Big Boogie2988 DM leak

199  2019-07-29 by Woolgun

I am somewhat late with this but I don't think it's been posted yet so whatever.

Roughly a month ago, Boogie DM'd a small Youtuber that replied to him on Twitter. They had a long conversation and on June 10th, she turned twitter conversation into a video. The video is almost 2 hours long so I don't expect you to watch it, I didn't either. Luckily, there is also an imgur album that started gaining traction on Twitter ~2 days ago and has screenshots of all the DM's they shared.

The album is still pretty fucking massive and the conversation is not coherent at all, so it's hard to summarize, but some basic points

There's a ton more in there and like I already mentioned, it's really hard to put into a short-ish post. If I had to summarize it, Boogie cares what the internet says about him to an extremely unhealthy degree, but his attempts to make himself appear likable only make him look worse and worse. It's pretty clear though that while he may be a cunt, he needs help and he needs to log the fuck off of Twitter.

Anyway, I'll leave you with some Twitter links, and of course you can go to SamandTolki sub, it's probably full of this shit and his responses to the whole situation


Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. Big Boogie2988 DM leak -,,

  2. she turned twitter conversation int... -,

  3. <strong>an imgur album</strong> -,

  4. slaves away 24 hours a day trying t... -,

  5. only thing that will make people ha... -,

  6. donate all his money to charity on ... -,

  7. slowly fade into obscurity and kill... -,

  8. <em>"You must think I'm a monster"</em> -,

  9. <em>"wow I would have never thought you don't want me to kill myself"</em> -,

  10. -,

  11. -,

  12. deleting Twitter -,

  13. -,

  14. -,

  15. -,

  16. -,

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My total knowledge of boogie consists of: Disgusting diseased internet persona somwhere between a neckbeard, with the living habits of Oscar the Grouch. I suspect he does something like youtube or twitch or some equal degeneracy.

Deleting twitter is the best advice anyone could give anyone. If I had a twitter account, and someone sent me a birthday card that just said 'Delete twitter', with nothing else to it, that would be the greatest gift any human being has ever received since the last retreat of the glaciers. This whole thing is vaguely narcissistic, but primarily depressed attention seeking manipulation. It's not even goal-seeking. He's not after tits. Or dick. He's just after positive attention, which is somehow even more pathetic.

This man protected me from cyberbullies with his massive girth

Now it makes sense

eating fast food and drinking mt dew 24 hours a day literally is slaving away for his fans


out of all the social media twitter is the worst by about a million miles, CMV.


A compelling argument πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

no, reddit definitely sucks sometimes but it can't hold a candle to the inferno of narcissistic bullshit that is twitter.

Most of reddit may be god awful, but you can still find good stuff on small, niche subs.

Twitter is all linked together and the plague of idiocy has consequently spread to all corners. Even if you follow someone who is of value themselves you can guarantee 90% of the replies to them will be pure shit.

Reddit has vaguely redeeming features that can be seperated from its userbases' discussion - such as using it simply as a content aggregator, a successor to Google Reader and little more. It can provide you with cute pictures of kitties, and articles from your local news - because fuck going to the website of any local news agency these days - have you fucking seen them?

Even in the infinite shitmire that is redditors themselves and their "commentary" on various posts, reddit has an advantage over twitter in that its content is siloed - segregated into different forums of particular interests and cultures. Twitter on the other hand, is the equivalent to every reddit user having to share a single subreddit for all posts. Since human communities do not scale to that level of interaction, Twitter is demonstrably worse.

On top of that, reddit content focuses on a particular post, which can be any number of things. Twitter content focuses on the person, and people fucking suck.

(Since longpostbot is dead again) Good job Bobby, here's a star 🌟

Thanks, I'm collecting them.


After positive attention which is pathetic? You're garbage tier.


You are based beyond belief.


very good post sir

TY trap kween 😍

After reading this entire conversation, I have determined that Boogie is the poster child for what our grandparents warned us about when Social Media first became a thing, and it's really sad.

The Shameless Fujoshi

I've been trying to think of a way to explain to people WHY so many nerds are pissed off about being told their hobbies have to be "more inclusive" and I think I've figured it out. Let's talk about romcoms for a minute.



Just give up at this point. Stop pretending you are a good person and embrace what you really are. At least you will know how to better fix your problems.

I do not think he is really a manipulator; I think he is just delusional about himself. He so desperately wants to show that he is a good person, but he does not know how to be one.

I kind of feel bad for him.

I do not think he is really a manipulator; I think he is just delusional about himself. He so desperately wants to show that he is a good person, but he does not know how to be one.

It's hard to tell really. I don't follow him too closely but apparently, he constantly changes the story on his abuse, has played around with threatening suicide before, there was the whole Tesla saga not too long ago... This is another good, recent example of him trying to get attention on Memorial day, then backtracking when someone pointed it out.

Then again, it's absolutely true that the likes of SamAndTolki or Kiwifarms blow things out of proportion, they're good resources of clips/tweets but you have to think for yourself when browsing them, because lot of their conclusions are insane stretches. We don't know Boogie personally so we can't accurately tell if he just craves attention and is bit of a narcissist, or if he's actually just a huge piece of shit.

I kind of feel bad for him.

To an extent, I do too, but he has to take others' advice at some point (I know that multiple Youtubers offered him help with his weight loss and it's all for nothing). Yeah, him being a cunt can be explained by his past, and I'm a drama poster so I won't act like I'm insanely offended by it or that I'm a saint, but I can't really defend him all that much from the shit he's getting.


I guess I should have continue my post by saying he takes out his frustration at others and continue to shift blame, so he can keep thinking that he is a good person.

I am not giving him my sympathy, though. He had numerous helpful advises given to him before, and he used to enjoy a great deal of goodwill from other people.

I just hope he would stop craving for all of the attention, and start seriously doing some self-reflection.

Then again, it's absolutely true that the likes of SamAndTolki or Kiwifarms blow things out of proportion,

The only thing sadder than trying to illicit pity via Youtube is spending your day analyzing every aspect of the person trying to elicit pity's life.

This is also why dropping Twitter would help him tbh - scrolling through a Twitter timeline takes a few seconds max, and tweets are easy to archive (screenshots, archive sites) and distribute. Videos and streams are much harder.

The amount of people "willing" to track what he does if they had to work through streams and videos would drop a lot.

yeah IIRC he goes between hating his dad for abusing him or whatever and saying his dad was a victim and just trying to do his best for them.

Man needs some serious, intense therapy at this point but I don't think he has the self-awareness to realize it.

Remember when Boogie was just that funny guy who made videos of him playing up the most over the top neckbeard gamer, and not an actual neckbeard gamer?

No, my memory isn't that good.




Nah the neckbeard character was always closer to his true persona. The nice guy boogie was the character the whole time.

I got conned lmao. For like 7 years I thought he was actually a nice person.

No, I remember none of that because I'm not a degen loser who follows youtubers and twitch streamers, I'm just a degen drama regular who hears about these people second hand

Unironically this lmao

if people could choose i think they'd take humble boogie over the current-year "aesthetic" boogie.

He was so fat the host had to come down from the stage into the audience to give him his award at his seat. What a revolting slob.

If you thought those were funny you are part of the problem

this is a fact

i remember showing friends his francis world of war craft vids in high school to make fun of kids in our shop class. i also vaguely remember a video of him bellyflopping into a pool. forgot all about him until now, he's eventually become some sort of youtube celebrity?

Except you’re the nerd posting about minecraft, poestry, and other gaymer fag things.

Yet another example of how seriousposting has been a disaster for the human race.

Bitches spectacles are all askew like she just was in a fist fight.

OP, in the video, she says she sent him intentionally provocative / aggressive tweets to get him to respond. As a drama post, it ought to have that? Did she delete them?

I haven't looked into her all the much, she seemed pretty cold/autistic/weird in the DM's though. I think she said she's never had sex before and she looks pretty old. Here are some of her tweets where she engaged with Boogie before he DM'd her (I'll link this comment in the post) (scroll up for more tweets)

I also found The Quartering talking about this


Imagine wasting your time trying to think of the perfect provocative thing to say to some random lardo on the internet to get him to respond to you

I really don't like the fact that Boogie's big story was he was abused by his parents, including sexual abuse. Later he said the sexual abuse was feeding him, because obviously that meant his mom wanted him for herself and not because she was yelling at her to feed him.

Of course you can trust me

This is why you never center your life around pleasing people on the internet. It just doesn't work out, period.

I'm just glad the tweets at the end also see through him for the scumbag, manipulative, wormy, professional victim he is.

Can i get a TL:DR im not reading 150 pages of drama.



Who in the fuck has time to follow this?

Goddamit I wish this fucking idiot would just lose weight. I don't mean that in an insulting way, it's just infuriating watching someone ruin their life over something that is purely preventable. You know that his size is the main source of conflict in his life. If he could just learn some self-control he could turn his life around in just a couple of years. He doesn't seem like a bad guy and he already makes good money doing what he likes but he wouldn't have to be such a perpetually miserable person if he could just learn how to eat.

How's the raccoon?

he's good


How is the person behind the raccoon? Wishing you the best. 😘

Don’t ever let people say drama isn’t the most tight knit community 😍❀️


Yeesh, his viewers have been quite low lately and only 122 people support his patreon. If this is your full time job and only source of income, that is not going to cut it to live. Wonder if he has any other income other than youtube and patreon, guess he twitches a little.

Dude gives off a serious borderline vibe.

This person looks exactly how I imagined them, fedora and everything

I should be making a list of everyone here who knows what a Boogie is so I can make fun of you later for it.

tl;dr :

"I just wanted to make you happy by telling you I'm gonna kill myself",


the guy exists on the internet only because he's so pathetic that people who need to look down at something can feel better by having a look at how truly low a human can become, of course his ego will take a hit at some point if he also needs to feel he's a good, useful member of society.

all that we ask of you booger is to STOP BLUEBALLING people. When you say you're going on a diet at least try the zero coke. please.


Why the fuck does reddit care about this fatso so much jfc πŸ™„

There was a time I would have read all of this stupid garbage. Not today.

I guess that means I'm ascending, friends.

I didn't read this


he had been on self destruction for awhile now .