I Miss Disney’s Queer-Coded Villains

65  2019-07-28 by cfbWORKING


This, but unironically.


  1. I Miss Disney’s Queer-Coded Villain... - archive.org, archive.today

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Not sure how pleased she will be with boring ass protagonist representation.

I miss when there weren't any sentient beings on this planet

based and ted-pilled


I want more women, jews, blacks, gays, and guatemalans as villains

That would require females to actually be interesting or talented.

As a non-mayoid, this but unironically. Just don't make them stereotypes



Older Disney stuff definitely made a lot of villains with Jewish characteristics

Do you think Disney villians were "queer coded" back then because homosexuality was seen as weird or bad in the 90s? shit


The actual answer to this is that queer-coding is a load of liberal horseshit, and the recognisable disney villain tropes are actually derived from vaudeville and music hall-type stuff (which also gave rise to stage musical theatre)


No you retard. It’s because they act theatrical

More like it's hard-wired human behavior to find pencil mustaches and serpentine affectations disturbing



Uhhh Scar was trying to fuck Simba's mom. It's kind of a big plot point

And Jafar was trying to fuck Jasmine. This author chose weird examples.

Jasmine was Jafar's beard.

And the bishop was trying to fuck the gypsy

When you think about it planned forced sexual encounters are not the rarest thing in Disney

I feel like you could just see both of those examples as political moves. Both characters were still pretty flamboyant.

The Lion King is probably the most pro-fascist movie since Triumph of the Will. Mufasa was a fascist ubermensch enlightened dictator who promoted a natural, peaceful hierarchy. Every animal knew their place and respected it. The result was a prosperous paradise and "class" (species) harmony. He wisely banished the untermensch hyenas from this paradise because he knew they would destroy it. The only voiced hyenas we see are a black, a mexican, and a retard.

While it's often said that Scar and his hyena army are meant to symbolize 1930s German militarism, this is false. The goose-stepping scene is simply a red-herring put in place by the based and redpilled writers who were afraid that their work would be destroyed if they were seen as promoting fascism. In reality Scar and his Hyenas represent the rising tide of Bolshevism. He intends to sweep away the entire social and government structure of Mufasa's Pridelands and replace it with an egalitarian dictatorship.

This - of course - quikly leads to famine and disaster. Simba represents what Savitri Devi called the "men against time", people of great willpower and influence who bring an end to the Kali Yuga, or period of degeneration and decay.

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The Lion King is probably the most pro-authoritarian right movie since Triumph of the Will. Mufasa was an ubermensch enlightened dictator who promoted a natural, peaceful hierarchy. Every animal knew their place and respected it. The result was a prosperous paradise and "class" (species) harmony. He wisely banished the untermensch hyenas from this paradise because he knew they would destroy it. The only voiced hyenas we see are a black, a mexican, and a retard.

While it's often said that Scar and his hyena army are meant to symbolize 1930s German militarism, this is false. The goose-stepping scene is simply a red-herring put in place by the based and redpilled writers who were afraid that their work would be destroyed if they were seen as promoting far right ideology. In reality Scar and his Hyenas represent the rising tide of Bolshevism. He intends to sweep away the entire social and government structure of Mufasa's Pridelands and replace it with an egalitarian dictatorship.

This - of course - quickly leads to famine and disaster. Simba represents what Savitri Devi called the "men against time", people of great willpower and influence who bring an end to the Kali Yuga, or period of degeneration and decay.

No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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That was actually an interesting article

Remember when adults only tolerated Disney shit because their kids forced them to sit through it?

I want to go back to those days.

Yeah, 90s Disney movies really scarred Millennials into not expressing their inner selves. That's why none of them ever stop yapping on about their gender identity. /s

Queer people see queerness in everything, they vastly over-sexualize everything.

Did you watch Moana? The Crab was a total diva. :D.