Capeshit was actually good in the boomer era?

83  2019-08-16 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Capeshit was actually good in the b... -,

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Golden age? Yeah capeshit used to be good. Pre-sjw era like pre obama comics were alright.

Counterpoint; the op is shit

Comics used to be one of biggest the escapist artform of the hippies. Half of the artists that signed on during the Golden Age were preachy anti-Nam activists. "Pre-sjw" my ass lmao

But no one likes war that doesn't make them sjw really don't know what the Hippies were do you? The anti-war was just a small (if important) aspect of their beliefs, just as being anti-Iraq was the main uniting catalyst for the current wave of hippies in we see today. Drug Culture and Anti-Establishmentism (aka hating anything seen as 'tradition') to the umpteenth degree made up the culture of the 60s and 70s, and a lot of artists from that era were Hippies with the capital H.

Depends on if you're categorizing sjws as leftists, or categorizing them as moralfags. Current year moralfags have more in common with Jerry Falwell than a 70's hippie.

Based Kitty goes gamer

There are good titles being published right now, but you have to Wade through sewage to find them. Even Alan Moore has jumped the shark. The last few volumes of LOEG were worse than the movie.

i'm liking the current X=Men comics by Jonathan Hickman, first time i've been interested in X-Men in over a decade

Which ones? I just dumped all my x-men comics for the first time in... fuck, almost 30 years because there were too many books. And i suffered through the early 2000s shit.

House of X and Powers of X, they are one storyline meant to be read like HoX 1 then PoX 1 then HoX 2 then PoX 2 which is retarded but I’ve been enjoying it. Last time I cared about X-Men was Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon before this

Moore just retired

Please, everyone who reads comic books respond to this so I can update my RES tags.

Even Alan Moore has jumped the shark.

Shut your mouth. 'Providence' had graphic bussy penetration.

And he made Harry Potter the Antichrist and Superman a fraud.pp

Or just switch to Chinktoons, they're honestly much better than burger ones I've read. Art, plot, characters everything is superior to burger ones.

Case in point.

Capeshit is movies. We already had a struggle session over this. We need a different pejorative for the books.

And it depends what you like


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I wish that fat guy was me


Somebody spilled 80's all over that comic.

Reminds me of the edgy 80's Crimson Chin who swore all the time

That is a poorly drawn pizza slice.


>barges in uninvited

>steals pizza

>calls black man a nigger and leaves

peak boomer foid


Well, she also is one of [[<<((them))>>]] so that may make some heads BSOD

[She actually gets chloroformed on the next page](

She actually gets chloroformed [on the next page](



He was implying the foid should be seen and not heard.
