Nazi nerd red pills himself into being a White Nationalist and his ex is SEETHING mad and takes her complaint to anti-Rationalist subreddit to COPE

110  2019-07-08 by CJ_from_Grove_St


dude foids lmao

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Nazi nerd red pills himself into be... -,,

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The actual fuck is r/SneerClub?

huge fags

Looks like a bunch of baristas opposed to empiricism.

Distilled SRDines.

Marxists cultists mad that SF autists don’t drink the same koolaid

It is the SRD to the bizzaro world /r/Drama. In bizzaro world /r/drama people are encouraged to take the culture war seriously and treat each other with respect and good faith, and every alternate universe /r/Drama has an SRD dark mirror.

That's a surprisingly accurate description!

An autist bullying sub

Imagine people who feel bullied by ratnerds, they’re literally that pathetic

There are some nerds on the internet who choose to spend their time geeking out over stuff like logical fallacies, AI, and polyamorous cuddle puddles (eww).

Sneerclub are the leftoids who think these nerds are secret nazis.

People who hate /r/slatestarcodex

Lmao right wing talking points. I’ll take that with a giant spoon of salt from MarxistFangirl

Fucking foids lmao. It sounds like he was just a rational human being and didn't want to deal with her retarded Marxist shit.

I don't want to be gender warrior

F to doubt

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Joke's on you. I'm already banned.

Sneerclub really is the most pathetic people on Reddit, and that's very impressive considering we have SRD and Inceltears.

lol no

lol yes. Rejects from badphilosophy, which is already full of bitter academic rejects. Know your place

You post in r/drama....

True, and at night i convert gullible thots to proud reactionaries through the power of my penis.

I just threw up thinking about this.

Eat it up again, dont waste perfectly fine stomach acid.

I've dated one too many reactionary idiots to not throw up thinking about you. I'd make a small penis joke, but it's just too easy.

You keep dating reactionary 'idiots' huh? Guess what that says about you?

Nothing because it was only one and he's my ex.

How much do you weigh and how tall are you, just curious

I'm really small. I'm 5'2" and barely 100 pounds.

So you're a spinner. Do you like it rough?

Why do you like Marxist philosophy?

I'm a Socialist and am in the DSA, The name is a reference to someone banned on SSC. I'm not 100% a Marxist, but I do like his critiques of capitalism. :)

Thats a long way to spell "Im retarded"


The weak are drawn to collectivism so the masses can prop up their frail bodies.


I'm really small. I'm 5'2" and barely 100 pounds.

I bet you like being dominated and you hung out with your ex because you thought that you could "change him, make him better, kinder person"


yeah :v

You want to know if I'm hot because I'm so funny and interesting too right? You know I'm funny just admit it.

how large are your milkies?

That's a really weird way to describe boobs. They are big enough. Nobody has complained.

Make that a +1 to people who have complained about your boobs.

I guess you can't please everyone.


Pls make posts with the thirsty dramacels that dm you

Oh dear.

You can't be hot unless you have a penis, hun


Only one.






Foidfuckers raus

True, and at night i convert gullible thots to proud reactionaries through the power of my penis.

Fuck me, you've really stepped up your shitposting game lately

You too, in case you haven't realized.


Reminder that the top mod almost torpedoes his carrer cause some terf triggered him on twitterπŸ˜‚



i fucking upvoted every comment of her, dont blame me

I was just hijacking your post since tards arent following the rules. Sorry for the confusion sweaty!

np bby xoxo

Sneerclub is underratedly shitty. It's like underground even more concentrated SRD.

It annoys greatly me that they make hating rationalsphere tards look so lame.

That's impossible in a world where CB2 and TrollX exist.

Imagine you filter any self-awareness from SRD and leave only smugness and you will have badphilosophy, repeat the process and you will have CB2. Do it one last time and you will have sneerclub, a place to laugh at the mentally challenged while felling righteous.

I am actually impressed.

This is good drama and if this doesn't reach the top this sub is full of fags.

You are full of fags!

CJ you're a fucking idiot. I know I shouldn't even be posting in here, but I'm going to anyway. You post racist shit on r/drama and then pretend to be open minded and rational on other subreddits. You're a reactionary idiot who hides behind irony to post your real views. I just feel bad for you. At least don't be a coward and "hide your power level". This will be my only comment.

Why are you opposed to evidence based decision making?

That's nerd shit man.

Because that would require thinking. Thinking is hard, and Marxists have no internal monologue and have to be told what to think 24/7. That's why.

It's also weird that there are so many people so honest about being against critical thinking.

an internal monologue isnt necessary for thought retard i hate the jews as much as you do but internal monologues are for people who are so full of themselves they need to narrate their greatness and jews

Based and CJ pilled.

This isn't 10 paragraphs of repackaged nonsense. Are you sure you are a Rationalist? Yud would be disappointing.


congrats, you've been blessed by ed's snooze emojis. the highest honor a dramatard or lolcow can attain.

All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ

The question is, if the lolcow says he will only comment once, is it okay to downvote?

Not a guy. Pretty sure it's in my name.

But you are subbed to chapo πŸ€”


Everyone on chapo is male


Happy to help

I'm actually impressed. I expected some transphobic BS. It was just a stupid redditor joke. I expected better from r/drama. Actually, this is about what I expected.

r/drama is very trans-accepting, I think you'll find


We have trans mods

They're just house triggers.

There are literal trappy saruh worshippers on here.


Woah, someone from sneerclub doesn't understanding a subs culture at all?





ed what's wrong?

I’m not Ed, I’m his brother Al.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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The thing about you guys I don't get is, you realize your viewpoints aren't any more evidence based than the people you sneer at right?

You guys hate biological determinism so passionately but biological determinism is inherently unfalsifiable. No one has any idea if it's true or not and there's no way to test it.

Whether or not you believe in it is just based on your personal biases and preconceived notions.

On top of all of this, sneerclub might be the smuggest subreddit in existence. It's pretty ironic that you guys tout equality and how unimportant intelligence is while sitting on the highest of high horses looking down on anyone who disagrees.

lol no

Lol no to which part? You have proof that biological determinism is wrong? I'd genuinely love to read that.


Hmm these seem the replies of someone who disagrees but is unable to argue coherently why.

Imagine thinking I would actually make an attempt at a real argument on a dedicated troll sub on a post specifically dedicated to mocking me.

on a dedicated troll sub

LMAO. You post on sneerclub. Literally a sub dedicated to mocking autistic nerds who overthink everything.

cool theory

This will be my only comment.


I'm having too much fun.



you are my spirit animal.

Please don't use the word spirit animal like this. This is cultural appropriation and extremely offensive to Native Americans.

Go back to the_donald where bigots like you belong, okay?



So for real, where's the evidence against biological determinism? I really want to know.

You literally take part in a sub dedicated to mocking the mentally unwell(autists) and strives to destroy the only industry which fosters them (the tech industry) and you still somehow think you are on the β€˜right side of history’.

You literally take part in a sub dedicated to mocking the mentally unwell

IDK if this is the right subreddit to be grandstanding about making fun of autists tbh



It’s pretty funny that this commie is also parroting the same nonsense as Lysenko.


Not even trolling, I’d like to see what you’re reading. I believe biological determinism is probably true to some extent but I could be swayed. I’m not going to argue with you, either.


I think it’s embarrassing that the rationalist community and the ssc sub have their own designated hate subreddit, but this sub doesn’t. We have to step up our game.

/r/DeuxRAMA can be the designated hate chamber for /r/drama.

I thought /r/drama was the designated hate sub for /r/drama tho

G-d knows I fucking hate you and myself enough

i am here because of my self loathing. we all are

Lol biological determinism is true and there have been multiple studies that have found statistically significant correlations between human behavior/abilities and their ancestry.

I disliked and still dislike the implications of it because of how unjust it is but it's true regardless of that.

Inb4 nurture not nature

While the difficulty of planning out a study that can control for socio economic environment means it is rarely done, it has been done.

Sir, I said I wanted a tall french vanilla latte with an extra shot

That is a really original joke. Did you come up with that on your own?

Are you gonna make me some coffee or not?


Dude, sir this is an arbys lmao

If you're a cis female you better not come back ya hear? But if you gotta trussy be our guest and post that shit.

lol sorry to disappoint. I guess I can never come back and see the 4chan retirement community of 30 year old boomers circle jerk themselves into faux centrism.

Ahem 10 years too old. I'm a proud zoomer and refused to be called that by someone whose personality revolves around politics.


Being a true centrist I must say. Wanna smell my farts?

I'll pass. I'm too old for you anyway.

lmao ur old.

Shes calling you a pedo in case you didnt catch that

Not the same person she was responding too, besides there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo. Women are ripe from the age of 15, they begin to rot in their thirties, the window is small and yet we had to make it smaller by laws.

I have plenty of time then. I'm glad you are concerned about me.

Eat your vegetables and drink real milk before bed.


yas, patrol her king.



  1. But I'll take it as a compliment to my youthful looks.

Thanks sweaty!😊

the 4chan retirement community

lmao damn you a wild heifer but this is a REALLY good burn on this subreddit

It was her only funny comment out of like 50.


Stick around, our userbase usually has to pay by the hour for this.

We have the best lolcows.

your people turned our women into this

(((We're))) not the reason nobody wants to fuck you for free

That comment came from within months ago, they’re just reusing it and pretending they came up with it

Didn’t Lawlz already call this place the 4chan retirement home?

This is an affront!

30 year old boomers? lol retard

nah she got me pinned down for sure. i'm still mad

this comment wounded me deeply m'lady


Why you gotta call me out like that?


4chan retirement home

pls no bully

faux centrism

I am a social radical centrist and economically communist thanks very much

4chan retirement community

Please spit on me I deserve it


Let's be honest, this just isn't true.

it is


The ex-bf posts, the flirting with CJ - I'm not seeing the 'marxbro' here.

I'm a girl.

I know, I mean't "I'm not seeing the marxbro fan girling here." I apologize for my lack of extreme clarity.

He's saying that deep down you crave fascist cock


"This will be my only comment."

posts a dozen more comments

"EDIT: Sorry boys, but I have to work. It was fun while it lasted."

keeps posting

Did your self control issues start before or after you started bullying autistic people?

I'm having too much fun here so I can't help myself. This place is too much fun!


Now you're here forever :)

I have to work

Doesn’t sound like a Chapo...

You get it, women’s actions speak louder than their words.

Let's be honest, no one wants soy cock.


You're under transvestigation.



Have your ever even tried not to be a sexist piece of shit? You might actually enjoy it.


The most pathetic thing about r/SneerClub is that you're supposed to be "anti-rationalists" but completely failed to keep up with the movement. Even /ratanon/ does that better than you. A quick glance at your front page shows recent posts arguing, or really, impotently bitching about EY posts from a decade ago. When your not stuck in the late 2000s, you're whining about things that are rat-adjacent at best. To top it off, as places like r/TheMotte become filled with dumb normies, instead of ignoring them, you sink to their level. Soon enough, your entire subreddit will be relegated to sneering at r/the_donald tier posts, you'll be relegated to the dustbin of history, and only a small group of boomers will remember that there was a time when you ever had anything resembling a point.

What the fuck is a "rationalist"?

Is it like "Rational Feminism" where they claim that they're the only ones that are actually rational while at the same time they push for government mandated castration?

Look at this fucking pleb. He doesn't even know what a rationalist is. Go read this:

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

You expect me to read this shit?

Holy shit weve reached peak "read another book"

i read it a long time ago, it's peak "sounds nerdy" and doesnt know how to do plot development. it spends a shitton of time building somthing up as "the main thing" then just abandons it

it's a hyper neuroatypical meme 'philosophy' developed by a fanfiction author and failed inventor


Go away Chapocel

CJ you're a fucking idiot

I dont know him but I agree


Rationalists" are first and foremost big on 'rational self-interest', emphasis on self-interest. 10 years ago they perceived the larger threat to their wealth and status came from the evangelical Right, today they see it coming from the left. Their beliefs are malleable.

This doesn't that bad at all. Wtf. Imagine thinking this is a stinging indictment.

Imagine railing against actually salient threats rather than rigidly barking up the same tree for all eternity.

Anyone who unironically uses "rational" and "evidence based" to talk about themselves should be deported. All that shit was invented by foreign pedos.

So that sub is just full of pseudo-intellectuals?

They basically said people like me game the system to get the outcome I want.

I'm not upset if you game the system, I'm upset if you don't game the system and then bitch when you lose. Shit's broken, get cracking

They can't understand a person who isn't selfish.

Personally, I think 95% of people are more selfish than they care to convey/realize.

9/10 post extra points for the lolcow

Women literally can't be funny

She had like 50 replies and they were all not funny.

She is actually killing the answers, but it lacks any merit, with braindead morons such as you as her dialectical rivals, rivals that advocate for biological determinism and rational self-interest in the 21th century (lmao!) is not like it is difficult or anything. Even a toddler as more insight than you.

How is she killing it in the replies? They are mediocre at best.

You sound jealous she is getting more attention

So do you actually believe genes won’t affect how you turn out in life?

gee im sure glad i have downs syndrome! people with congenital muscular atrophy or malformed limbs actually have that due to racist social pressure

21th century (lmao!)

You do indeed seem like the type of dude who would lisp "twenty-first century" into "twenty-firth century."

Those unaware of marxbro, one of the finest lolcows, please keep it around.

Sneerclub is amazing. The Culture War Thread gets dumber every day and somehow Sneerclub is always more retarded than that.

Banned for a week for HBD and culture warring lol

Ok so am I to understand correctly, /r/SneerClub is some sort of anti-Rationalist subreddit based off of some Spergy longpost comment made on a Harry potter fanfic sub? This is the epitome of basing your whole world view off of a children's book because you couldn't read another book. Also imagine calling yourself an anti-rationalist. Lmao thats literally being proud of feels over reals.

Also imagine calling yourself an anti-rationalist. Lmao thats literally being proud of feels over reals.

Hey moron, are you serious? Rationalists are the ones who think that feels are over reals.

Anti-rationalism just means empirism.

You are such a talkative moron.

You are a treasure.

What do you think of communism?

Lmao the amount of seethe right now. Am I correct in that your whole sub is based off some harry potter fanfic?

All the lolcows are coming out of the woodwork and it's great.

I'm sorry what?



Me seeing this with 150+ comments within 5 hours

Read some comments Shittiest lolcow ever

What a boring subreddit full of tryhards and people wanting validation