Hahahahahahahahaha how the fuck is struggling to gain weight real hahahhahahaha nigga just walk into the kitchen like nigga open your mouth haha

94  2019-07-15 by queerjihad


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Have these heathens never heard of Krispy Kreme?

dirty bulk is love, dirty bulk is life

fatcel cope

Dude is getting downvotes but he has a point. Just eat nigga.

Like what other advice is there?

No idea. Millions of fats do it everyday with ease.

If you’re athletic it can actually be a challenge. An elite athlete in intense sports can sometimes burn over 6,000 calories on a busy training day, and an equivalent volume of food just isn’t going to feel good in your stomach, no matter how hungry you are.

Source: am a sportsball Chad, sometimes need to take pepto-bismol when bulking.

Incel flex but ok

What do you think the people posting on here look like?

Strong enough to take any SRDine.

So toddlers?

This was me in high school. Took a lot of effort to bulk up but once I started making progress and getting used to it then it became natural and real easy to gain and lose weight back and forth.

My tip for any soylets out there wanting to gain weight is to go to the gym and do weight training 2 or 3 days a week. You need to make your body yearn for that food and once you do eat a lot and fast.

It's just not possible for someone who competes in a sport like rowing or swimming though, where you basically overtrain your body with what amounts to high reps/low weight resistance training 6 days a week for like 8 months per year. If you start out reasonably big you'll chisel your way down to a decent physique, but if you start out as a lanklet it's almost impossible to make gains.

In those kinds of sports yeah it can be really hard to achieve this. But I still think that with a proper diet you can do it. I'd attribute most of my progress made to my balanced diets. Back in my high school years I was in 3 different activities at the same time, soccer, track and muay thai and I still managed to bulk up quite a bit on top of all that exercise.

For sure, but maintaining the proper diet is sometimes hard. Physically hard even. That's where pepto-bismol comes in handy.

Calories are easy, nutrition is hard.

Lol, just eat wingstops. literally like a billion calories per wing. Fellow swolecel, I go to the gym 8 days of the week, bulking clean can be a bitch but dirty bulking is a 24/7 party. Order wings with a 20 liter of docter gains and throw some whiskey in that bitch. like 4k calories in one meal and you'll be hungry 3 hours later.

But if u bulk dirty u look fat ☹️

Bulk dirty isn't ideal, but if you are complaining that normal bulks don't work, it's really easy to do a second best strategy.

my roommate in uni was a bodybuilder and he ate normal meals but just supplemented with disgusting shakes like 3x per day. A dirty ass shake with weight-gain powder and protein and fuckin homo milk/cream/ice cream/chocolate sauce/whatever the fuck can top 1000 calories. ez

Keister it.

shove liquefied food into arse?

Inject yourself with sugar water.

Offensive linemen eat 5+ meals a day and have protein shakes inbetween, then eat until they feel sick. They literally all lose weight when they get out of the league because they dont have to force feed themselves anymore.

So I guess the only other advice is eat high calorie high protein snacks inbetween meals and then drink protein shakes with whole milk before bed. Besides that, there ain’t much.

Yeah eat more.

To treat the bloated and full feeling. It’s a common symptom of many gastrointestinal illnesses.

Some people get so stressed they forget to eat and then their stomach actually shrinks so it gets full way faster and it is harder to eat enough calories each day

I'm definitely a skinnycel. I'm hitting the gym and eating more to gain weight but man 3k calories a day is tough. Being nauseous a lot isn't fun, but it's gonna be so nice when I can finally bench the bar.

bench the bar

Shit bro. How small are you. As small as a chapo

That's a joke. I'm at 495 on the 500 club (deadlift, squat, bench).

I have really long and skinny arms so my bench is the weakest of them at 95 lbs.

So you got Chad legs but chapo arms.

Even my body is radically centrist.

Same for me, but I don't work out. Got nice legs though.

But you got the belly fat of a land whale?

That perfectly round pot belly flex.


the only people who don't work out who have nice legs are either fat people or formally fat people who haven't lost the muscle tone in their legs yet. You ever see the thighs of a person who went through rapid weightloss? Like treetrunks.

Get back in the gym, skelly. The only purpose of "nice legs" on a moid is to balance out the appearance of a muscular torso.

I have a good torso. I'm not a lanky guy.


Lol not everyone is a lankcel like you. I have a good body build.


Lankcel cope

400 lbs combined deadlift/squat Chad legs

Sir you can only pick one

He means the African country, because he's skinny enough to look like a famine survivor.

Homie what

I started going to the gym 1 month ago and I bench more than 95lbs. How can you be that weak? Like nigga just lift the bar 😂🤣😂

Let's just say that i put shoes on my hands so they don't scuff the ground when I walk around.

This is how the manlets can strike back, they can point out that all tallcels are also benchcels

What kind of bar are You using that weighs more than 95 lbs

A bar with 4 10 lb plates welded to it.

Bars only weigh 45lbs though 🤔🤔🤔

Oh yeah, I fucked that one up. You gotta put the 25 lb ones on either side. I usually start at 85 for the first set, then end up with 2 10lb plates and a 5lb plate for my last couple sets. Funny enough, someone will come up to you and tell you "dude you don't need 2 10lbs and a 5lb, they make 25lb plates".

That's like, what you do to train for bodyweight pushups before you can actually do bodyweight pushups.

my bench is the weakest of them at 95 lbs

What the... Even my 125 lbs girlfriend could bench this when she was starting out. You need to start working those bi/triceps and pecs mate.

What do you think I'm doing at the gym benching 3 times a week, ya fart pants?

How long you been at it?

Depends. I usually lift for awhile then hit the road for 6 months, then lift, then hit the road for 6 months. I got off the road about 3 months ago, been lifting for about 6 weeks.

Well gl with your gains 💪

Thanks FoidBlaster.

every other day instead of 3x/week for swoleness

That's a joke. I'm at 495 on the 500 club (deadlift, squat, bench).

please tell me this isn't what I think it is, please tell me you aren't adding those numbers together.

No I subtract them from pi multiplied by lunar penumbra. You didn't know that dude? Do you even lift?

Yes I lift, and nothing else about me is attractive so I'd ask you to recognize the fact.

Well I'm pretty good-looking but skinny and I'm trying to improve my muscular tit region so how's about you just be nice and not try and bring me down like an ass-to-grass squat?

but for real, if you're just adding all the numbers together you still have noobie gains for days, one plate is like a month off of baseline.

If you’re still having a hard time gaining, it’s possible that you’re burning more than 3k per day. If you’ve got $150 or so, I’d recommend buying a Fitbit. The Charge 3 is pretty good if you wear it consistently and keep your weight updated in the app.

I use the TDEE calculators and came across at like 2400 kcal burned per day. I'm gaining weight but it's just not fun to eat anymore. Luckily I'm not a foodie and luckily the Asian girl at the gym with the fat ass says hi to me.

Yea my current tdee is about 3k, so i need 3500 to gain. Doesn't help that i walk between 10 to 12 miles a day tho.

See thats the thing. Half the year I'm on the road hiking and beating off on trees and stuff and this half of the year I'm on my ass making money on my computer.

10-12 a day? Goddamn man are you a professional dog walker or something? That's nuts.

Work in sales combined with that i don't like standing still haha

I have the methamphetamine pacing energy as well. Luckily my job is engaging enough that I only need to aimlessly wander the house once or twice an hour.

You mean fat ass, or fatass?

The good way. Thiccccccccccccccc



You can blend huge amounts of cashew or almond butter into milk. Makes for a solid gainer without the gross protein shake taste

Shit man thanks, I'll consider that.

I gained 50 pounds in around 6 months eating 10 tablespoons of peanut butter before bed every day, as well as 2 scrambled egg sandwiches on wheat with four eggs per sandwich every morning.

Going back I would do cashew or almond butter instead of peanut butter because your body can’t handle that amount of peanut butter, it can be toxic.

honestly no homo but what were your shits like, eating that much protein?

They were bad, I recommend massive amounts of celery and broccoli to grease your shotgun barrel

The braps

top 5 activity for me is ripping disgustingly humid, meaty farts in my dog's face, so that's quite the silver lining

My gf used to hate them but now she respects them.

Also used to make my own protein bars out of steel cut oats, almond butter and a bit of honey. You can freeze them and they turn out awesome.

good to know, gracias

You must be a filthy, stinking manlet with those numbers. Fuck you.

6' tall, gaymo.

Damn you really are a skinnycel then

Yessir and just because I'm skinny doesn't mean there's less of me to love. But I'll have you know I'm at 19.0 BMI which makes me JUUUUUUST in the "normal weight" category.

Everybody knows you've just gotta eat. The problem is, we find it difficult to eat.

Lol just stop being lazy

I will never stop being lazy. I will not give up this essential part of myself.

smoke weed nigga.

Unironically eating enough to start gaining weight makes me feel sick. I’m borderline underweight even though I’m regularly eating more than enough to feel full.

Nigga drink some mass gainer.

I’m sorry, but for those of us that aren’t fat, how do you manage to shove more cake down your throat when you’re stomach is full?

Some people get so stressed they forget to eat and then their stomach actually shrinks so it gets full way faster and it is harder to eat enough calories each day

Commenting on a six day old post 😴😴😴

I know, sorry

'we should come up with solutions instead of stating what people have a problem with.'

What solutions are there other than eating?

That sub needs to see a shrink not cope with their eating disorders with soylent and chicken smoothies.

Sorta. Something that helped me was drinking a lot of my calories. Some earnest advice I got, but have not followed up on, was to drink olive oil.

There’s also gomad or whatever they call it. A gallon of whole milk per day. Half your calories will fat and your shits will be gnarly.

I've heard of it. You've still gotta eat a lot to go with it though.

just bite the bullet and shove copious amounts of mayo down your gullet

eventually you'll get used to it 😭

mod this man

You absolute madman! How did you find this old post?

I think someone linked to it on another subreddit.


Fitness circlejerk? Maybe, I can't remember but I did browse through several fitness-related subreddits today.

ugh I used to have an extra 30 pounds of muscle and one reason I switched from bulky to lean is all the clean calories you need to eat

I'll never eat a fucking chicken breast again

Honestly getting fat is harder than losing weight cmv


Do it yourself you goddamn lazy piece of shite. It's not our job to educate you.

ITT: fat cope

Oh God you're that faggot who has a chubby chub chub fetish, lol. Is this a way of getting off for you?

nigga what

also you're that breeder who has a shillary fetish

Ahahahahaha calling me a breeder, that's rich








Gaining weight is 10 times harder than lifting itself

7/11 burritos.

They’re relatively small, but like 600 calories per. Eat 2 of those on top of your daily food, and you’ll look like a real American in no time.

cultivate mass my niggas, it's cuts that are hard.