Monarchists coping with the fact that people don’t want to be ruled by a heavily inbred mayo anymore

122  2019-08-18 by CommissarCletus


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Monarchists coping with the fact th... -,,

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If you unironically get a hard on over the idea of being ruled by a monarch then you can just move to any african country

I wouldn't mind. Just none of that conditionally bound shit. Gimme that freebased absolutist or nuttin.

Morocco is pretty nice

I want the head of water sanitation to be my king's inbred third cousin

There's a reason why this system died out

HEY shut the fuck up about Azar he is the BEST number 1 water sanation chief we have ever had!

He is strong like bull and fast like the tiger!

most of this countries are corrupt democracies

Do these people think they'll be elevated to the gentry or something?

We wuz exploited by kangz n sheeit

apolitical leadership under the guidance of God


Catholic monarchy needs a serious resurgence. A strong and apolitical leadership under the guidance of God is optimal


This but unironically

Balkanisation of Spain can't come soon enough.


Lmao at the dude in there saying the Spanish king is illegitimate. Carlists GTFO!

Hey he could be a Francoist

hahahah wow I had no idea this group even existed

these people probably watched Black Panther and that convinced them monarchy actually makes sense in 2019


I am honored to be graced by sticky man himself

these people probably watched Black Panther

Most young monarchists are racist /pol/ types. They were convinced that monarchy is a good thing through historical strategy games.

I love your passionate hatred of strategy game larpercels. T'is a thing to see m'lady.

Thanks. They don't get bullied nearly as much as they deserve so I'm trying to be the change I want to see.

Will it ever begin for Paradoxcels?

Republics are objectively superior in Paradox games, faggot.

Imagine going cucked Plutocratic Republic when you can go Chad Ottoman government and choose your Chaddest son from your multiple wives to take the throne.

Mercantilecels BTFO

Imagine supporting the one system that lets you get cucked by Janissary Decadence

Imagine playing video games. Like a child.

Dead meme


Monarchies are better in Europa universalis 4, as they can abdicate bad rulers, disenherit bad heirs, and get a higher max absolutism, which allows you to conquer faster.

Ofc Pepe_Von_Habsburg would have the wrong opinion. Stab hits every couple of years blow dick. Losing a shitload of prestige if you start with or get a shit monarch fucking sucks and why would you ever want to be stuck with shit stats when you can very easily have a nearly semi permanent 6/6/6 leader

Just be catholic for free stability, also it costs more to increase stability as a republic anyways. The problem with republics though is that all rulers start below average, with a total of 6 points, when the average is 9 with no modifiers. For most rulers you won’t re-elect them, which means that you statistically spend a longer time with a below average ruler.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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Catholic is a bad religion if you don't go Protestant you're a fucking dog

Catholic and orthodox are the strongest Christian religions in the game. Protestant is good if you are a smaller nation, Anglican is good to get high mercantilism, reformed is pretty shit.

I don't know. Being the Celestial Emperor is pretty dope.

Once I inquired here as to why the Kaiserreich subreddit attracts the most autistic people on the entire internet. A humble participant from their hive emerged and kindly admonished me for using “autistic” in a derogatory manner. After all, he might indeed be autistic but that didn’t make him lesser, nor were his vidya comrades all of one mind.

And I felt terrible. It’s a shame that the carousel of internet lexicon has turned this horrible burden into the latest fleeting fad in crass slurs. And horrible that I had let myself participate in the humiliation of the real human beings that live with it as an illness.

However in my mind I couldn’t help but take note... that the only Kaiserbae fan to see my post just so happened to be... well. Maybe I shouldn’t overthink it.

Once I inquired here as to why the Kaiserreich subreddit attracts the most autistic people on the entire internet.

It's the games man. Grand strategies are very complex, super hard to get into, they don't provide you with some instant gratification like say FPS games do, there is little enjoyment to be found in visuals or gameplay loops - it's all about statistics, tables, graphs etc.

So you sink hours and hours into these games, learn all the mechanics and what's the correct way to play, and your reward is that you statistically defeat some other country because your numbers in few of the 5000 different charts are better? Of course you need to be autistic to enjoy this.


Hey man, it's alright to be autistic. You could always channel your autism into worse things - I usually try to compare shit to furries when I wanna feel better at myself, in your case, you could waste your time drawing furry porn on Twitter, and that would definitely be worse.

I just got Total War on my phone but I'm no monarchist


Phone games are how i pass time when I'm in public. Substance abuse is how I cope

Absolutely based

Yeah it's all paradox gamers.

Lawlz and Snally both commenting on my post? Is this purgatory?

No- it's HELL!!!!

Racists actually love black panther because it’s about a monarchist keeping his ethnostate safe lol

you must have a shitty memory if you don't remember the butthurt

I remember the butthurt. But I also know how to differentiate between a boomer who is mad that the black panther was “the most diverse movie of all time” and a ethno nationalist who would agree and amplify its message.

Look up "black panther" in /r/drama to get a refresher

I’m literally not disagreeing with you I’m saying 2 separate groups had 2 different reactions while both hate groids lol

You can see for yourself that the butthurt extended to white nationalists

It absolutely did. But they also used it to agree and amplify it the same way they do Israel while hating Jews

If they were trying to agree with and amplify it then they didn't do a very good job given how much butthurt they generated

except the film ends with him ending the ethnosate and literally opening up his country to the world

I mean as a white supremacist you can tell I didn’t watch it

i wonder if any have royal/high born blood

In the 'my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother twice-removed was an Irish princess' sense, probably

And I'm related to Oliver Cromwell, prepare to be ended rightly

my great (x5) allegedly had an affair with Abe Lincoln but the prevailing opinion among current historians is that there was no affair

so that's lame

Don’t go to /r/Catholicism

The only other place I've seen European catholic/orthodox extremists in large numbers is the niche community who are still into 1990s-style RPGs. I guess maybe it's the combination of autism and being in a post-Soviet bloc country and unable to afford a 3D graphics card in their formative years.

Depends what iteration of Civ you're playing. Monarchy is only slightly better (mechanically) than dictatorship in the early game, and usually gets rekt by communism, and theocracy in the late game. Those civ 2 fanatic stacks were no joke.

You don't see extreme right-wing European catholics out in the wild so often, but they're hilarious when you catch one. Tankies act all serious about rolling back the clock 100 years, they do about rolling it back 200 years.

Pleb, they play hoi4

The dispute between the constitutional and/or liberal monarchists and the absolute and/or conservative monarchists is pretty entertaining.

Sure, Monarchy is a bit tyrannical but have you seen how willing-to-work together parliament or congress is?

They’re just cranking out omnibus legislation

The stupidest part of the subreddit is that they don't even believe in constitutional monarchies, they want absolute monarchies. Even though most monarchs don't even want that. It's this kind of autism that reminds me of Bismark, who was such a firm believer in absolute monarchy that he blatantly ignored the orders of his king who he served as chancellor (despite believing that the office of chancellor shouldn't even exist) as those orders would undermine the power of the monarchy.

I'm convinced that most of them have a domination fetish but are too pussey to admit it to themselves so it expresses itself in their political opinion instead

Good take

All politics is sexual dysfunction writ large

I feel attacked right now



Not supporting a Restored Absolutist Jacobite Monarchy.


James got screwed. All hail the true heir Franz Duke of Bavaria!

When Charles takes the throne, you might get your wish


Mayo hoteps

Man 9/11 really took the fun out of Basque separatism, huh?


I’ve been subbed to r/monarchism for a while now — the whole place is overflowing with cope, it’s amazing.

The idiot arguing that monarchy doesn’t mean one ruler is probably the funniest shit I’ve read all month

That argument was hilarious

Some sort of hereditary Triumvirate? Hobbes would be rolling in his grave.


A catholic king is super cucked, since you are under the moral guidance of some guy in Rome.

Martin Luther pilled.


You mean, "cuckoldry with neoclassical characteristics"