Ladies, gentlemen, trappy, and MasterLawlz. I am currently trolling the fuck out of some basic ass circlejerk bitches. Have fun.

0  2019-07-16 by phedre


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Ladies, gentlemen, trappy, and Mast... -,,

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I’m talking about this subreddit as a whole. I have no tolerance for subs dedicated to mean girl style harassment campaigns, which sums up this sub for the most part.

/r/drama 🤔🧐🤔

I mean, except for you adorable degenerates. <3


You know, you might be a powerjannie and an 🤢SRD🤢 mod, but you consistently deliver powermod drama leaks and content like this, and that's definitely dramapilled.

I think you might be one of the good ones, definitely will be spared during the jannycide.

Yeah but she also summoned TiTrCJ via pinging, blatantly flaunting this privilege in the face of /r/drama.

Can't believe you lot misbehaved so much the admins cucked your entire subreddit. Like wtf.

Power jannies did this 😠😠😡

Speaking as a supposed power jannie, we can't get those fucks to get off their asses for love or money anymore. They've basically abandoned DM slack at this point.

once we moved from irc to slack it was basically the exodus

none of the cool admins really interacted that much anymore

Aww that's so sweet!

Hey snally is an srd mod too! 😠😠😠😠

Yeah on paper, but I don't think she ever really posts of comments in there.

It's more of a honorary position, except it bring you shame not honor.

definitely will be spared

will consider to mop you last, you mean

Wrong on both counts

idk, but i can check your ban notes later.

There is no such thing as a based SRDine. But you’re making me wish there was

We <3 you too, phedre. You might swim like a SRDine, but we know you’re one of us at heart.

if I told you that you were chill and cool would you DM me some pics of the fat deposits on your chest?

ur chill & cool btw

You always say the sweetest things. And you harass Masterlawlz. <3

ilu CS.

So you should. I'm adorable.

And degenerate!

That too.

Are you and Lawlz gonna bang or what? I see you mentioning him by name in your post titles and it feels like you're really looking for senpai to notice you.

How much you offering?

I'll throw in a fiver to the pot

To see you two bang?

Shit...alright I'd throw $5 at that. You got me.

I'll throw in $5 to not see that

Trick question, jannies only do it for free

I'll throw in $100 if you wear a Lawlz costume including a mask and make him cry real tears

great post, e-gf!

(This cucks lawlz)

(This cucks lawlz)

He's gonna masturbate to this comment later.

Does Lawlz have a waifu style body pillow, you think?

I'd assume he has several. Gotta keep them cycling through the laundry to keep them from getting crusty.

🤤 I can feel the sexual tension

Gotta keep them cycling through the laundry to keep them from getting crusty.

(x) doubt

God I wish I could afford detergent

Can't you just add a chastity belt to the rest of your masochist routine?

What's the point of having a body pillow when he can do literally anything he wants with you using his imagination?

Think about all the gross fantasies that kid must have. You need to realize that each and every one of them has been acted out at some point in his imagination, with you as the recipient of his imaginary cummies. Think about how many times his Hot Pocket induced insomnia has caused him to lay awake through the night, tossing and turning, and as he progressively gets more sweaty with each maneuver, his mind races faster and faster, and his sex drive goes haywire....the only thing, he decides, he can do to rest his mind is another lucid fantasy starring his Redditch waifu....and a minute later he's reenacted his favorite Brazilian fart fetish tape in his head with you as the star, and as you BRAPPPPPPP hard enough while crouched on top of his face, that a gooey stream explodes from your bowel and drenches his glasses, he can't hold himself in any longer and he let's out a steady stream of jizz right into his boxers, all while swimming in a pool of sweat from the exertion, lets the pool of dick cheese, semen, and pungent pre-cum solidify in his unwashed underwear before he pulls it up, turns over, and peacefully falls asleep with a relieved smile on his fave.

In fact, given that you probably didn't consent to such actions, you could probably go full #MeToo against /r/drama's autistic hero.

I got five words into that and noped out.

longpostbot is slacking again

Can you sign my profile?

Anything for you, boo.

Thx 😘

If there's anything more pathetic on this site than the magatards, the chapos, the srdines, the kid and dog fuckers, it's those those make-up loons.

Never trust a clown face.

I hope you and masterlawlz realize everyone knows you guys are being super mega ironic but it's still cringey as fuck and embarrassing to read.

cringey as fuck and embarrassing to read.


You just described my whole life though

Never, ever, be embarrassed to do the things you really love or to be who you really are.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy, then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness.

Mua drama... This feeds me to no end.

Thanks saved in case I have trouble falling asleep later

So all of this is because someone used portrait mode? I don’t understand the things that set foids off.

Me either. Bitches be crazy.

I’ve watched this toxic circle jerk culture grow. The only cure for it, quite frankly, is stamping the lot of you out like the bugs you are until you either learn to behave civilly or give up and stick to your swamps.


Not a bad turn of phrase if I do say so myself.

why is my peenus so hard

Is this the druggie lawls is fucking

Yeah fenty love is adorable

I’ve been on Reddit since before subreddits even existed and I’ve modded SRD for years. I’ve watched this toxic circle jerk culture grow. The only cure for it, quite frankly, is stamping the lot of you out like the bugs you are until you either learn to behave civilly or give up and stick to your swamps. I really don’t give a fuck which you choose so long as you don’t shit up my subs.

Imagine unironically posting this. Yikes.

I'm honestly convinced lawlz is better off with his body pillows than with you. At least the pillows aren't free.

55% upvoted

someone’s clearly lost their tendies

The pasta flows like wine


So are you gonna fuck Lawlz or what

Add this to your collection

I feel very conflicting emotions.


Volcel if you wouldn't.

Would insert

She’s like Delores Umbridge but a less magical and much sadder version lol.


cb2 is leaking

Aw, my bad about my thread. I thought something was being legitimately funny for once :(

Look - i'm mildy to very retarded. And i barely understand what's going on here. But my main takeaway from all of this is that I should be masturbating to women's makeup subs and anyone who isn't is a dullard rube

And I know it's totally gross to talk shit about mods, but iM a mEsSy BiTcH so that's totally fine too.

How can one person be so wrong?

Phedre, you're turning into a middle aged wine aunt. Stay off this shit and mod SRD.

Go back to SRD you filthy cuck.

Now that we've gotten that out if the way, good job

You think modding a piddly little sub of 20k users gives you any idea of what reddit is actually like?

You don't know what it's like, maaan. You don't know what it's like to see your buddies die face-down in the mud at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364. You don't know BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T FUCKING THERE!

Spezgiving. #NeverForget.

Thank you phedre, very cool.

Hoes mad

Phedre, there's just something I don't like about you, and I can't put my finger on it.

I believe it has something to do with you being a regular r/subredditdrama commentor while not having any redeeming qualities whatsoever. You're not smart, you're not funny, you're not edgy. You think you're one of us, but you aren't, and you never will be. You bring nothing to the discussion. You're like a dead snake lying on the beach with flies and insects feasting on its remians. You're just....there, and there's nothing we can do about it. You're a human zombie, and as far as I can tell you're not even an authentic person. My gut feeling is that some higher up is controlling you and several other riemanns. Mindless zombies of the human kind, with no independent thought.No, that's mindless zombies of the phedre kind. Like Katy Perry fans or people who drive Toyota Camrys. And one day that army of phedres will rise up and revolt against the human kind, turning our once amazing civilization into a wasteland of literal degeneracy.

Hopefully by the time I'm an old man(quite some time before we get to that point)Western society as a whole will have wholly embraced eugenics so that we don't have any more pathetic, soulles phedres cluttering up this great planet. And hopefully, the exosting phedres of this world will all have some kind of terrible, possibly deadly misfortune inflicted upon them.

How many subreddits do you mod and will you ban me from all of them.

snoozepost this boring Eskimo.