Tinder whore posts her numbers to r/dataisbeautiful and it goes about as you'd expect it to

107  2019-08-21 by Oh_hamburgers_


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/uj this post is about how /r/drama is now just retards spamming the same shitty memes at each other and then laughing so they can feel like they're part of some super exclusive community. most of the discordcels don't even use the sub anymore bc it's not fun to look at momruepari's latest retarded meme or dumbfucks """ironically""" chasing trappysaruh/whatever other meme tranny happens to be around.

current top post, look at this """drama"""

second one is just "commie mommy did a thing xd"

news articles aren't drama

dude pizzashill lmao


  1. Tinder whore posts her numbers to r... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I’d want more than 60k a year if my job was banging old dudes


That's what she claims to make.

She can post her tax returns as an infographic with an image of the original next.

I saw her post that, and she also said she pays taxes on it. I don't believe either for a second.

Lol 10k a week escorting? Not saying it doesn't happen anywhere but that's gotta be the top of the top. Even "A" list pornstars only charge 1500-3k.

Even so 365k is pretty good until you realize you could get arrested/murdered anytime plus you could only do it for, maybe 5 years?

Good luck getting a good job with a 5 year gap in your resume.

Honesty is the best policy. Just say your cunt has a revolving door on it, they'll understand.

Even "A" list pornstars only charge 1500-3k.

Can confirm. I had an ex-roommate whose boyfriend managed an ultra-lounge in Houston and they asked me to help bankroll an appearance fee for Alexis Texas or whatever tf her name is. It was like a 3k fee for her to show up.

its a more competitive industry if you're male because a lot of us do it for free

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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Yeah, you have to be really hot and really eager to make any kind of money as a male hooker because you'll get edged out by some enthusiastic hobbyist. In any case its probably more lucrative to move to London/NY/LA and make an onlyfans while expanding your brand™

Paging JoanWayneGacy

I do it for free.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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lol, moids mad.

Foids can stop complaining about oppression now

So, when foids talk about oppression they mean they can't get horney old men to pay for one of them to touch his pee-pee? And now that we have evidence of a woman whoring herself out online we can all pack up and go home?

Look, you all bitch to your hearts content over on braincels and let the foids bitch about men.

Girl you have got to stop responding to this shit with sincere posts. Keep baiting them.

I see this in other threads where the young bloods start writing long posts when they should be shitposting.

Keep baiting them.

I mean, I got the ball rolling. If I drop it, someone else can jump in. I just write whatever pops into my head, anything else would seem like work.

They don't have a leg to stand on, so all they can do is seethe lmao

If a group of people can make more money by existing than half the population can by working, that group is not oppressed.

Yeah, it's pretty sweet to get my "existing" check in the mail every month.

Though the best thing about being a foid is the cock carousel. Even better than the divorce raping and false accusing.

Imagine being able to live without doing any work and still not doing it

She's young and probably hot. Of course, she's choosing which guy she fucks. Why should she hook up with some 400 lb psycho who wants to shit on her chest? She's probably looking for relatively harmless old dudes. And there's plenty of them. If she was a 40-year-old crack whore, she'd have to take what she could get.

Demand exceeds supply so it's a seller's market. It's a "water is wet" type of situation. No use getting wound up about it.

Ah yes, I love being judging people's behavior off their tinder photos, you know for safety

You don't think someone should judge whether someone is old and loaded off their pic and bio?

Tinder has an age filter, and they don't need to be loaded, only willing to pay.

lol, how much do you think a woman can fuck in a 24 hour day. She can't swipe on everyone.

And, she does have privilege. She's a young, white, attractive female. Dating norms mean men pursue her. Women don't message men first on dating apps, so men know if they don't message they don't have a chance. So she's inundated with messages and can be choosy. It's also obvious she has good social skills, so she's privileged by not having a mental health issue that makes socializing impossible.

But, what can we do about it? Nothing. You use the same tunnel vision feminists use sometimes. That because they see male CEOs, etc., that men are privileged. When really, a lot of men aren't privileged and are struggling.


It goes well? Controversial comments dont really count and all it is is people like you who seem to think that she cares if you call her a bad word

I didn't call her a bad word sweaty, she's literally a whore.

Because sweety hope she doesnt charge you much

Picky-ness is as much for safety's sake as anything else.

She just so happens to feel much safer around clients who look attractive.

The thought of being killed by an ugly stranger is disgusting.


In response to someone saying being a whore isnt a legitimate job

It’s more legitimate than serving in the military, and certainly more heroic

Lol, yeah trying to fuck 3 old men in one night so you can make rent tomorrow sure is heroic

More than chugging monsters on a sandbag.

Thank u for ur service

They’re not wrong

Yeah I'd rather go to Fallujah.


i bet sex work as a supremacist is amazing

sorry i don't fuck *-slurs

civil rights act BTFO


Lol it looks like she's getting pointed to a career path in tech which is not how I expected it to go

every time i see shit like this those taxi driver monologues start running through my head



Oh have I got news for you

Wow that post seems to have taken some of the posters in the controversial sort to the brink of suicide given how upset they seem over it. Hopefully none of them pull an Elliot

Yeah it's ugly in there. I can understand some frustration but not this kind of rage.



I’m 27 and have never had an intimate relationship or sexual experience in my life.

How does one find a sex worker like yourself on tinder? Would love to get some experience before I embarrass myself with someone who is expecting experience!"

Huxley was right, horny people really are fucking retarded.