The Babylon Bee is retaining a lawyer to sue Snopes because they keep fact checking their satire articles

466  2019-07-30 by Corporal-Hicks


People freaking out about Snopes fact-checking The Babylon Bee conveniently ignore the existence of /r/AteTheOnion, /r/insanepeoplefacebook, etc.

Prove me wrong, degenerates.

Not really following you, but ok jannie

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. The Babylon Bee is retaining a lawy... -,

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That isn't even good satire.


how a site that used to debunk email hoaxes has so much political power now is absolutely beyond me


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Fuck off jannie

And their writers are literally hoes

When satire becomes indistinguishable from reality, publications like Babylon Bee are cancelled.

All satire must have (uj) in front of it (/uj)

This unironically made me feel a little sick.

Not being able to interpret sarcasm is a sign of autism.Imagine if redditors pushed these tendencies on actual shows/media articles? No decent media would be left.

People don't even read the article. They rather just read the headline, but if you clicked on the link then you would see that they literally say that the website is SATIRE.

Yeah but so is being unable to communicate it clearly enough to be understood on its own. Kinda screwed either way.


ya lmao

i agree, "sarcastic voice" is right out.

i think you're bouncing off against the boundaries of dry humor, satire and actual sarcasm, but i agree that's the right delivery for all three. but if literally no one understands your joke, then it wasn't "well-crafted" at all.

I can't wait until we get the first comedy show that has a huge SARCASM banner on the top and bottom of the screen whenever someone makes a joke.


We already do. It's called a laugh track.

Reminds me of idiocracy.

I love how when you usually point this out, the retards proudly claim that sarcasm cannot be expressed in text. As though written satire never existed before reddit's autistic-ass "/s" tag

Thats exactly what I mean.

I really hate how people rely on poes law to justify wretched reading comprehension more and more


No decent media would be left.

I'm reading this in several different ways, and it's excellent in all of them.



Christian's can not even have a satire site that isn't taken seriously by some political position. Why Snopes even fact checks that site is beyond me, do they do it for HardTimes and Onion? Don't think so.

Babylon Bee is so caught up in irony that people are literally saying "omg i know it isn't true, but what if it was? We truly live in a society". My god people need to get a grip.

Wait, uh, i meant


Do Christians need a satire site tho?

Nah, pretty sure Jesus isn't really about posting satire. He seems more of a slapstick type of a guy.

I figured he'd be more into Schtick

the twitter thread shows that snopes has fact checks on onion articles and they all are basically "its satire you rube".




Yeah but BB satire hurts leftoid feelings so it can't REALLY be satire can it?

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

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lol you’re so buttsore

I'm having trouble deciding whether I should reply to you with COPE or SEETHING.




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Yeah but BB satire hurts leftoid feelings so it can't REALLY be satire can it?

Which isn't even really true since they make fun of daddy too. It's basically the christian version of /r/Drama

The comment threads on the onions instagram posts are always juicy af

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Oh fuck off

Snopes is cancer with their f@ke new$ style 0rwellian f@ct checking.

there are multiple "fact checks" they have posted in which they state that the claim is "factually correct" but they still claim it to be false.


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Jannie COPE

you got any examples? I have a friend who believes with his whole heart and soul that snopes is the unbiased truth from god and i love sending him shit like this to shake that faith.

This babylon bee situation was really good.


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kindof related to the topic were discussing here tho

Yeah the more time goes on the more I question the need for that rule? Kindve drains a lot of the fun from drama

its because certain people have been p angry with how its going lately and dont like people talking about it or making fun of them

Like all tweaks to automod it's usually a triggered jannie.

They'll get bored in a week or two.

This is a temporary thing to thin out the mdegenerates. not that example, but so fucking funny

Snopes links aren’t loading for me. Anyone else?

if only

Where in any of those does it say “factually correct”?

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Suck a duck faggot!


Theres a 1:1 ratio of being triggered by scopes and being a massive faggot, and not in the good way.

Sn0pes presents itself as factual, when over the years I’ve seen them twist themselves into pretzels to “f@ct check”

Read another book



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Thanks for sharing

And he's not even right. Clickhole is hilarious

They're absolutely amazing. Their patriothole and resistancehole is such a brave and beautiful display of being in the middle-ism


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Clickhole is the onion though.


The Onion stopped being funny in 2014 at the latest.

the onion stopped being funny when I realised reddit liked it

The left can't meme.

The right can't meme either. But the left definitely can't meme.

Just as with SNL, people have had this sentiment this since within the first couple of years of its launch. Either its never been funny (the correct take) or you've just since grown out of it

No it genuinely has, I regularly watch older videos from pre-2014 and newer ones and there is a huge difference in quality. I think all the half-decent writers went to Clickhole, which isn't as good as old Onion but closer than current Onion.

the onion is fucking hilarious and funnier than ever

god you people are awful


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Fuck this gay bot. All I want to do is post dumbass Christian satire

Riot when?

Nah, it's a necessary evil. This is a small sacrifice to pay for reduced agendaposting.

Idk, don't you think that the headline is absurd enough?

Georgia Lawmaker Claims Chick-Fil-A Employee Told Her To Go Back To Her Country, Later Clarifies He Actually Said 'My Pleasure'

The only problem is that the reality was just as if not more absurd, it turned out that it was she who told the guy to go home and then got confused somehow, but maybe that's the actual point. Imagine a satirical site that takes absurd events like that and only changes a few irrelevant details, without making anything more absurd. "But that's actually what really happened? -- Yep, pretty much, tis a clown world innit?"

Wow Watermark can't tell satire from real news? I am incredibly shocked

SirXir, this is a Wendys




I just visited Babylon Bee site to see what it's all about. I think I cringed so hard that I may need to see a doctor.


lol at the seething downvoters, this is the Babylon bees front page.

I can’t imagine anyone thinking this isn’t unfunny cringe bate.

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Lawsuits are for pansies.

Babylon Bee should escalste the feud and dedicate a week to satirizing the shit ""'"fact checking websites"""

This is the correct response. We need to escalate this to an internet scale shitpost war and render the net itself unusuable for serious purposes.



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it's a satire site retard

What very-stable-genius decided this was the way to fix /r/drama?

tranny jannies in pajamies

reposting with archive link because automod improperly remove it

they already did lmao #clapback


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The fact of the matter is that being a fact checker requires nearly unimpeachable integrity and objectivity. One instance, the initial facebook fuckup, can be simply passed off as a fuckup. All human institutions fuck up at some point or another. You apologize, retract, correct, and move on.

For them to come back and go after the same sight again, after already having been put in their place, has the foul odor of agenda posting. It implies that the first mistake was no mistake, but also agenda driven. As all drama knows, there is no action fouler than agenda posting, and nothing that creates a worse scent in the nostrils of the enlighted cynicism we strive to cultivate. By comrpomising their integrity and lowering themselves to such actions, Snopes has damaged themselves, and this is good for dramacoin.

Well put. 10/10

This is high praise coming from someone I think might be a drama regular, but can't quite remember.

Snopes has always been good for Dramacoin.

I call it double downs syndrome

Does anyone have the URL for this statement? Was it emailed to subscribers? I can’t find it anywhere and I’d like to follow up on this.

We're not sure if fanning the flames of controversy and muddying the details of a news story classify an article as "satire."


How dumb do you have to be to take the sacbee seriously


I think the threshold is: calling it the 'sacbee' levels of dumb

Oops yah reading is hard

Yah. I'm with ya there, jumfun.

where do i find this on their site


i mean the lawyer bit, but tnx

Snopes can't even understand satire lmao


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They know it's a satire site. The Bee is pissed off because Snopes implied that their brand of satire blurs the lines between intentionally misleading and satire.

Also, fuck the automod. My original comment got removed for some reason.

More like Babylon Reeee

what kind of people actually look to snopes for fact checking lmao

imagine you get this email:

I am David Jim Brown, Head Officer-in-Charge, Administrative Service Inspection Unit United Nations Inspection Agency in Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport Atlanta, Georgia. During our investigation, I discovered an abandoned shipment through a Diplomat from United Kingdom which was transferred from JF Kennedy Airport to our facility here in Atlanta, and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in 2 Metal Trunk Boxes weighing approximately 130kg. The consignment was abandoned because the Content was not properly declared by the consignee as money rather it was declared as personal effect/classified document to either avoid diversion by the Shipping Agent or confiscation by the relevant authorities. The diplomat's inability to pay for Non Inspection fees among other things are the reason why the consignment is delayed and abandoned.

And you're not sure if it's real or not so you head on over to snopes to find out!

BB threatens lawsuit with no chance of success



the radical centrist approach is to assassinate all the employees of babylon bee AND snopes