/r/iowians never pass up a chance to talk about how much they hate living there.

32  2019-08-18 by cochnbahls


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Don’t really give a shit about that political stuff but I’d want to leave Iowa too.

That's fair. It'sIowa. But those kids are mental. Are they going to up and move everytime someone they don't like gets elected?

I can understand wanting to leave Iowa bc it's a poor welfare state in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, but ledditors please don't pretend like it would somehow not be a shithole if the libs were in charge. The only difference would be more potheads

You’ve never been to Iowa

This is on literally every midwest sub. "This states sucks because it's not liberal enough. Right leaning politician is BAD! Muh weed! Muh abortion! Muh roads! I'm totally going to be leaving here soon though." And then repeat over and over and over. I can't imagine living your life being miserable like that when you can literally leave at any time.

They don't leave, because they know they can't hack it Ina real metropolis. They'll be shitting in streets on skid row looking for their next hit of smack.

And also because the liberal ideologies they cling to result in sidewalk-shitters unaffordable housing and general faggotry.

I wonder if it would make them mad to tell them to move to Texas where the cost of living is low and the job market is booming in addition to there being no state income tax. States like California and New York might be really cool places to visit but they're so ludicrously expensive that I could never justify living there.

Texas is awesome

Corn-derivative-based cope

Pathetic when one of your main reasons to leave is, "muh marijuana is illegal."

Iowa is great if youre a retired redditor. Its low cost of living and theres nothong to do but sit in your basement.

That's Kind of a popular millenium past time though