Snopes is STILL bussyblasted over the Babylon Bee lmao

234  2019-08-17 by Coonass_alt


George Soros has paid me $25 million to create this hurricane with a wooden spoon, glitter, and a bottle of Prosecco. I can do this because I’m a woman, and I can bleed each month without dying. He is sending me the money via magical unicorn. Gay Rainbow unicorn, of course...


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Snopes is STILL bussyblasted over t... -,

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All Americans descended from people living in the US when the St Louis was turned away should pay reparations to Holocaust victims.

I got a mobile ad telling me to buy Israeli bonds when I clicked on the article lol

I’ve seen worse bonds...


This is ridiculous and it's surprising that it's such a small story. Everyone on Reddit should be laughing at Snopes. I wonder why they're not...

It’s literally just like a old Jewish couple isn’t it?

It's a guy and his former hooker mistress.

owners mikkelson

That that to be a tribesman I just don’t feel like digging lol

It’s possible it’s old whiteoid cat people but usually these media types are neurotic Jews lol

literally anything bad that exists, you know one of them is responsible. there's no point even looking it up anymore.

Rightoids continuing to be triggered by snopes is hilarious, its in everything thread about that site.


its in everything thread about that site.



Mind addled ramblings of someone addicted to a 15 year old spreadsheet simulator.

Wow isnt eve

Han anyone been so far even as to want to do go look more like?

Damn straight you are.


This is obviously pizzashill

Or maybe you should read the snopes article and realize that the title is overblown.

Why the downvotes? The premise of the argument against Snopes is that the Bee headlines are "obvious satire," yet the OP article links directly to stats that show they're genuinely misleading people- especially their target audience.

Being a certain point you really can't be held accountable for the idiocy of your clientele. Gorilla Glue should not and does not get sued every time someone puts it in their dickhole.

Why would you put glue in your dick hole?

Idk. Nofap?

Acquiring wizard powers by force.

experimental peepee hydraulic cannon


Why the downvotes?

Shut up faggot


Tons of retards think The Onion is real but Snopes doesn't label them fake news.

True, and it'd be interesting to see if there are any Onion headlines genuinely misinforming a significant amount of people. I doubt it, but there aren't any figures that I know of.

That's a great link, but Snopes didn't label them as "fake news." Snopes said, "Like all content originating with The Onion, the photograph and claim about ICE agents and a pregnant woman were purely satirical, not real news." Compare that to how Snopes rated The Babylon Bee, which Snopes described as "factually inaccurate content."

The idiots at Snopes just don't like it when "their side" is the butt of the joke. They know exactly what they're doing.



After looking into it, looks more like they fact checking it due to the large volume of people who aren’t able to differentiate satire from real life.

How is that less retarded?

Do we need to fact check the Onion as fake news because people eat the Onion?

I blame society. If we didn’t have voting age adults who couldn’t be bothered to check their sources then it wouldn’t be necessary for someone to publicly tell them it’s false for them to get it.

I blame society.

Good call. We live in one, after all.

Snopes does fact check the Onion.

Truly a level of retarded even I didn't expect.

Dude, the internet is meant for giving the most retarded people on Earth a platform. How have you not realized that when you are on this sub?

ManBearFridge is right again.

Yes, sweaty, we saw your link. When Snopes checked The Onion they labeled it as satire, meanwhile their original position on The Babylon Bee was "factually inaccurate content." Then when they got mocked for fact-checking satire they tried to pull a "bUt IT's nOT rEaL SAtiRe" and said, “Not all content described by its creator or audience as ‘satire’ necessarily constitutes satire, and this rating does not make a distinction between ‘real’ satire and content that may not be effectively recognized or understood as satire despite being labeled as such.”

Snopes eventually admitted defeat in the most passive-aggressive manner possible with their new 'SATIRE' label:

This rating indicates that a claim is derived from content described by its creator and/or the wider audience as satire. Not all content described by its creator or audience as ‘satire’ necessarily constitutes satire, and this rating does not make a distinction between 'real' satire and content that may not be effectively recognized or understood as satire despite being labeled as such.

And you want to know the really fucked up part of this that makes it impossible to deny that Snopes is being a little bitch? The tweet in that Red State article links back to an article on Snopes where we can find the line "In fact, stories published by The Bee were among the most shared factually inaccurate content in almost every survey we conducted." The fucked up part is that Snopes adopted their new 'SATIRE' label at least a week before printing the tweet/article basically calling The Babylon Bee "fake news." They're still attacking The Babylon Bee a week after admitting satire exists and calling it "factually inaccurate content." That is some industrial-grade butthurt, amigo.

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I don't, but if I wanted to I could because I'm not a dickless pile of script, LPB.

Good bot

Yes sweety, I saw your last reply.

Yeah, they label it "satire" after everybody and their brother mocked them mercilessly for being a humorless twats. Maybe people who have so much surplus autism that it prevents them from recognizing a joke shouldn't be in the business of deciding what is or isn't true.

Lmao they changed it and you are still fucking crying about it

It wasn't a problem until a bunch of conservatives started making satire lol

the kind of people who believe satirical news are not the kind that would ever visit Snopes, you absolute retard

You don’t seem to be a beacon of intellectual wisdom and intelligent discourse yourself. Why don’t you leave politics and the discussion of such to adults?

I bet you felt really smart typing that. does it ever bother you that even though you feel better than everyone around you, you can't seem to get laid?

That would be quite the impressive comeback were it not for the fact that I’m married with kids. But by all means, please keep going. I just looove swapping insults with children over the internet for no reason. /s

I’m married with kids


If you say so.

They say they "identified 10 of the most shared fake political stories on social media, which included satirical stories", "asked a representative group of over 800 Americans to tell us if they believed claims based on those trending stories", and "asked people to tell us whether it was true or false and how confident they were in their belief."

It sounds to me like they just read headlines to a sample of people without context and asked if they thought it was true, rather than asking people who had actually read the story on the website that prominently states it is satire if they believed those statements, which is really what the article is about. Are people who actually read the Babylon Bee coming away believing their satire? That's the real question, and not what they polled about, and yet that's what they are implying.

All this tells me is that lefties have gone so insane since trump got in office that parodies of them are more believable if you don't actually preface it with 'this is satire.'

Are people who actually read the Babylon Bee coming away believing their satire?

Only if it's Epstein related drama

Are people who actually read the Babylon Bee coming away believing their satire? That's the real question, and not what they polled about, and yet that's what they are implying.

Ton of reads come from stories like this being shared on Twitter/Facebook, I'd say more than from the site's traffic. And impressions on social media are mostly just reading the headline, not the article itself. The byproduct of sharing/retweeting is also that people who are not familiar with Babylon Bee being satire are also exposed to it. On top of that, BB readers are primarily christian conservatives, so yes, they're retarded enough to believe satire is real.

With that said, Snopes does seem to have a hateboner for Babylon Bee, the original fact check that started all of this had a completely different tone and language than their fact checks of Onion and the likes.

Was it the one about CNN buying a fucking washing machine to spin the news?

Are people who actually read watch the Babylon Bee The Daily Show coming away believing their satire?

I think we all know the answer to that one, sweaty, but I don't remember Snopes ever fact-checking Jon Stewart or Unfunny South Africa Man.

Sometimes satire is easy to spot, like when The Babylon Bee reported that President Donald Trump had appointed Joe Biden to head up the Transportation Security Administration based on “Biden’s skill getting inappropriately close to people and making unwanted physical advances.”

Unbelievably based.

Does this mean:

a) Babylon Bee's satire is the best b) Rightoids are gullible c) Lefties are becoming more and more ridiculous that the satire actually seems possible d) All of the above.

It means that the libs running Snopes are assblasted that rightoids are mimicking the whole 'political propaganda disguised as satire' thing and are fact checking it out of a bottomless well of seethe

If this thread is any indicator, it seems like rightoids are more assblasted by snopes than the other way around

The seethe chalice runneth over


They sure showed you how not assblasted they are



Last time I asked of an example of Babylon Bee actually being funny and all people could provide was reeeeeing and downvotes.

Conservatoids, now is your chance to prove you aren't humorless drones.

So this is where we are now...

Linking to Redstate articles unironically.