for the holotype and allotype specimens of H. sapiens.

If you want to distinguish between trans women and cis women, use "trans women" and "cis women".

"Guys, biological sex and gender are totally separate"


I respect their dedication to completely destroying female spoets

they are physically capable to compete with trans women. I see you are intentionally arguing in bad faith

why did "bad faith" suddenly became a thing?

The same reason so many other semi-relevant phrases end up being endlessly misused on the internet. Someone uses it correctly once in something that goes viral and/or ends up on reddit's front page that totally owns the repukelicans with FACTS and LOGIC, then all the people who think being even vaguely liberal automatically makes you a certifiable genius with 3 honorary Ph.D's start constantly using it incorrectly as an argument ender because they think it makes them always right and the evil consurvitards wet their pants.

See; Incel, Who hurt you?, etc.

It's just so weird, it transparently means is "I cant think of a comeback, you're evil, you're concern trolling and making me think bad thoughts"

It's the latest "gotcha" to throw out once you've lost an argument. "You're arguing in bad faith, therefore your argument is invalid."

nice try, youre clearly asking why in bad faith

As I discovered fairly recently from personal experience, you cannot convince these people that letting trans athletes compete =/= letting men cheat by competing with women. As someone who never even liked sports to begin with, it gives me a headache.


A lot of cisgendered women right now are all for letting mtfs compete in female sports. Wait 15-20 years for female high school sports to be dominated by transwomen. When they watch their own biologically female daughters high school basketball team get the shit kicked out of them by a 6'5" 200 lb center with a larger cardiovascular system and more red blood cells, you can cheer her up by saying "theres no natural advantage, its a coincidence she had a quadruple double"

That said, theres not supposed to be anything "fair" about sports. There's nothing fair about lebron james being 6'8" 260 lbs with a 40" vertical and hes durable enough to mever miss a playoff game. But thats why sports are fun.

That said, they really think contrapoints is some groundbreaking philosophical shit. Tards

Sorry legacy women. Your dreams have to be demoted to silver and second place.

I think this is a win/win situation for /r/drama.

If the transwomen get to compete against biological women, the whining from biological women at having their records destroyed and the eventual collapse of biological women being able to compete at the highest levels of sports would be incredible.

If transwomen are not allowed to compete against biological women, they'll whine and throw fits about not being included and how that's "in violation of their human rights" or something.

It's all good!

what happens when trans people top all the "woman's" records?

The amount of mental gymnastics in that thread is ridiculous.



Sports don't matter, literal nonsense

Also ITT

It is REALLY important that transcels gets to play sports with their preferred gender.