Ben "The Third Reich was right fellow Whites" Garrison will lead a REVOLUTION that will DESTROY the FAKE NEWS MSM!!

141  2019-08-20 by Ghdust2


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Ben "The Third Reich was right fell... -,

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I don't understand?


Whats the sky, the cat, the chair, the green guy, the weather and the ground meant to represent?

Somehow boomer facebook posting about killery is going to turn back time back to when gays didnt exist.

But Facebook is dead too

what does cth mean?

Is that Chapo next to Rush Limbaugh?

So Rush is where Ben gets his fix.

Zyklon Ben go on Chapo

”The_Donald on Redditt has given a good foothold to plant the flagpole as Rush Limbaugh and Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse are raising the original Flag to its upright position, reinstating the intentions of the first American rebels and displaying the political union of the Original 13 Colonies.”

Guess not.

Rare autistic pepe!

Why is Bentanyl including ChapoTrapHouse as one of the heroes? This one doesn't have the delusional craziness he is known for, it's really just kind lame. I want dashing slender Trump or large breasted sexy AOC/Hillary.

How did he know who CTH is?

He’s naming a group called Conservative Tree House according to his writeup.

CTH and TD fighting side by side

Is Bentanyl Garrison secretly centrist?

His old comics used to be about the Illuminati controlling both parties.

El Rush-bo

Trump's absence is the most notable feature of this phoned-in piece of crap.


What did he mean by this???

He only reserves labels for the super obvious stuff but some obscure “conservative tree house” not needed lol

Why the fuck is a cat saluting the flag? Is this Ben's subconscience manifestinf his secret furry tendencies in his comics?

Also nice symbolism, a world where T_D and 4Chan win is literally war torn landscape with a few survivors.

The 13 Stared Flag?

Finally Benny Boy has gotten woke on the Louisiana Purchase question.

CTH seems like it might refer to The Conservative Treehouse, or possibly Bentanyl heard that Chapo Trap House also got quarantined, and assumed they must be rightwing too.

My man not giving citing his source.

I'm taking my seven upvotes and not giving you a single one
