SRDines say we're jobless losers, made an official survey to prove them wrong

211  2019-07-18 by MasterIawlz


furry is zoophile blackface


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You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

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  1. SRDines say we're jobless losers, m... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

☑ Professional basketball player

☑ Semi-famous neurosurgeon

☑Works on Wall Street

☑ Owns a Subway franchise

☑ Bitcoin millionaire

☑ Rich father gave me a trust fund

☑ Third world oligarch

☑ Own a libertarian island in the Caribbean

how to tick all of them

☑ Professional basketball player

Literally just a black person

☑ Semi-famous neurosurgeon

Current medical student at best (/r/Drama has a few of us!), freshman premed with “future physician” in his Tinder bio at worst

☑Works on Wall Street

Office drone in New Jersey who browses /r/Drama to mock others as a way of distracting himself from how soul-sucking his 9-5 is.

☑ Owns a Subway franchise

Works at Taco Bell

☑ Bitcoin millionaire

Delusional CS major

☑ Rich father gave me a trust fund


☑ Third world oligarch

Also literally just a black person, but one whose ancestors didn’t get kidnapped.

☑ Own a libertarian island in the Caribbean

Also a black person, but one whose ancestors’ kidnappers took them to Haiti instead of the Carolinas.

I think you're wrong on the last one

Okay, Jamaica

I didn't know Epstein was black til

Probably a ashakanazi black new

☑ Own a libertarian island in the Caribbean

Nah this is a dogwhistle for pedophile

Is says libertarian you brainlet.

☑Works on Wall Street

Office drone in New Jersey who browses /r/Drama to mock others as a way of distracting himself from how soul-sucking his 9-to-5 is.

Nailed it. Though I work 4 10s and I'm not in New Jersey.

i'm not giving you my fucking data

Nobody wants your data anyways retard

i gave them your data for you, get fucked

this is important


When will the SRDines learn?

Damn lawlz, how much money are you making off the million ads on that site. I think my phone has herpes now.

It ain't him. It's an imposter.

Proffesional basketball player: 0%

What do we have to do to bring the mayocide to r/drama?

Smh when was the last time you saw a middle eastern basketball player

Well, there is Enes Kanter, until Erdoğan has him disappeared


Fucking Turkeys

Day of the giving of thanks when,

Mayocide take us

50 votes

0 professional basketball players

I knew /r/drama was the whitest place on reddit smh

We're too black and too proud to be dribblin dunkin minstrels for the mayo menace, my brotha!

I don’t tap dance for the crackers and sing Mammy

Steve Nash confirmed not a dramatard. For shame.

\> only 2 races

I agree with the huwhitest place

We used to have a token black guy but he left a long time ago. He was our best friend who's black

Where's the one that says "jannie"? We wouldn't want our full-time janitors being left out now would we?

Oof, but in order for it to be a profession, you have to get paid

As far as I know they do it for free


Allah bless them for their sacrifice

Except trappy - he’d probably have her thrown off a building

They do it for REEEEEEEEEEEE

why isnt this one stickied?

because this is a fake masterlawlz you nonce

Owns a Subway franchise

if corporate bought me out do i still tick this?

Wheres member of the potato cartel?

You'll always be a loser Lawls. Don't try to fight it.

The (((government))) computer I'm on won't let me take the survey... and you know what come to think of it your username looks suspiciously like a known loser...

Russia infiltrating r/drama smh my head can't we have free and fair elections

I an a proud amateur abortionist, who made his hobby into a profession. Though highly illegal and frequently frowned upon, this career path has proven to be an adventurous one, full of benefits, bitcoin, valuable live medical waste and hot bitches (m/v).

I would say I am offended by my field not being mentioned in this poll, but then again I am not a perpetually offended filthy fucking SRDine.

Imagine not having a trust fund 🤣🤣🤣🤣

27% pedos rn.

own subway franchise . libertarian island

Why are there two separate options for pedophiles?

Bitcoin millionaire

Three, actually.

Ewww gross so many libertarians in here.

Can’t hear you from my party island, nerd

Maybe you can't hear me over the crying of the children you've been raping?

We should put all the libertarians on a "party" island and then give it the Bikini Atoll treatment.

We nuked the Japanese and that led to loli anime. Apparently nukes just give libertarians power.

Fuck you're right. They're like godzilla or something.

I guess we need like, a giant tankie and have them fight until they both die? This feel like an "old lady who swallowed a fly" kinda situation.

not a single vote from a muslim country in geographical breakdown i'm disappointed inshallah!

excuse me where is the option for selling my bussy on the street corner, sex work is work 😠

The last one is sex work.

Third World oligarchs ww@?

Also, the gal of the NEETdines to call us jobless.

What if I'm a well paid professional russian bot?

Heyoooo I'm a minority

The geographical breakdown pretty much pinpoints where people live/work. Neat

As of 18:26, GMT+2, r/drama is 8% basketball american, 8% shekel american, 20% from 3rd world shitholes. That makes us more diverse, progresive than cth, srdines and tumors.

HA! Almost got me with the FB-linked comment section, OP, ngl.

I own a t55 which I use to oppress and enslave local villagers to make them mine uranium and oil which I then sell to daddy for a hefty profit.

Lol who voted from Sri Lanka

Imagine being a mod and not even powetripstickying your submission


No jannie option?

317 pedos? Seems low

Third world oligarchs rise up

I cheated because I’m not a bitcoin millionaire but let’s just say I buy my own tendies now.

If that isn’t the chapo calling the tranny gay

I work with a semi famous neurosurgeon sometimes. Does that count??