Has gendercritical become a fatphobic space? radical wahmen discuss

66  2019-07-16 by Osterion


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/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Has gendercritical become a fatphob... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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It's over for mixels

Half the GC posters aren’t even TERFs, they’re just fat foids pissed that boney trussy gets more tumblr follows than they do

This is also known as the "The Great Replacement"

Isn’t trussy just bussy with fem hormones? 🤔

How many posters described themselves as “ a woman of size”?

If their description of their body doesn't have a number range, the weight starts with a '2'. If there are multiple sentences and a personal history, we're talking '3' and maybe some mobility aids.

Lol. I can appreciate the Imperial system in this case. I can't picture obesity quite as well in Kg.

The Imperial system is also good for identifying the obese and senile Britbongs that think "stone" actually means anything in a post-1776 world.

Every space on Earth should be fatphobic.

Even space should be fatphobic.

It is, that's why objects with enough mass eventually collapse on themselves and become infinitely small points in space.

It would be if so much of it wasn't filled with fat people.

Just don't be fat. But if you are, just know that everyone is thinking "Ewww, they're fat."

You'll never compel people to like that is disgusting, and fat people are probably the most disgusting. More disgusting than trannies.

I'm disabled from a severe illness that makes it impossible for me to stand for more than 5-10 minutes,

Ah yes, the mysterious ailment called being fat.

Jesus. Did she come from that TLC series “my 600lb life”?

How the fuck is it uncomfortable to stand for a matter of minutes?

God help these people

If you don’t stand for over a decade the feeling of weight on your feet probably is awful.

Its also called being a white woman


You never been snow bunny hunting before?

Just one more reason for mayocide.

l i t e r a l l y eat less

Honestly, even if it was entirely my fault, being shamed and patronized for being fat doesn't help anyone. Do you know what it is to go to the gym and being shamed for the very thing you try to improve? It fucking hurt. And you never come back. Add to that the fact that i am a women and that the doctor says that i should simply lose weight and come back, even if i know there's something else.

bitch you don't even need to go to the gym, just stop shoving so much food down your throat

a fatty can build a lot of muscle just by doing bodyweight exercises. There's really no excuse for a fat foid to come to the gym and kill my boner, until her body is pleasing to the male gaze.

99% of people at the gym are friendly and welcoming to fat newbies. We make fun of fat people at fast food restaurants, not gyms.

If you're scared of the 1% of people that are assholes, you might as well lock yourself in your house and cancel celebrities and make Harry Potter references on twitter all day. Oh wait....

Honestly, I try not to judge people even if they appear to be eating bad

Like yeah, they could be (and probably are) maintaining a bad lifestyle but you also don’t know how they’re eating 99% of the rest of the time. I’ve lost weight and I sincerely ate a ton of fast food (a lot of them have decent options) and there were definitely times where I sat down at a restaurant and consumed a lot of food but only because I hadn’t eaten anything that day and had also worked out.

This is just like the time Harry spent 24/7 looking at that mirror that showed him his parents.

generally yeah, but I will make fun of the fat lady that thinks the hip adductor machine is meant for cardio. Also, all of the dumb bimbos/mimbos that show up 2 weeks before spring break.

In a general sense, she’s right, making someone feel less welcome is more likely to make them not want to improve themselves. That’s why I actually like that Nike is catering some of their advertising (and recently a mannequin) towards bigger people because that’s who would need it the most. And telling someone to just eat less isn’t really going to help because you could eat just as much food (purely going off quantity) and lose weight if it just, say, had less sugar or was grilled instead of fried.

Idk what happened to her at the gym, maybe she made it up or maybe she’s so insecure that something small set her off.

This might come off as sexist but I feel like this is less of a problem for men. I feel like we need less encouragement when it comes to fitness or weight loss. When I started working out, it was at a gym you could tell was geared a little more for women and it honestly made me feel awkward how many times they felt the need to give encouragement in each class. Maybe women love it but I think a lot of guys would prefer to be left alone

Holy shit those people had me laughing. "JUST BECAUSE IM 400lbs DOESNT MEAN I DONT DESERVE RESPECT!! REEEEEE!!!" Peoples respect for you more or less goes out the window the second you get too fat to wipe your ass.

patriarchal standards of beauty

Thats cool! Just don’t be offended when men don’t find you attractive. Whatever excuse you need to condone your eating habits, go for it

The Patriarchy is the root of a "healthy weight" womYN naturally was 20+ stone

able to identify that trannies can be self-identified mentally ill people, who shouldn't be coddled

Perhaps merely a based case of foids actually being right.

unable to admit that fatties are self-identified mentally ill people, who shouldn't be celebrated

A tragic cause of foids choosing collective defense over personal responsibility. If they also knew that this is enabled male scum to market to literal whales that will buy more products to compensate for their physical deficiencies.

Posts using slurs such as "bitch" and its derivatives, "cunt", "TERF", "tranny", "troon", "timmy", or referring to women as "cis-gendered" will be deleted.

Timmy lol I have not heard that one, need to use troon more often

Fat """people""" deserve to be shamed.

There neither an excuse, nor a benefit to being fat.

You're a detriment both on society and yourself. Stop drinking gravy instead of water and/or hit the treatmill, ideally both, but either will do.

Fat """people""" deserve to be shamed.

There is neither an excuse, nor a benefit to being fat.

You're a detriment both on society and yourself. Stop drinking gravy instead of water and/or hit the treatmill, ideally both, but either will do.

I would suggest fat """people""" grow thicker skin, its already thicker than it should be in the first place.

Fat """people""" deserve to be shamed.

There is neither an excuse, nor a benefit to being fat.

You're a detriment both on society and yourself. Stop drinking gravy instead of water and/or hit the treatmill, ideally both, but either will do.

I would suggest fat """people""" grow thicker skin, but its already thicker than it should be in the first place. Just not in the ways that actually matter.

Let’s unpark this

It’s only fatphobic because there’s not enough room for every gargoyle with an opinion in there. Fat people also use more bandwidth.

>mfw the TERFs are very emphatically telling the lardplanets not to deny basic medical reality and to take responsibility for their own emotions

Based and realitypilled

Can you link to the study that debunks CICO? Interested in reading it.
