Incel murders Ethot and posts pictures of her corpse to her Instagram

112  2019-07-15 by Quietus42


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Incel murders Ethot and posts pictu... -,

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The incel menace is beginning to boil over.

Q predicted this

I’ve heard there’s more drama to this in incel tears but I don’t have my quarantined on 😪

I posted some links. You have to go to desktop and optin

You have to go to desktop and optin

The true oppression of our time.

I wish WPD was still around, I'm curious about those pictures now.

You can find them online pretty easily, but I'm not going to post them here

Well duh lol


Post gore to own the libs

Haha what the fuck


Long post bot is broken or something fyi

Yeah. I've been too lazy to fix it. I'll do it now.

Basted and 01010001001 pilled

Bussy and longpostbot are back and chugging.

thank you for your service


Drinking is probably what fucked them up before.

Nah it was a power outage

Doxed as manhattan nyc cel

Even more specifically: a midtowncel.


Him and zoz are the only reasons I still use reddit, thanks

e-thot patrolled

Jihad against incels when

we need to turn them into traps to boost bussy supplies

Based and efficiency-pilled

That would make it trussy then

abolish prisons and force convicts to be bfs for incels

furry is zoophile blackface


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e-thot dead

incel jailed for life

A good day for radical centrism

i did send her mom my condolences with a cum tribute to the bitch getting rekt. she died coz she was a thot and i hope that she takes this as a lesson on how hard she failed at parenting

no one's this fucking stupid right?

Incels man. After mayos, they are the greatest menace of our time

the venn diagram of those two groups is nearly a circle

tell that to /r/Muslimcels

Muslimcels are just waiting for their aunt to give birth to a daughter.

Nothing you said doesn’t also apply to mayos

Mayos don't wait.

Or ANZ 💃


Mayos can't be incels

lmao othercels on suicide watch

Mayocels just transing out from inceldom smh

Blacks being higher than mayos is surprising

No it’s not. All my massively racist posts aside I had a good amount of black friends in high school/college and Aside from the black chads, they don’t get shit.

The meme rappers are always talking about “getting curved” and shit is 100% real. The sports stars? The cool/hard kids? Sure. But they are even more brutal than whites in only the top like 10% is getting any gussy.

only in the fever dreams of microdicked redditers are black people out there cucking everyone en masse

It is definitely a extremely not real world take. All memes aside, sure, a attractive, well off black guy can absolutely land a nice attractive lady if any race.

The fact that they don’t realize that for every black chad there are just as many if not more betas as white guys who aren’t getting laid shows they literally don’t interact with any black people lol.

The difference is the othercels are mostly volcels while whities are incels

There are a shit ton of currycels and ricecels. I am Indian. I had a GF and lost my virginity in middle school but I really had trouble getting laid in HS. I went to a school that was literally 95% white and the only girls that wanted to fuck me were girls I was oblivious too. It wasn't until I realized that if I actually worked on myself that the girls would come later and sure enough I started getting laid in college. Incels = Mentalcels.

you are forgetting all of the curry and rice-cels

You repeat yourself

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Has everyone forgotten about jewcels?

Imagine thinking that your life is worthless and has no chance of getting better. Now imagine what that mindset would do to your self-preservation instinct.

Change your life then?

If incels were capable of enacting positive change, would they be incels?

Everyone’s capable. They just don’t want to.

Are there pray the 4chan away camps? If not, there should be

I volunteer to man the watch towers if I’m allowed to beat up a few /pol/tards a day.

2 birds with one stone; poltards

Based and incelpilled

if you cant instantly understand this is a troll you should castrate yourself to save the gene pool from your retarded progeny


I saw this on Kiwifarms but the thread said "graphic content not spoilered" so I didn't open it. I can go my whole life without seeing a 17-year-old girl's severed head tbh.

I saw the pics looking for Reddit threads talking about this, unfortunately.

You made a brave sacrifice to bring us this writeup tbh.

Ban yourself for that Reddit ass reply jannie

Stop jacking off to dead kids.

Have sex incel.


Can u send the pic???


I could

Send it

hook me up, bruh

ehhh it's not that bad. it's not actually even close to decapitated

it's not actually even close to decapitated

what? her head's attached to her neck by like 6 inches of skin

come on snally. it's just a huge gash in her neck. he didn't even get halfway

her neck is at an angle that necks aren't supposted to be at

Dont worry she will be fine that stuff heals in like 3 weeks.

Rub some dirt on it

no it's not lol

What the fuck no. It’s fucking bad. I wish I could unsee it.

G-d damn people who didn’t grow up with are weak as fuck

Calls someone weak but doesn't say GOD damn

Wow, that’s pretty anti-Semitic.

Nothing unspoilered in the initial post, and it's not like you need to look at anything else since none of the comments will have interesting content that already isn't in the OP.

Just be wary that if you click and enlarge images, the you can still see the thumbnails of the spoilered ones so don't look at the bottom of your screen too much.

Thanks fam. If initial post is clean I'll dive in.

It's not bad, tbh. I used to see a lot of pics of severed heads for work and they always seem fake, like a hollywood special effect. I don't know why.

This one isn't any different.

TIL serial killers consider their murder sprees work

Yeah it does look unreal. very unsettling though 1/10 on the beheading job

yup, don't think I'd want to chance that

found this though, someone in the thread said the farms thread just had the post from the sister from instagram which can be found elsewhere too


I saw it, pretty gross

The head isn't completely severed

Oh cool that's fine for some light viewing then.

there's a very informative thread on this over on kiwifarms. quick rundown:

> young girl starts out on tumblr LARPing as a lightskin black man and sends guro to other children

> drama happens and she changes her name or something

>fast forward a year or so and now she's got a discord with a few orbiters because she's posting lewds

>plays one guy off another, ostensibly to fund a drug habit

>mocks some guy she knew irl about fucking loads of other dudes because she's "edgy"

>guy tracks her down when she's at a concert and offs her and tries to slit his own throat but doesn't bleed out before cops get there

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Wait who was fucking loads of other dudes? Him or her?

her. she basically mocked this dude about sleeping around and how he was worthless to her

Damn. Just goes to show you never know who you're dealing with online

Aparently the killer wasnt a online dude, but a guy close to her irl who even knew her family (according to her sister's social media)

You'll never truly know who the black man is until she brags about how many cocks she can fit inside her pussy I guess.

Where's the lie?

Are you really asking that question...


Not really edgy. The link backs all this up.

I'm not arguing the facts, just that "ethot child deserved it" is a p. edgy take.

fair, but life is edgy. If you make really bad decisions, life is not going to be kind to you.

How many times do you have to be baited by incorrect initial narrative to learn to wait until shit settles?

I've seen anything from her allegedly sending Discord messages to him 2 years ago to them only knowing each other for 2 months, or not really meeting IRL at all.

Also saw takes that they don't really know each other too well, him being her BF, him being a beta orbiter that she fucked, and finally that he was an IRL friend and her mom met him too.

Nobody can tell right now what is accurate, though I get that this confirms your beliefs so it must 100% the cruel foid's fault, that bitch deserved it.

The link backs all this up.

though I get that this confirms your beliefs so it must 100% the cruel foid's fault, that bitch deserved it.

son, I'm just reporting what I saw on the farms

Her family confirmed that they were family friends and knew each other irl but also knew each other from discord

slitting someone's throat and posting the aftermath online is kind of a disproportionate response to them acting like a dickhead on discord, isn't it

But his ego was hurt allegedly. So totallllly justified to many.

I'm kinda speechless and I'm a prolific shit poster

There are a ton of people justifying his actions or blaming her in the usual places, as if someone whose life is a public trainwreck and/or is being mean to people on the internet should expect the risk of being murdered over it. It's interesting how in cases like these there is always a group of people who frame the bad action as a 'consequence' so that they can shit on the target of the action without having to shit on the perpetrator. Really makes u think 🤔🤔🤔

It truly is an enigma.

...Oh wait it's not.

Straight up though it's way easier for these troglodytes to think "she (and by extension all women) deserve this" instead of understanding that the roots of their love issues' fountainhead is that damn near no-one wants too be around someone with a broadly violent hair trigger fuse. Let alone "wahmen."

Jesus like just get a cool hobby or at least a puppy to meet chicks. And don't be a complete psycho. Fuck.

Straight up though it's way easier for these troglodytes to think "she (and by extension all women) deserve this" instead of understanding that the roots of their love issues' fountainhead is that damn near no-one wants too be around someone with a broadly violent hair trigger fuse.

It seems to be common reaction in general for when someone on an extremist's 'side' does something shitty. ime there's usually a few responses:

  • focus on the faults of the target and/or frame the story as a bad person receiving consequences
  • shift the topic to a time where someone/people on the other side did something similar
  • where there is nothing similar on the other side, find any opportunity to shit on the 'other side'
  • deny it happened/invent a conspiracy where the other side was pulling the strings

it's extra apparent when it comes to incels because the action is usually heinous and they act like it's normal and expected for men to be violent nutters who snap under the faintest hint of loneliness or romantic distress but anything that the victim does that is wrong or perceived by them to be wrong is makes them unspeakably evil and as such deserving of whatever bad thing happens to them

It's amazing that they hand wave gross and brutal overreactions to simple slights. They're quite frankly dangers to the community... And they not only do zero self reflection but they revel in the vicarious suffering of others, and in a gross way those that they see as weaker than them.

Like I can be a violent nutter... But only when my person or friends are in direct, clear, and immediate danger. Or some one owes me deep (that's just business though). But since I'm fairly popular, strong, and street hardened I really don't feel that simmering impotent rage these fuckos not only embrace but attach their whole identity to... Where's the glorious challenge? Where's their enjoyment of bringing some dickhead giant bully down to size and making them literally shit themselves?

They're fucking pathetic.

wow I guess you could say that you're a bit of a badass

Not really. I just do what I gotta do sometimes and I am way more than ready to bail out of a fight if I'm not going to actually and literally die. I don't care about ego or reputation just survival most of the time

nobody like that knows what reddit is let alone has an account

Why do you say that?

what's gonna happen when some of them find love and realize it's not easy and doesnt make life better and infact can make it much more difficult?

Well we're posting I this thread about something that happened so... Yeah...

But indeed so many of these types seem to be looking for a silver bullet for happiness, and they look towards women of all things. Like man, haven't you ever heard at least one blues song??

It's kind of ironic that heartbreak is the #1 way to realizing self love is the true path to contentment

Straight up though it's way easier for these troglodytes to think

When leftoids label people as a group and attack the actions of one as being representative of the group, it's natural to try to justify these actions.

Notice how you're about to try to defend this, probably by some "well if they react that way they're subhuman filth" line.

Notice how you're about to try to defend this, probably by some "well if they react that way they're subhuman filth" line.

Counter-point they are sick, actually dangerous, and see no problem with their thinking or mental state to get help.

They may be sick and dangerous, but the way leftoids react makes the problem worse.

Where are the people justifying it besides other incels exactly?

besides other incels exactly?

I was trying to be diplomatic but those are the people justifying it in the usual places

People have thot fatigue

No. Out. Out. Out.

If your "thot fatigue" leads you to sympathize with a deranged murderer then you probably belong on an FBI watchlist. and not one of the cool ones either

I'm on the bank robbing watchlist... The patrician spot for degenerates

nicee, that's one of the cool lists

A lot of people are basically borderline incels/femmecels and they can't really help but sympathize with what this guy did. I'm not saying I do but I think that's why they do.

it is actually shocking to me how carefree young zoomers are with their dox tho. this should be a real lesson to current/future parents to teach their moron children to not dox themselves, no matter how much they trust their e-friends. crazy fucking people are out there.

While not wrong about online safety, this is a bit of victim blaming when we don't have any real facts.

almost every victim is partially at fault for their own victimhood. very rarely outside of vehicle crashes and unexpected natural disasters does some completely innocent stranger get merc'd. almost all victims do some dumb shit before they become victims, even if its minor.

this is just a case of some unfortunate e-thot learning that "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" is patently incorrect because women won't kill you and mutilate your corpse if they cant get their dick wet, unlike desperate thirsty internet moids.

tl;dr - dont let your kids dox themselves and there is no chance this specific shit will happen to then

According to family sources this was a close family friend that may have been "dating" her. Which is way more common than stranger attack. Send she's fucking 17/18 it's not like she's a 50 year old in 40k to the mob on the ponies

if this was a family friend thing then I feel even worse for the parents.

gonna live the rest of their lives kicking themselves that they didnt catch the red flags.

Honestly with teenage girls that age (by an large) it would've rolled off her. I don't wanna say forks that age are naturally dumb, what I will say is that they are naturally stubborn and cocksure. Just kinda how it goes sadly

yea they were actually dating see the new drama thread

it is actually shocking to me how carefree young zoomers are with their dox tho

while it is generally pretty shocking i doubt this girl's parents gave enough of a shit about her to teach her anything, given how much of a trainwreck she is

According to the sister apparently this was someone she knew for a while.

you can think the girl is dumb af without condoning his actions. like if you walked into a ghetto saying "n words are bad" on your t-shirt, i'm not gonna high 5 the black guys who gang rape you, but i'll also think you're a fucking moron.

like if you walked into a ghetto saying "n words are bad" on your t-shirt, i'm not gonna high 5 the black guys who gang rape you

you're equating being an asshole online to this? you really think that getting murdered for being a dick on discord is equivalent to getting your ass kicked for race-baiting in the slums?

she was running some kind of mail order bride scam

upholding morals by slitting a 17-yo discord regular's throat


\> but she friendzoned him!!!


Yeah. It's happened to me. I just accept and move on to bang model tier foids

And now he went his own way. If he survives, he'll get his own chef, rent-free housing, and life-long friends.

But he's technically a Chomo... Those do real great in GP

Idk people who use discord are scum of the earth.

true but it is still inappropriate to kill them

I suppose it's a tad extreme. Maybe forced sterilization instead?

agree to disagree

if people should except the chance of having their throat slit over being an edgy asshole online then half of the users of this sub should be looking behind their shoulders

yeah it was a joke

sorry. it's hard to tell what's a joke and a not-joke for this one tho

I'm petty sure everyone making edgy comments are just joking. Otherwise the irony of making edgy statements about someone who was killed because of making edgy statements is completely lost on them. We may be a stupid bunch, but I think even r/drama isn't that dumb?

We may be a stupid bunch, but I think even r/drama isn't that dumb... maybe?

I think you're mostly right. There's some very sincere incel rage on youtube, r9k, etc. but I guess that's to be expected. It's ridiculous that there are people who unironically read about a murder and immediately focus on what the dead person did to deserve it instead of the deranged killer. I mean, by the logic they're using you could just as easily say 'he was asking to get his feelings hurt by pursuing a crazy fembot addict' but she's not being afforded the same level of sympathy and understanding that the murderer gets 🤔


very conservative estimate

i was being optimistic

I mean, yeah, but that's not gonna stop me from using this to push my political agenda.

So I guess the cops have a different story?

Devins and Clark met on Instagram about two months ago

that mean discord msg is fake and a couple of years old by someone else

Looks like everyone I'd trying to be the guy that fought the Boston bomber lol

The cops being wrong isn’t surprising tbh

This is not what happened at all.

half ass effort post sticky nearly half a day after everyone else in the world already knew about this shit and everything is already out there our drama really does have the best mods. good work on beating a horse that is not only long since dead but has been already completely obliterated. post bussy

Holy fucking shit

"Incel" as a term has lost its former meaning. If this is your stance, if you think the behavior outlined in the title of this post is in any way defensible at all, then you and I have nothing further to discuss.

why are people pretending this is some moral thing and not just about gawking at virgins and ugly manlets? what a dramatic soccer mom post

It's bizarre knowing the future belongs to the 4chan types considering which tides the current church ladies are fighting

What if having a gun would have saved her?

what if your mother had swallowed

Don't tease me by bringing up better timelines.

Why you gotta do him like that? He wasn't hurting nobody 😭

are you sure it's deweaponized because im still really feeling it here

There’s a lot of misinformation going around about this. The mocking discord messages are from years ago and not the same person. The person who murdered her was someone she knew irl and the family knew as well. Anyways this shit has made me depressed today and it keeps spreading I’ve seen it everywhere now and yeah I know sincereposting sucks but this is disgusting

Honestly ya. I wanted to talk some shit and then I found this post. Just too much sometimes.

Hey you know what...I'm good

Surprised he didn’t try to sell gamergirl blood.

ugh, gonna opt not to see the pic cuz I'm eating. This is sad.

Had to go to /r9k/ for the pics. Weak.

an incel brutally murders an ethot.

ok,which side are we on guys?

incels comprise more than 70% of the moid population, according to their statistics. incel uprising when?

Imagine being 30% of the population, committing 100% of the crimes against women, yet still being unable to get laid. We need to bring back involuntary commitment.

It looks like we have a lot of new people here on the sub today, I’m locking this post because I don’t want to have to ban too many people today for encouraging violence. As much as I understand the urge, it’s the rules guys.

Holy shit. What the actual fuck? Fucking ban me because I'm srsposting, i severely don't give any fucks. This mod statement is lunacy.

How are people this vile?

I think I'm gonna just go the rest of my life without seeing that.

Some people really don't belong in this world.

This is why free speech needs to go.

Way too many chimpanzees on the net and they are starting to crawl out of the 4Chan shitholes to commit murder.

Just an fyi. The first story might be wrong since the police just released theirs and fucks up a lot of the original story like

knowing each other for years, cops say only 2 months

Mean discord msg is fake

They went to the concert together and got in a fight

Dont be like the tard that "cought" the boston bomber, he was retarded

Yeah this is definitely going to develop more and there's a lot of bullshit floating around about this

You know what, this is going to be serious posting but i don't care

People need to get off 4chan. Maybe not just 4chan, but any type of these edgy/offensive ironic circlejerk spaces that form on the internet.

This reminds me of /pol/ where they were "ironically" joking about the Christchurch shooting right after it happened. I'm sorry but if you're "ironically" laughing at dozens of innocent people being killed because of racism and hatred that your board helped spread, you're not being ironic, you're projecting your personal problems into hatred disguised as edgy humor and have possible mental issues. I'm not a psychology expert but any reasonable person can see that.

People who do this need to get off 4chan and go into the real world, because constantly staying in this circlejerk disconnects them from reality and drains their empathy for other humans.

Like is having edgy humor and being ironic so important to you, that you ironically want to act like a complete sociopath?

post bussy


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Based poo-spambot.

Stop calling women thots. It’s fucking stupid.

Shut up thot.

Ooooo so edgy 🙄