Dementia daddy sundowns in July 4th speech, says revolutionary war soldiers seized airports and nonexistent aircraft.

286  2019-07-05 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. Dementia daddy sundowns in July 4th... -,

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About like 30 to 45 minutes ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird when I take a piss.


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"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket's red glare had nothing but victory."

Lol i love our retarded president

Expecting a president to above 85 IQ is libtard elitism.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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incoming TDS spergout in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...


TDS sperging is a future event, DDF is sperging now.

it's pizzashill.

he will sperg no matter what.

Try mentioning the Civil War to him, that really gets him going.

  • war of northern aggression

Yes, the war where those brave freedom fighters were fighting for the right to determine their own way of life, free from Northern Tyranny, not unlike the brave North Koreans defying the South Koreans.


  • war of southern surrender

Hilariously I think if the north let the south succeed. Keep slaves. It would of eventually suffered either a Haiti style revolution or some sort of abolishment of its own.

The south literally fucked us as a country by bringing Africans here lol


This but unironically

This is a result of too much immigration from lo iq nations, now our national iq is ~85. So this president is just a reflection of our actual national iq.

True fact

Finally, lur president is a real American.

He's not the president America needed.

But he's the president America deserved.

We may not have gotten our first foid president, but at least we've gotten our first truly mentally handicapped one.

Second-term Reagan?

wasn't the national anthem written in the war of 1812 making it even more nonsensical

You fools!

He is referencing the [[[sedimentary layer]]] deletion. Look to Q for the Boomer truth.

Reports: 1 

You have a fan 😍

why are magacels so perpetually butt-blasted.

is it like buyers remorse? they realize they voted for an honest to goodness retard so they're upset and S E E T H I N G

magacels complain the most about agendaposting but make up a significant portion of agendaposts

who is trying to create a safe space? 🤔🤔🤔

lefty playing the revisionist history game

Lol no surprise

every time i see somebody whining about agendaposting it's almost always a rightoid

i've seen multiple people asking for mcluff to be banned despite his dumb posts never receiving more than 50 upvotes at the most

you guys are pretty sensitive

But that's all you left fags do is whine about "agendaposting" as if you're actually victims on reddit. This whole site jerks you off daily, you should stop whining and appreciate how good you have it :)

damn you guys are sensitive lmao

you all whine about agendaposting so much

lmao cri

Wow ur so oppressed

Look guys he posted a smiley face, he’s so chill and above it all! While we all have our sectarian squabbles he just looks down and chuckles.

You forgot the OUTposting period.

there's one right now! i was right all along!

my comment pissed off the daddy defense force

Your favorite president is an actual retarded person

there are STILL people who think I'm a rightoid

hahahaha holy FUCK

They fell for your ruse hahaha, honk honk amirite 😉😉😉

I made fun of a leftoid being a faggot so I must be a rightoid.

Fuck off faggot

I exclusively make fun of leftoids being faggots and seethe when rightoid faggots are being made fun of so logically I must be a rightoid.

You need to be chapo-tier retarded to think that I get mad when rightoids are getting made fun of


Just a little more seethe, I'm almost there

Kippot is that you? I thought you were banned from drama 🤔



Dude headasplodes lmao



the only people complaining about agendaposting are complaining about people agendaposting about agendaposting which includes u

top result is a rightoid whining about leftoids and even features a comment from the other rightoid who replied to me also whining about leftoids

i'm not complaining about agendaposting. i'm pointing out the fact that the people who whine it about are hypocrites.

agendapost all you, but don't complain about it when the other side does the same.

agendapost all you want

take the 40% pill

i'm taking the sleeping pill instead, saruh

i was going to wake up early and go kayaking before it got to 95 degrees, but my dumbass got drunk, walked home, and stayed up all night

rip kayaking sounds cool

Imagine having to defend Daddy or the validity of trans women. The less defensible your ideology is, the more Preparation H you'll need.

I'm very happy that Trump is this retarded. Once Bernie had no chance I decided to go with Trump for exactly this reason. A president this retarded is at least a change from the status-quo.

Accelerationism ftw


We finally have a president who the average American can understand, I don't see the problem. You ever read the federalist papers? Might as well be a dissertation on string theory. Lame. All or presidents in the past were lame elitists, Trump understands our soul. He also is our soul, Trump is literally America, the person. No more weird imitations like uncle Sam, Trump is literally the result of America itself taking a dump in some food, Trumps "dad" was the cuck who raised Americas literal son. Sort of like Alexander was the son of Zeus who cucked Phillip, right?

I know what I'm talking about. I need more Adderall tbh. So does Trump, he's my Addy bro, would be so sweet to go through a bottle with him rambling about shit and unleashing load after load in each other's asses. Hail State!

Because they think since leftoids are so dumb and laughable, their side must be full of 200IQ Chads.

Only 5? Mcluff is worth at least 100 of (((them)))

McFluff is a retard but a based retard whose life is worth that of several thousand MAGAtards.

Oh god I’m dying thinking of the person who wrote that. L i t e r a l l y



I won’t if it’s Eva, nmx, coonass, the guy that call everyone pedos or if I picked up a new one.

Death to those who insult daddy!

Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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Based and incomprehensipilled.

I still can't believe this shit is real

He was a scientist and engineer who went to a school of finance? Impressive. Props to Trump for his awesome uncle.

65% upvoted


Rightoids gotta toid.

They should be sterilized for the good of the country

It's ok they don't have a shot at reproducing anyway

The one upside of young conservatives being incel weebs

A whole generation of pillow hapas. The future is bleak

In the jungle, insect populations are controlled by the corticeps fungus. With humans it's anime apparently. Nature always finds a way to keep things balanced

Hey, JumbledFun, just a quick heads-up: corticeps is actually spelled cordyceps. You can remember it by watching a nature documentary or reading a book instead of getting all your knowledge from shitty video games. Have a nice day!

What vidya were they In? I don't watch planet earth with subtitles on you plebe

I'm also a weeb, as a communist statistically there's a 90% chance I'm going to wake up one day with an unquenchable desire to chop my dick off anyway. Never going to unload in anything but a condom in a diseased whore anyway, so you don't have worry.

All Americans should be sterilized besides the Indians, when we all die they get the territory back. Our apology and admission that our existence was a mistake.

And it was all in vain as the post is now 86%.


The famous Washington anti-air counteroffence. God, he truly is the best representative of the U.S.

Washington was the best 11 star General the Chair Force ever had

Ft. McHenry

Revolutionary War

I'm not saying that Daddy knows that's wrong but he didn't write the headline.

Ayy LMAOs confirmed allied revolutionary force and this is how people react? Sad!

Imagine supporting this retard

Imagine thinking that Britbongs ever had Air dominance during the Revolution. Seethe more UK-cels: might as well rename your country to the Fractured Kingdom.

Imagine not supporting him being a retard

I wish I was retarded as him, then I wouldn't even be aware he exists probably

> not voting for him is ableism.

Checkmate lefties

Tbh our first retarded president is probably a bigger step forward than our first black president. I think retarded > black. Although given muh national iq often these two come at once, in some cases they do not. Obama literally inherited every white gene besides skin color, so we missed out with him. Trump is like literally the first president with a truly black iq who black people can relate too.

I'm sorry if this is racist. I probably had an ancestor in the kkk, it's in my blood. Racism is a hereditary disease imo and needs to be recognized as an official mental disability. This would be a great step forward for humanity.

Yes clearly enlightened bigbrains should instead support $neoliberal_puppet!

Proceeds to slash (corporate) taxes and give Israel the sloppiest head of any president.

This but unironically.

Lol at that username. How fucked are your teeth chavscum?

I will now sing the Oh Tommy Robinson song in protest of this heinous act of classism.

Imagine supporting ukip after Nigel "based" Farage cucked them

Like was there anything else of value in the whole party

Galaxy brains, that's the term you're looking for

And yes that is pretty much the alternative tbh

Imagine preferring a regressive dem

I thought you were moving to voat? Stuck in a fent haze?

You are not truly a southerner until you've snorted meth off the floor of your mother's trailer

I will not recognize any inferior opiod cels

Do you really fuck little boys or is that just an ironic username?

Better than a progressive, wuh oh, bro yo


Imagine supporting the biggest child rape club

Bill Clinton rapes children

Yup along with Trump when they made their trips to Epsteins pedo parties.

Nice try pedolover

????? So you're aware dems also rape kids. What's your point?

Do you support the incredibly expansive network of child rapists that is the catholic church?

Nice job changing the subject. Leftists have no real arguments.

Nice attempt at deflection. So you admit you like to support international kiddie diddling?

These are PDF's of Epsteins flight logs.

Search and results.

Clinton - 12

Trump - 0

hahahaha fucking SEETHE.

You're still upset that you love diddling kiddies but cant COPE with it.

Life is more fun thus way tbqh

I didnt know something could be worse than "y'all", but "y'all, Y'ALL" clearly is exponentially worse.

Oh, yeah? Well, why don't you go google how many British-controlled airports were on American soil at the end of the Revolutionary War?

That's right, cuck. Motherfucking zero. LIBTARDS BTFO!

I wonder how the DDF will spin this to pretend that it isn't prove he has dementia.

I heard him say this yesterday live and I was just like 🤔

Being genetically inferior to own the libs?

He's like totally going to win 2020, calling it now

The absolute state of MAGAcels lmao

George Washington destroyed the British with a fleet of Apaches

Ok i might be retarded for even giving him the benefit of the doubt but he must have been talking about something else right? He cant be this retarded right?????

And when you're president they let you do it. You can say the american revolutionaries flew airplanes on the fourth of july. you can say anything.