Chapo brigades r/JBP to lecture them on the bravery of the ICE attacker killing literal nazis

90  2019-07-15 by Corporal-Hicks


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Jews did this


  1. Chapo brigades r/JBP to lecture the... -,,

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lol those chapos just don't get it. 🤣👎

How. How can you manage to be this autistic. They are brigading the lobsters to support terrorism.

Maybe I'm not "PC" but I just tell it like it is.

Why didn't the whole world grind to halt when some American got shot?!?!? It must be a leftist antifa conspiracy.

Idk why you’re being downvoted, doing dumb shit with guns is the American national passtime so this is hardly a top news item.

Rightoid COPE

Proof that weaponized autism is not the sole domain of rightoids.

All chapos write with this distinct butthurt style.


Is that where cumtown’s “gay with your dad” bit comes from?

Hey whoa any self-respecting cumboy hates chapoids just as much as anyone. There's a pretty handy chapo-detector bot roaming the sub at the moment

A bit of condescension mixed with what I have to assume is high, nasally smugvoice really kills any message they might ever some day have.

The dead kids in cages aren’t lies you dingus

they're referring to the heat stroke kids right or did ICE dab on people locked up?

omg I marched child through the desert and they died! How could you trump???

I can’t believe no one at the democratic debate had the balls to ‘umm sweaty’ the dead kids stat.

Oh and "daddy" whispers nice things in my ear every night. How could you take me away from my "parents"?

Well you could argue if the U.S. was tougher on immigration then less people would come and drag their kid through the dessert

yes. that is exactly what im arguing.


Coincidence? I think not!

ISIS ISS SS Drumpf is Hitler confirmed

According to reddit rules chapo should be banned. Brigading, calls for violence, praising terrorism, being slacktivist mayos, being born.

Reddit rules are there to ban whatever the San Fransisco cucks that run reddit don't like.

Exactly. They need to be publicly shamed. I'd be happy if this site crashed and burned, because they deserve it for being cucked mayo hypocrites.

And their greatest crime, jerking off to ugly trannies 🤢 not even cute ones 🤮

Them Brianna Wu types.

i'm so sad that the Chapo bandit didnt rack up a higher kda. could be some real consequences irl and online for lefty reddits (and some nice fucking drama). instead he puts up a sub-foid-shooter performance. just sad really.

the x understander has logged on

The gayest of gay forced memes. Only a chapofag could come up with this and unironically think it's worth spreading.