Actual fucking presidential candidate posts weebshit meme on instagram. Allah have mercy on our poor souls.

129  2019-07-08 by Ghdust2


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Actual fucking presidential candida... -,

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Anyone can be a candidate dude. Calling some nobody I've never even heard of a candidate is rich.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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She made it to the debates... she didn’t some mentally ill homeless person claiming she’s gonna be president

Did u watch her in the debates?

It was beautiful. It’s like trump but a crystals lady.

Yeah. I hope she wins

She's mentally ill, but I imagine she has a home.


She's going to be polling higher than Yang within a month, can't wait for the cope

I'm lazy. Is she D or is she R?


She was in the second debate

I see. This now explains the relevance of the random Asuka image.

She's the insane D who does hippy stuff and talks about crystals

I love listening to her. She's like the dumb chick from mean girls.

she's smarter than you, furry fuck

I don't know if you can really put her in any kind of box except one with padded walls

Marianne's a D.

Asuka... I don't think there's a canon answer, but I'm guessing Republican.

Bitch be crazy

wow it's only july of 2019 and I'm already done with the 2020 presidential election

I aint, can you imagine all the pandering the boomer politicians will be doing to "appeal to the youth" throughout this next year?

Sucking on a Juul, streaming fortnite on twitch, wearing one of those shit-tier flannel shirts millennials like, fanboying over capeshit, calling for the abolishment of the illegal state of Israel, maybe ranting about their favourite brand of craft beer....

The possibilities are endless 😍😍

I want Bernie's patented gamer girl ball sweat water.

I thought the flannel was a gen x thing

It's kinda both, but used in different ways. Gen X flannel is more skater bro, millennial flannel is more coffee shop hipster with waxed hair.

millennial flannel is more coffee shop hipster with waxed hair.

This stereotype is from like 2007 lmao

Thats the millennial era tho? The oldest wouldve been mid 20’s around then and 100% still in control of pop culture.

It doesn't help that they're all scrambling to be in the same wokefold and Trump's antics have gotten pretty stale.

Don't you fucking dare put Orb Mommy down.

Boomer tier anime

Ex-fucking-scuse me?


"It's has really deep character development. You just have to get past the first 16 episodes where nothing happens"

So every anime with more than 26 episodes?

Thems fightin words

ranking Chinese cartoons into tears


ranking Chinese cartoons into tiers

I mean there's not even a 5000 year old dragon loli

Evangelion is shit that people like because the director got high on crack one day and wrote down the last 5 episodes because they ran out of budget to finish their shitty, unfocused mess of an anime.

You mean WWE?

Eva is on Netflix now so it's barely weebshit anymore.

This is a prime example of weeb COPE.

It's true. First I had to cope with Your Lie in April being on Netflix, then The Sound of Silence, and now Eva? It's awful.

Thankfully, we'll never have to worry about that happening to Kiss X Sis.

Personally I prefer Citrus.

Or Kodomo no Jikan

I don't know what the fuck any of you weebs are taking about

This is the only valid comment in this thread.

lol did you seriously make an account off his imgur hash

The name "Kiss X Sis" tells you all you need to know

I'm glad I don't know what they're talking about

The sacred anime

Thank the Lord i don't recognize any of that, i will never understand anime. My friend has been nagging me about trying Naruto, says it's basically the go-to for people starting anime, watched 10 episodes and i was about to break my computer out of boredom, and these episodes were apparently the canon episodes lmao.

Naruto fucking sucks, as does Attack on Titan. I'm not a weeb but I've seen 2 animes I like - One Punch Man - it's satirical and makes fun of anime while still managing to be interesting, and Space Dandy - saw like 3 episodes and it looks like it's about some too-cool cowboy space Elvis sorta character flying around getting into trouble with a talking cat.

I'd say One-Punch Man is the best gateway anime for people who don't like anime because it completely avoids all the cringey shit you normally get in anime.

I also don’t enjoy anime as much live-action because no matter how much time you put into drawing, the end product will never be as appealing or as visually interesting as a real-life shot. This is why i go for tv series all the time. I don’t think any anime can achieve this.

weebs are easy to spot as theyll always say this or that is too normie

I mean it's 20 years old and has been on adult swim. It's not as normie as Naruto but it's not exactly esoteric

imagine watching nip cartoons. lose your virginity while you can still get it up

bend over

gladly but you first ok?

no, me first

Yes but it is trash on netflix

Of course. Netflix is awful for anime. But the normies won't know that.

devilman crybaby was good but that's probably the exception

I've enjoyed what I've seen of Violet Evergarden and they have a couple other shows I like. It's just that the subs are so bad. Fansubs >>>>>>>>> Netflix.

Imagine watching weeb shows in Japanese instead of English lmao.

Didn't they fuck with the subtitles to make it less obvious that shinji was gay for kaworu

probably. netflix always has terrible subs for anime

I assumed it was McAfee and was hoping for an absurd JoJo meme. I am disappointed

Get some combination of Marianne, Yang, Tulsi, and McAffe on the same ticket. Have them win then have Trump defect to the democrats to join their cabinet, along with the other two who didn't get the P/ VP slots. I don't really give a shit about politics but if this happens I will be cumming and shitting all over the place

Yeah why doesn't Trump run as a Democrat this time, like the time before the last time? It would make sense, you know.

Me on r/politics later that week...

Told you guys Dems were da reel racists 😄👌

Can you imagine how angry people would get on both sides if he did that and ran with basically inverted stances on everything this time?

If he loses 2020 he totally should

Giving politicians social media was a mistake. I'm going to believe that it was an intern and she's not spending her times looking at memes to post.

Dunno. Eva with all of its pointless symbolism seems like the kind of show to attract Marianne.

The thought of a Presidential candidate browsing 4chan or a meme site should scare you shitless. I'm going to cope and believe that someone tweeted that to her.

Isn't Trump already president?

I assumed he had an assistant to dictate his tweets until "covfefe". At least he only knows how to use apps and still prints out webpages.

In a couple decades we'll probably have a millennial president. No doubt the election cycles will get much better once the Boomers die and Gen X and the Millennials take the stage. We'll undoubtedly be seeing many more presidential memes in our lifetime.

Yikes @ tweeting the Nazi character in meme.

Marianne makes me have such complicated feelings


She's Andrew Yang but instead of sad gamer bux to keep us blinded by consumerism she promises radiant beautiful JO crystals to store our vital essences and express ourselves at a higher level

based and essential-oiled pilled

I like her. From the few interviews I’ve listened to, I think she is coming from a genuinely good place. She doesn’t give off a cult leader vibe, but like most self-help gurus, she can come across as out of touch sometimes.

shes a self help guru, and its all fuckin retared


Charles zi Britannia screen caps (with subtitles) as a response?

That's not how you get votes from the anime avatar dweebs on Twitter

I was expecting Yang

Yang totally turned greased up twink during the debate when he agreed with the loonies that taxpayers should be forced to pay for illegals health care. So sad. Yanggang got gangbanged.

I’d be willing to bet Yang will be next.

Health does not derive from medicine; it derives from praying to mother earth's crystal yoni.

Literally who?

She's doing it ironically you absolute r-slur.

Dear Google. How can I attract the young voters?

Intern, can you post one of those "me-mes" on my Instagram please?


Back down boys, I think I’m in love 🥰.

What if anime fans make her president. The GOP is going to be like Wuh?

The key to becoming president is to capture the hearts and minds of all degenerates. Get out there, go to a debate in a fursuit, blast XXX on a Bluetooth speaker, speak in OwO talk, and use anime allegories in every answer to the debate questions.


Actual presidential candidate

Pick one

This is the real r/drama candidate, only rightoids or leftoids would disagree

gross, should be misatoposting instead

How does that text relate with that image in any way?

Watch Avatar again, faggot.