Lesbos vs Gay Men; the Battle for Representation in Children's Cartoons

90  2019-08-19 by leva549


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Lesbos vs Gay Men; the Battle for R... - archive.org, archive.today

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Imagine when they find out the actor/actress playing the voices of said _cartoon_ character(s) aren't actually lesbians.

The radical centrist take would be to represent Lesbians and Gays, but then replace them with troids and furries.


That way, everyone is seething.

Radical centrism is would be to represent them both exactly equally by putting them into heterosexual relationships with each other. Every lesbian must be in a relationship with a gay man.

Or better, make it about a straight man converting a gay man back into being straight. Just imagine the wokeoid shrieking

basically what we need is more overt sexuality of ALL kinds in children's cartoons, to better cater to creepy neets who still watch cartoons into adulthood and who need hyper-sexualized characters to relate to, since sex and gender are all they ever think about

"why didn't the makers of this content for children think about me, a lonely/depressed/sexually frustrated 32-year-old bum that is slowly fusing to my gayming chair?"

need... more... figurines.... to drown... in my... wasted baby batter

I'd upvote, but you're at 69 already. I hold the same opinion about tabletop gaming. There's this concerted push to get gays, and transexuals into d&d, and I'm here thinking they're weird for bringing any sex into it at all, so both sides hate me.

Honestly it’s the same thing with all children’s entertainment

Doesn’t matter whether there trying to beat the high score in a board game or collecting funko dolls or watching cartoons

Manchilds expect every one to cater to them cause thats what their single moms have always done. Everything always revolves around not making them upset

I appreciate the artistic lacing of insult with agreement, but i have to slightly disagree with the part about d&d being for children. Escapism is wasted on children. It's like booting someone with heroin while they're already on oxy. We should totally keep wasting all our entertainment efforts on children though; they're the only ones worth the work.

lets be honest board games are for kids

sexuality is for adults and for adult interactions there is no point putting into a childrens game like that

adults who play childrens games is another thing. Mostly its creepy but if you want play an "adults only" version of a boardgame with sexy man-on-man action thats okay with me but its weird if you try to pretend that its somehting normal people do, mostly its only pedos who do sexy childrens games

Go back to your lawn care forum you boomer.

i think you misspelled go back to being a net contributor to the global GDP, you person of indeterminate age who actually produces more value than you consume

i know its hard to believe but some of us actually participate in reality and help create it, instead of trying to escape it or blame old people

I'm sorry that your life is only vastly better than all of human history instead of being an anime child-sex orgy 24/7, but those of us who actually participate in creating the world occasionally have to think of the children as well.

i will after u go back to asking ur mom for more money to paint figurines

oops i forgot i am actually a full participant in life and i dont actually cut my own grass would u like a job? fyi u would have to compete with mexicans not just in videogames and rpg stats but in actual human performance

What are they doing with D&D? Like do they want to make some sort of gameplay rules about transpeople?

I would say this is a good take if the jews haven't been inserting weird romantic relationships into every kids show since the invention of television

this face when ur an alpha chad but u always pause to let the jews insert weird romantic relationships in ur shows...

To be fair it took years for those relationships to be shown on screen.


I gotta say it's pretty fucking cool when these people can't even mention something without riling up their friends against them.

It's like they live their entire online lives treading on eggshells where one miniscule comment or tweet like this can blacklist them.

Kids do not care about that shit. I know it's hard for morons to grasp.

That's the point. It's subconscious manipulation of children

Isnt the bottom right one literally double pedophilia? What show even is that?

Its okay if both kids consent

Any adult who watches children's cartoons in any context other than "watching together with your children" should be turned into the authorities for swift processing.

That would give these autists a reason to procreate

Tinder profile: "I am looking for someone to bear my children so I can watch Steven Universe."

Also the profile pic is their fursona.

Does The Dragon Prince count? I only watch it for the ethnic cleansing.

First reply

It's rooted in misogyny...

Of course it is. Written by a man no less. She won't sleep with you dude, stop trying.

Male feminists will never stop.

Male feminists don't take no for an answer.


Male feminists don't take no for an answer.


Do Bubblegum and Marceline really go full gay?

Think they made out pretty hard in the last episode. Other than that idk I'm no zoomer

uh oh we need MasterLawlz and his hot takes for this one

He is too busy writing his Ben 10 X Kevin 11 fanfiction.

The virgin whining about representation vs the chad creating your own fap fuel.

Because girls just kiss and hold hands. Boys fuck eachother in the ass.

A big part of it is that sexual men, including homosexual men, are viewed as potential child predators. Women make up less than 1% of all inmates incarcerated for sexual assault of children, and are at most 20% of estimated offenders. It's the same reason men are generally unwelcomed from working at day cares and elementary schools.

Cartoons used to be muscle-bound heroes in loincloths or mustached badasses in open chested military uniforms kicking ass. It was all men all the time. Then the Cartoon Network happened and kids cartoons got gay all of a sudden.