MAGAcel wears a #buildthewall t shirt to internship and gets in trouble. Cue long form smug post about how no one wants to debate him, MLK fought for his right to free speech, and how law school is almost like Nazi Germany.

122  2019-08-08 by WarBoyPrimo


This tbh

This is the correct response. No intern should be wearing any political statement on their attire. My last boss wouldve fired an itern on the spot if he wore a bernie shirt or something similar.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. MAGAcel wears a #buildthewall t shi... -,

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Law firms aren't clamoring to get their hands on some retard who starts talking politics at his interview?

Now that just doesn't make sense

I started talking about mayo privilege and the male gaze at my interview for a construction company and they doubled my pay on the spot.

I shidded and farded and camed my pants

Imagine wearing a wearing a t shirt for ANY politician to the workplace

Especially if you are working for that politician.

Don't be that guy.

I'm so hip I wear the politician I'm working for's opponent to work.

Pretty alpha power move tbh.

Imagine wearing a wearing a t-shirt to the workplace (I'm kidding I work from home so I rarely wear anything outside a bathrobe and slippers if i don't have to)

Damn right. What they are looking for is a real giga chad with zero frustration tolerance who will throw a hissy fight where he calls his law school a Nazi propganada center and doxxes his supervisor.

If Washington is like Cali they’re not even lookin g for freshly barred people

They want years of experience

Good thing I haven't been barred from anywhere in years. But I have been barred a few times, so I think I bring a lot to the table.

Filed under: conservautism

Don't we have enough lawyers

Yes, the field's absolutely stuffed to the gills. Serves 'em right for getting the normie humanimeme degree.

I wore a T-shirt which read “#BuildTheWall” to my internship on a day when no meetings were scheduled. It had been expressed that we could wear T-shirts, and that has been the norm for my one year at this internship. I took extra precaution by bringing a light jacket to cover it up if a client came to meet with me unannounced.

Completely retarded.

While in a seminar that afternoon, I received an email from my supervising attorney asking for a meeting after I finished the class. I obliged, only to learn that another supervising attorney and faculty member (who happens to have a sign on her door reading “all are welcome here”) had expressed discontent with the message on my T-shirt. Instead of engaging in a meaningful dialogue regarding the reasons why I wear that shirt, the disgruntled faculty member put me in a position where I was at the mercy of my supervisor.

Well duh when you start representing your school to law firms like a retard factory they get the higher ups involved.

Mere days after this incident, law school faculty who direct my internship enacted a revision and began an effort to ensure compliance with the dress code to ensure that politically conservative T-shirts may not be worn. The revision added one sentence, which reads that no attire may be worn that contains any message or slogan. What was a facially neutral policy revision, when considered with the circumstantial evidence, became a clear affront to the freedom of speech of conservative students.

There’s the victim complex.

I can’t even imagine how retarded you have to be to dress casually, let alone wear a stupid political shirt when you’re in the legal field


Much less an Intern.

He's gonna be a longtern

Natural selection working at its finest!

Hold on, so they tried to reason with him in a really neutral way but he doubled down and fought it more? Wow.

Instead of engaging in a meaningful dialogue regarding the reasons why I wear that shirt

There’s also paragraphs around this part about the reasons he wears the shirt that he thinks justifying wearing it to work and was just trying to start a conversation. Like he’s totes for opening a super highway of easy application legal immigrants if he gets a wall to stop the illegal. Like his school wants any answer besides he’ll stop being a inappropriate jackass at his school sponsored internship.

Lmao. The dude was just looking for a fight. If anything he was probably hoping they would have reacted in a harsher way so that he could get more attention. There are some diehard #MAGA people in my office but they're at least smart enough to mostly avoid talking about politics at work because it just creates awkward situations for everyone.

letting mayos into your workplace

accuse him of sexual harassment

Mayocide is inevitable.

He was just trying to start a conversation!

They don't give a shit why he wears it, they just don't want their law firm to look fucking stupid.

I have a Boot Edge Edge shirt (not surprising huh) and you know what shirt I never wear to work?

I love it when people act like complete retards and then act like their superiors slapping the down is completely unjustified.

Like, no, idiot, when the nice attorney with tens of years of experience tells you to stop being a moron, he's doing it for your best interests. Stop flapping your arms and drooling and listen to them

Especially if you paid them, whether in fees or in tuition.

I bet you a hundred bucks if some soyboy came in with his Bernie bro t-shirt or whatever the fuck that he would throw a fit over it.

That dude has one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen.

Probably would feel like a dull thud if anyone punched him.

Why are they always fat?

Their weight contributes to the inferiority complex that allows them to worship a retard.

But really because 75% of burgers are fat

Or are they fat because they're too stupid or uneducated or beaten down by life to care, so they just cruise around Walmart on a scooter grabbing items off the shelves on impulse? Kind of a chicken-and-egg problem I think.

The percentage of people at my local Wal-Mart who walk normally to their car after they get off the whalechair is nearing 100%. Lazy, corpulent assholes.

Why are people with poor impulse control fat?

Something something appealing to lowest common denominators

You can have as many retarded political bumper stickers on your car when you park, but you better be wearing a plain shirt with a collar when you walk in the door.

I wonder what state this was

Washington State. Kid is attending gonzaga and graduated University of Washington. Both not bad schools. Great in the case of University of Washington.

Gonzaga is a terrible law school.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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this is your daily reminder that charles did absolutely fucking everything wrong

He wrote it for free.

Not to mention there are tons of conservatives in the legal world. He's not in some cultural studies department.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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Yeah but most conservautists that make it into the legal field are smart enough to keep their politics discreet unless they work directly in politics. And then you have this super genius who thought it would be a good idea to wear a political shirt to his school sponsored internship

The Federalist Society is a pretty big deal in law schools. But yeah wearing his Daddy gear to an internship was beyond retarded.

Fat soyman or Butch lesbian? I really can't tell.

Ah, freshly frozen peaches. Always with the fresh peaches.

He thought he was entitled to debate his boss and professor at a meeting to go over the office dress code with him? Why do these people think that a) they're entitled to that, and b) anyone gives a fuck about their opinion? They relaxed the rules a little bit and this tard had to go to far. Now he ruined casual Friday for everyone. He deserves to be let go.

What a clown

looks like one of those FtM lesbians

Can we rule out that it wasn't the smell of someone like that that ultimately did him in?

Classic Darqpost

Im sure if they lugged that fat tub of shit over to the border, all the tacos would turn around and go home because it wouldnt be worth the effort to try and get around his baconator-filled jelly rolls.

His face shifts between male and female as you gaze upon it

"I didn’t wear the shirt because of an animus toward Latinos; I wore it because I believe in reducing illegal immigration while expanding and streamlining legal immigration. In bypassing me and going to my supervisor, the faculty member never learned this, and a discussion was not able to take place—the result of which could have been positive."


"I could have told them about how the wall is going to happen and then the kikes are next."


Imagine giving a damn about anything in 3L except where you're getting your coke fix.

We are gonna have to expand Medicaid with all these victims piling up.

This is like wearing a pro-union shirt to a Wal-Mart interview.