Antifa (greatest anti fascists to ever roll the earth) ready to drive over some TrumpChuds

448  2019-08-18 by GoldLeaderLiam


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Antifa (greatest anti fascists to e... -,

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This is what people with physical disabilities have to do in order to compete in the oppression olympics. Just being in a wheelchair isn't enough. You've gotta pedal (err... man-al?) to metal leading at the front of an advancing mob.


How else are you gonna blitzkrieg the fash?

James Harrison looks mad.

Hey guys in case anyone wanted to know yes I do exercise but I only work the glamour muscles. I lift 25 lbs dumbbells every day but dont treadmill or bike regularly or anything. I'd describe my physique as "above average." I also like to hang out with a bunch of young white boys shirtless for no particular reason. ust wanted everyone to know, thanks.

25 lbs dumbbells


It's over for armlets

I choose to believe they're juggling them and not that weak.

Hahahaha you're right, those arms and uhh that chest. Wtf man.

Skipping leg day to own the chuds. Based


Hopefully the mayor can properly do his job!

Top reply

Antifa simply means anti-fascists. You’re either anti fascist or fascist. There isn’t a neutral option.

I fucking hate blue checkmarks.

You shouldn't hate. That puts you on their playing level.

They've got a mechanized division

Heavy cavalry

Well they aren't dismounting to skirmish, that's for sure.


Somehow worse than Hitler's mechanized division. Fantastic play

Shock infantry.

Stole this comment from the top of the /pol/ post, cringe and bluepilled

> Actually taking the time to memorize /pol/ threads and then actually bothering to call out stolen jokes on reddit

🤣 🤣 🤣

Tyrone there in the front seems to have gotten lost on his way back from a drug deal.

Terry has fallen on rough times since the metoo thing.

A blood and two crips

South Park did it

2 minorities followed by a legion of white people, it's actually poetic.

It's gamer time.

You can tell all those folks are white? Can we use you at airports?

If I was gay enough to buy “awards” I’d give you one

Yet you’re gay enough to do the faggy ‘I would buy you an award but (x)’ for karma 🤔

Looks like your speaking from experience. Nice emojis by the way little girl

thanks for being validating fam

Please lurk more or leave this sub for good

Lmfao fuck off loser I’ll do as I please

Wow you replied fast, you must have absolutely no life as well.

Aww you don’t have much of a life huh? Shocker

He said as well. He already mocked himself. Now you just look slow in the head.

Yeah no shit retard lmao do you have anything of substance to add or are you here to continue telling us what we already know?

Lol 🇮🇱

What’s with you guys and emojis? Do you guys try and act like pre teen fags or does it come naturally?



My nigga shoots hoops


👀you 🤜finna bouta🙅 get da🅱️🅱️ed🤾 on brosef💀

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It's a nod to prison culture. Homies in jail aren't allowed belts, so their pants sag. When homies briefly get out, they have forgotten where their waists are, so buy pants that remind them of home. Soon, even un-chianed young homies wear the prison fashion in unsuspecting preparation for their upcoming incarceration.

Circle of life.

Dear token black (only one) antifa soldier,

When you are running from the police, and you reach down to pull up your pants (so you don't fall over and look like a cracker), the cops will think you're reaching for a "gat" so then they'll unload even their backup mags and then your mum will be right, you didn't do nothing.

Wrong. He wus fightin du patriarchy

I honestly think that dude was lost and just somehow got swept up in the crowd. Like one of those movies where the protagonist gets caught up in a series of wacky events that culminates in some life-changing epiphany. This one would be about...a FedEx driver who gets mugged and loses his shirt, has some nutty stuff happen to him, ends up with antifa for a bit, then gets tazed, pepper-sprayed, beaten, and shot by the police, who become confused when all the protesters aren't white and revert to stereotype. The movie could end one of two ways. Our hero could either wind up in prison and become a born-again religious leader, or he could survive but be crippled and win a huge chunk of money from his police lawsuit before struggling to walk again.

It's got everything the Academy looks for in a movie, it would probably get an Oscar.

Record Scratch Freeze Frame

oh come now. the portland police are too afraid of being racist to shoot someone darker than a saltine

Why do they have em in the front? They should be artillery. Jury rig those wheel mobiles w a trebuchet

The tanks and infantry are supposed to work together. These seem to be lightly armored (but still effective) breakthrough vehicles.


Probably counting on the fact that most people hesitate on beating up cripples.

This but unironically. I was watching and saw them repeatedly over the course of the day actually leading the charge, being the ones who were first out there blocking the streets and rail lines. They were the human shields that the hippie drum circle deployed behind.

I think it's a pretty treacherous thing for a crip to do to exploit their status like this. There's a lot of honest, hardworking people out there who have disabilities, but the message this sends to the world is that if you give a crip an inch, he'll try to take a city block from you.

AND a parking spot

Those cocksuckers get all the good spots. They spend their entire fucking day in a chair. A little exercise would be good for them.

I mean, you don't really need to... just put a branch in their wheels.

TFW your combat tactics are determined by the progressive stack

The boogaloo' gonna be ez

holy shit this made me bust a gut

jury rig

Ahem it's "Jerry rig", as in a racist epithet against the Germanic race, tyvm.

Its always nice to see a pimp and his ho's enjoying a stroll.

Its always nice to see a pimp and his ho's enjoying a stroll.

You oneupped me very well. Genuine kudos.

I just built upon your work, kudos all around.

Fat Terry Crews, Discount Tank Girl, and “Scruff”

It's funny because if any of these retards had financial success, they would turn into a capitalist in that moment.

yeah I guess they would be capitalists if they had financial success, wouldn’t they


I can’t tell which side she’s on

Just your average maga loving, Q believing, patriot praying based tranny.


I didn't even get this far

God bless america. I love this retarded country


The entire country is a reality tv show.

danger hair fucked up piercings potential tranny



these people deserve each other

I had this on in the background while I was talking to my dad and sometimes I'd explain the nuances of the particular sperg on screen to him. This is one where I knew right away that I'm not gonna derail the conversation for an hour to explain who Q is and then speculate about this person's relationship to him.

Your poor dad.

Oh Jesus Christ.

Boy that's confusing

La creatura...


Chapotards group photo.

Chapocels and some black guy

Chapocels and the community bull

got the battle tanks ready

How cute. The mayos found their token black guy for a picture.

Umm excuse me? There's another one in the background sweety 😒😌💅

Black Erasure

You really liked the "Where's Waldo?" books, didn't you?


kinda cute if you think about it uwu

how could you ever be concerned about leftwing violence after seeing this

Because the police and government allow them to commit violence with impunity and if you try to defend yourself against them the media ruins your life.

Because the police and government allow them to commit violence with impunity

I think that changed after Charlottesville. That's the last time, aside from Portland and it's continuing dumbassery, that I can remember a lefty mayor telling the police not to do their jobs.

DeBlasio doesn’t let the NYPD do their job. Not to the same extent as Portland, but it’s getting there.

wears a belt yet pants hang off ass 😩 nice shoes tho


It might be smart to put them on the front line of the attack. They are already in wheelchairs so what is the worse that could happen to them.

Put the expendable ones first! That's you and your retard friends Tyrone!


Perfect meatshields, OP is a dumbass

The moment i see ACAB i grin weirdly

Oh no, here comes Blackpuddin and the crips!

That guy has NO pecs

Lol look at the brainlet with the ACAB and Hungry Hammer sign. Fuck all cops, but state enforced brutality is totally okay in my version. Fucking hypocrite. Guarantee the kid is probably like 20. I remember my retarded communist phase.

This is the best the fucking mayo commies could bring? what a joke.

Those are gals flag wheelchairs. Look at that guy's vadcular wiry. Anyone who's been in a fight with such a guy knows to never underestimate the strength of skinny, wiry dudes.

He'll be up out of his chair in a millisecond and before you know it landing 3 sucker punches on your face.

And, the other wheelchair user is a false flag woman. You think you've got her beat, then BOOM! Up rises a 6'4" muscular dude and you're dazed and confused on the floor with the right wing beaten out of you.

Trumptons, watch out.

Rocking that steroids killed my testosterone production look

I counted like 3.5 blacks in a crowd of 100 whites so about the same diversity as BPT or Chapo

mechanized infantry

Boko haram do the same thing. They put the children and invalids up front as cannon fodder

Guys the one in the middle has a murderball chair i think she means business.

Great Value Deebo, SuperMam, and Timaaay!

They might have an armored division, but they don't stand a chance against rightoid dip can IEDs


Some kind of fucked up GTA San Andreas X Team Fortress 2 collab

If ye give the two guys in the chairs 40 Mike's would they technically be tankies light?

Starting a Gofundme for pppressed minorities who can't afford their Black Bloc gear. The cis mayo bois are showing their privilege here.

I’m so glad that we, as a nation, have decided to allow both sides of what can only be described as a mental illness, the ability to duke it out on the streets of one of the worst cities in the United States.

I would have thought arena fighting would be seen as uncivilized, but instead everyone is accepting it, providing all the normal people some fantastic entertainment.

Kinda proud of the diversity. The black guy on the alt-right literally told everyone he was sponsored to be at the rally by infowars....

Got all the disableds up front

The entire group has disabilities. The physical ones are just in front.

You'll never guess which one is most disabled!

Antifa cybernetics are evolving

Now we have an overweight black guy on our team we're unstoppable!

This is the terrorist organization that n@zidaddy was afraid of.