i watched a contrapoints video

89  2019-06-28 by rapeplaypenpals

it's like a combination of srdine smugposting and "centrists are the real racists" fuck me i was expecting something tough


I watched a couple of them and liked them. I'm a capitalist but enjoyed her video on capitalism. Also the one where she explains why misgendering upsets trannies was interesting too. I tried watching some others and meh. The ones before the transition are bad but she seems to get better as she transitions more.

why misgendering upsets trannie

i've never seen a group of people with such uniformly thin skin. Most leftoids don't get TRIGGERED, most rightoids don't SEETHE, but 99% of trannies will fuckinG EXPLODE (even if not in public, they'll later tell their friends "i cried for an hour because of it") if called the wrong noun.

I'm a capitalist

first problem was not being an anarcho-cenbol

yeah, that's why I enjoyed the videos. Reddit has a bunch of crazy ass trannies that get offended by everything. Same with Twatter and the privileged white middle aged women getting offended for everyone. So when someone like trappysaruh or Natalie explain things without all the triggering rage bullshit, I can appreciate the explanation.

People who get easily triggered by being a stereotype usually follow that stereotype and that's why they are mad. People who aren't the stereotype dgaf.

The only crime is not being apathetic

Tbh I was much more attacked after the election in 2016 because at that time I still was proud of act believed in my country and was somehow shocked that we could have so quickly descended into decadent self pleasing narcissism. I am apathetic now because I don't have any pride in my country or faith in its ability to progress, it was always this bad and I was an idiot for believing in it. I wish Putin really was in control of the country because there's no way he could do as bad of a job as actual Americans. When I hear that we're setting up concentration camps, I am not shocked and morally outraged that my nation could have stooped this low. I roll my eyes, "Christ, this shit again".

You are apathetic like most Americans probably because you don't want to have to care about others besides yourself. I am apathetic because I know that Americans are incapable of caring about anyone but themselves and I no longer expect them to.

It is like watching a drooling imbecile, at some point you realize this dumb sack of shit probably isn't going to ever learn to write and you're life from now on us to just prevent him from drowning himself with his cup of juice, and getting pounded and slapped at when you save their life by pulling it away. And for whatever reason you still have some attachment to the fucker and don't want the idiot to die, though you know inevitably the tard is going to pull it off one day.

America is Azathoth, the blind idiot God of the universe, who's one day inevitably going to wake up and destroy all reality in a fit of stupidity, all you can do is try to calm it and extend its slumber at long as possible.

Obama was that time we stupidly tried to dress it in a suit and nearly destroyed the world as it ripped it off in our anger, Trump is America like barely in a state of conciousness and already everyone is suffering. Just go back to sleep America, dream about how great and awesome you are and how everyone loves you and how bad anyone would be if they didn't love you, we will wipe your drool up, the IMF will shove the feeding tube down your throat and and the World Bank will wipe your ass. The entire world will continue being shucked dry propping up an economy based on ugly highway stops and coal mines and we'll just pretend it's all you, this is because we still love you of course.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Don’t mix fent and adderall

Why are you surprised? They're almost all extremely mentally ill, the exception being our entire mod team.

debatable tbh, if they were sane they wouldn't be here

wait i thought being mentally ill was a requirement for the mod team

For the whole sub actually

The requirement to become a mod here is being mentally deficient, not mentally ill.

It's really both. Also having caused a lot of drama is a +

What drama have you caused?

Quietus personally kept safe the coup leaders _lilpoundcake and riemann who rose up against AnnArchist's benevolent tyranny.

I was a drama mole during thebanout2018. It's how I got approvedcel originally. That was the most fun I've had on Reddit.

Pissing off the admins enough by getting advertiser to pull ads that they changed the Reddit ad algorithm.

Getting one of the original CBTS_Stream mods and Q originators banned for trying to dox me on discord and 8chan. That got me a passing mention in the news. He ended up self doxxing by doing an interview so then I mocked him on his personal Twitter account.

There more but that's the main stuff.

lol. I got approvedcel by posting a cuck fanfiction.

Seems like quality control has gone down.

interesting stuff though. Wish I was here when Drama was at its peak. I only came one month after MDE was banned.

I came here pretty recently too. When thebanout was going on, I had only been lurking drama for a couple months because I knew Snally and Annoys from other subs. When the head banout mod shane admitted that the only reason he started the banout was to white knight for gallowboob by destroying drama, I went to drama to keep them in the loop. They made me approvedcel so I could comment while drama was private and then I just never left.

The rest of that stuff happened before I came here.

i'm impressed but also I feel bad for you

I know I need to get a life

Congratulations on accepting and learning to live with your mental retardation. You are brave and an example for us all.

It's been a long road but better to know one is retarded rather than live in retarded ignorance

I got it by telling a mod “reddit is boring lmao let me in” like 2 years ago, as if theres any quality control

I got Sean Spicer to admit Q is a larp. It sent the whole community in outrage for a while. Does that count for anything?

Oh fuck, I remember that. That was you? Fucking based.

Lol yeah. Dunking on Qtards was my life’s purpose until Reddit banned them. It was on an old account though. It was one of the reasons I got modded to T_D.

So you probably know Sublime pretty well, then.

Let he who is not mentally ill cast the first stone

nice bit

first problem was not being an anarcho-cenbol

Imagine not being Monarchist Gang 🙄

Anyone who hasn't transcended earthly political squabbles and become a papist is never going to make it.

A sedevacantist kind of papist of course.

Unam sanctum when

If you don't believe in a single unified Christian theocracy of all Christian lands world wide, lead by one pope appointed by God with all power spiritual and secular, we can't be friends

If you can't tell that they're a tranny usually they're mostly just sad. If you can tell and do so anyway 99% of the time it was an active and intentioned insult, so yeah people get mad when you insult them go figure.


they'll later tell their friends "i cried for an hour because of it"

Yeah I like her videos too. I just try to ignore all her fans.

I have some problems with his vids. Like why does he pretend to be a womyn when he sometimes uses logic and behaves as a rational human being?

Trans women are women, sweaty.

The fact he can make funny jokes is 100% proof of him being a man.

Okay I laughed

Based and foidpilled.

Just as some women can have dicks, some women are also capable of reason

I agree that her videos got better after transitioning in style but not in substance that fucking shit went down so fast

Natalie Willy. Willy means penis haha


Also the one where she explains why misgendering upsets trannies

I try to be not too generous here, but I guess 70% of the people absolutely know why trannies are upset about this. They just don't think that fAcTs cArE aBoUt YoUr FeElLiNgs.

Feelings are facts about the world, whether you respect and reciprocate them or not is the issue, not whether they are facts

I once watched Contra’s video on “western civ doesnt like exist, man” and it was awful. It was like seeing a sophomore trying to regurgitate Edward Said but this time with a strong, masculine set of shoulders.

Millimeters, of, boner

strong masculine set of shoulders.


Look at this nerd's build. No surprise you can barely find pics of him without that shoulder padded jacket.

Now compare Dr Noodles to this, the M1 Abrams of trannies.

those veins running down those arms. lol.

Really tragic how no matter what, mtf trannies will never pass.

Mirin those clavicles.

Friedmancells btfo

tfw you use the most western philosophy imaginable to explain how there is no western philosophy

"Now lemme tell you about how the pre-1948 'Palestine' my parents whisked me away from totally has a unique culture distinct from the other dune coons!"

ES was a special dude.

I watched her one about beauty and I found it somewhat interesting.

She has a sense of humour at least, which cannot be said about 90% of troids online. Though tbh, she seems to be in denial about society and the incel problem.

She mocks incels for obsessing over "millimetres of bone", but hypocritically does the same for herself. And when approaching this point, dances around the issue stating "I just want to feel beautiful", JFL.

I have respect for her though. For one, the fact that she edits her own videos shows that she's not the typical youtuber who has the fancy, shmancy setup. And at least she's somewhat self-aware, which cannot be said for any leftist (or conservative) pundit online.

they're hit and miss content-wise but I respect the production value and the lack of vox-style smugness

she's fine overall, I agree with her on quite a lot

what do ya agree on? so far as i can see its just the standard lefty positions

Some of us are lefty

I agree with (some) of the stuff on capitalism, incels, the alt right etc. I don't agree with her gender takes, they're oversimplistic at best and incorrect at worst

I think its largely devoid of substance and as analytical as sargons dumb shit, but at least she looks like she has fun doing it.

>has some ok comedy chops

>has a penis

Once again proof that foids arent funny

That's because their version of comedy revolves around their vagina.

I for one can't wait until we get an Amy Schumer troid that does Netflix specials about just how funny its gaping wound is.

Don't make me puke.

Though I for one, will welcome the drama that arises as a result. Remember when they removed "ratings" after Schumer got dunked on her "comedy special"?

she's just wrong though lol. also almost all youtubers edit their own videos

"I just want to feel beautiful"

people who are actually hot don't say this

also almost all youtubers edit their own videos

Not popular ones. Almost all rappers have "ghostwriters" and almost all popular Youtubers have editors. And since the editing is decent, and its generally quite a time consuming practice, I have to give props.

And yes, she isn't actually beautiful, what do you expect? Troids rarely are.

Love your username btw.

tbf i never watch popular youtubers, i only watch teensy ones.



Psychoanalysis > logic and reason

psycho analysis is mayo nonsense. black KANGS are too busy raping and pillaging to bother with such trivialities (not being ironic)


Is this a typo or does it mean something?


I wouldn't expect anything else. Everytime she gets brought up in main subs all of the comments are how intellectual and beautiful /she/ is. And when people show interest and ask what's so profound about it, you'll get 13 responses to "just watch the videos I swear she's so great I can't explain it". Really gets the cult-vibes going.

all of the comments are how intellectual and beautiful /she/ is.



hey tbf he does put a lot of effort into passing, give the man some credit

his hair is nice. much better than the troid in the center back.

90% sure thst's Nick Cage

I'm jealous of those shoulders

he puts a lot of effort into passing

Clearly not enough

As with sports, comedy is yet another thing trans women are displacing the cissies in

its literally the exact same as all the other smug and "he he i did a silly silly" funny leftoid jewtubers.

The "breadtube" community is going to do to internet leftism what the "skeptic" community did to atheist centrists


It's been basically 5 years and there's still ton of people who haven't seen through the skeptics' bullshit, it's gonna take at least a decade before they realize the same about Breadtubers.

*smugly chuckles*

What did the skeptic community do to atheists


This was among the things that helped spawn gamergate, and we all know how that song and dance went, like when was the last time you heard anyone call themselves unironically a skeptic and not immediately laughed at them

Imagine being this retarded

Like I already have a picture of your YouTube recommended feed just from reading this comment

Now you would be the person to watch skeptics and breadtubers

Incidentally if you do want something 'tough' in the left youtube sphere, watch a channel called 'cuck philosophy'

i love that dude

ah sick no one else I know seems to have heard of him. Have you watched his video on adorno and the emoji movie it's super

I shall look up the other person

Only saw 1 or 2 videos from the guy but even as someone who absolutely despises Breadtube and definitely isn't leftist I can say he seems good, like light years better than any other commie on Youtube I encountered.

Meh, I just finished reading a short manga called "Ultimate Rock Paper Scissors" (I recommend it btw, no weeb), I have three fanfiction.net tabs open and check them occasionally in case they update (I really should just register an account at this point), and, not to put too fine a point on it, I just watched two videos by CuckPhilosopher, the emoji one being just shy of 100k views.

There's an unprecedented explosion of amateur content, sometimes making it big (50 shades, the Martian), sometimes not and it's good that it doesn't, I want to read my weird "FTL: Faster than Light" fanfiction and other people read whatever weird thing that makes them happy and for seven billion unique and weird preference sets to exist. That there's also a movie about emojis is a small price to pay for that, unprecedented I emphasize, opportunity.

I'm reminded of a Victor Pelevin's passage about how weird it is to see a Che Guevara T-shirt, symbolizing a protest against the society of mass-produced, neatly packaged, conveniently priced goods, lying there on top of a stack of identical plastic-wrapped $10 Che Guevara T-shirts.

But in my opinion this contradiction is not produced by the industrial society, it's demanded by the Che t-shirt wearing children and retards, the free market merely satisfies that demand.

Our society is really really good at mass producing commodities (including emoji movies). If you want something more interesting and unique than a commodity, you gotta make it yourself or seek people making it themselves, because it can't be mass produced by definition. You should be very grateful that at least the commodity part has been taken care of, giving you much better opportunities to focus on the interesting parts.

Instead those people seem to think that if they can't get their shrink-wrapped internet course on how to become the next visionary like Steve Jobs for example, it's all worthless and they'd be much better off without internet courses teaching them how to Javascript as well (or without internet. or electricity. or plumbing. Just go and be a unique visionary in the middle of the tundra with your two shitting sticks (one for holding onto, one for fending wolves off))

Capitalism's job is to provide bland affordable commodities, when it tries to sell you pseudo-hipster shit that's your fault and you can just not buy it, finding your own path in life and interesting shit to consume is and will ever be your own responsibility, our "late stage capitalism" provides historically unprecedented opportunities for that, if you still fail and go watch The Emoji Movie instead that's because you're a total loser and no Ministry of Self-Growth and Enlightening Entertainment could've helped you with that.

That said, yeah, that guy is head and shoulders above Contrapoints, he baited me into writing this at least, there was some nontrivial thought that could be debated.

Not into subscribing of course, because he's trying to claim an exclusive access on 20 minutes of my life instead of writing it all as a page of text, because it's more easily monetized and cultivates a retarded fanbase and all around the exact capitalist thing he's ranting against. So I'm following my own advice and choose to not consume it.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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i just watch on 2x speed

this guy is fairly good


Sissy faggots are men?

They are more like objects.

oh so they are women, then

She doesn't ever say anything meaningful, she just puts on different wigs and wacky voices for 30 mins while paying lip service to leftoid platitudes.



Have sex

I tried to watch one but after about a minute I felt the uncontrollable urge to shower.

You should have taken that shower, it is poor form to go so long without bathing. Clean ur room and watch lobster daddy some more.

TrappySaruh vs Contrapoints debate when

sarah yells slurs while default dancing


The only debate who is who will penetrate whom

Whoever loses, we win.

It convinced me that fascism is the one truth

It convinced me that ̶f̶a̶s̶c̶i̶s̶m̶ Monarchism is the one truth


This but unironically 😍😍😍

An absolutist Sultanate? None of that papist idolatry or pesky periodical freedoms..

Droppin neoreactionpilled takes all day

This is why I because an antifa sjw tbh, because antifa are the real fascists and sjws are the real racists. You should give real fascism and real racism a try, it does so much better for the body than that weak shit you're on now.

antifa are the real fascist

nah they dont look cool enough tbh

Fascist aesthetic is literally just bumfuck commoners poorly attempting to rip of Prussian military culture, like toddlers dressing up for Halloween. Its really not much better

I agree but it's still much better than antifa, who look like Nazi Untermensch propaganda.

I didn't say otherwise, all I said is that its not too much better.

fair enough

I watched about 3 seconds of that creature on my screen and was ready to embrace Islam

Based white incel sharia or based "Ottomans were like super gay you know?" pantransexual universal jihad?

The trannie in the end must either kneel at the chopping block, or wield that blessed Saber of Islam themselves. There can be no other way.

Shariacel for sure, I want those 72 bussies

Redditors worship him because he doesn't look like the typical suicidal goblin clown trannie, so they elevate him to this mythical pedestal of beauty so people can point to him and say "Look! It's just a myth that MtF trannies are wonky-eyed aspies with thin hair and giant faces!"

Pretty sure it doesn't have to do with how hot she is but whatever

Does not look like typical suicidal clown goblin = hot?

Low standards in troonworld yet again.

Basically if something is long and popular on reddit you can bet it's out of pity for somebody having put in so much effort.

Except rlm videos.

Imagine being passable naked.. not like in a Frankenstein kind of way though

Contrapoints is the most damming evidence that we need to defund school drama departments. And he furthers my belief that most troons transistion because they’re not funny enough to be men.

She seems like the best breadtube personality (which is kinda like being the best sti to get). If you really want to feel angry watch a SSbomberman video. Seeing his face and hearing his voice makes me so angry.

Challenge accepted

I made it 5 minutes into his Soyboy 30 mins retarded rant before I had to quit for my sanity. How do you make a 30min video on an insult you don’t like

his soyboy videos managed to actually piss off Paul Joseph Watson

He fits the soyboy insult perfectly too.

Conciousness makes me feel anger

watermark is going epic gamer



I watched one contrapoints video. I think the one on terfs? She laid out each common terf argument, but responded to each one with a talking point instead of actual counterargument. I don’t know if all of her videos are the same way, or if that was just a particularly tough topic to argue on (because, you know, the modern woke understanding of trans stuff is full of logical inconsistencies and doesn’t make sense)

its all of em

My condolences.