Conservative Bill O'Reilly wannabe decides to publicly doxx a teenage boy on national television and encourages others to harass him

76  2019-08-22 by MasterLawlz


user reports:
1: modding lawlz was a hate crime
1: this is bad even for him
1: surplus autism
1: 🗿 Yo, Angelo


Based JoJo meme.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Conservative Bill O'Reilly wannabe ... -,

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I'm asexual.

MasterLawlz trying to cover up the pics/china shit by posting distracting nonsense as stickies.

Lawlz China shill confirmed?

Lawlz is prez Xi 🤯🤯🤯🤯

user reports:

1: this is bad even for him

thanks I'll be here all week

Hey ugd?


U good dude?

yeah wbu


Want Bussy Uwu?

What is "uwu"?


I’m not upvoting this, instead I am downvoting. Take that Lawlz.

joke's on you, that's the only thing that gives me an erection

But what if only upvotes give you an erection and you're just playing mindgames with us?

Let's be honest here, getting erections doesn't happen for you

It does, oftentimes when on the public bus

Shitty Spider-Man ripoff scene too. Ben 10 writers are hacks.

this came out ten years ago

Ben ten years ago.


Spider-Man stuff tropes like this has been around since the 60’s you twat.

Zoomers, man

But JJJ wasn’t reimagined to be like this until after Ben 10 did it

Not true.

Pretty sure it is, prove me wrong


It’s not my job to educate you sweetie.


MasterLawlz has better taste than basically everyone here. TFW no cutie asian gf.


I've seen a lot of ben 10 rule 34 and quite a bit of it focuses on Gwen. The fucked up thing is that it's Gwen when she's a little girl no one seems to bat an eye about it. I just wanted to share that thought because I've been sitting on that one for a while and I had no one else to tell it to.

Have a good day.

I've seen a lot of ben 10 rule 34

Congress needs to appropriate funding for helping you get through this like they did with the 9-11 first responders.

So this is Ben10?

Jesus Christ, Masterlawlz. I expected terrible, terrible shit and I'm still somehow disappointed.

you’re welcome

what did u think about that green lantern ben 10 drama i've never watched the cartoon

The what now

Did you ever watch The Tick? You seem a little like Arthur

Holy fuck, he seems like 1:1 copy of Arthur, except Arthur isn't a lesbian in her 30s.

there was apparently a massive spergout over this

Oh yeah I remember that

It was pretty dumb tbh

"16 year-old highschool student, who's been outed as a one man boy alien invasion"

Lol. Do rightoid boomers really believe this alien-invasion conspiracy bullshit? Pizzashill's right, they've completely lost touch with reality.

That's exactly what a Reptilian shape shifter would say

Wow, what an entertaining post. These never get old lawlz, they never reuse the same set of 5 or 6 jokes, they never waste a sticky slot, and most of all they never feel gimmicky.

Yeah I know it’s amazing how I do it

Was Ben 10 always this bad? Something about the dialogue just

I can see the screenshot and it's some kind of weebshit. Anyone who likes Chinese cartoons now should be really ashamed of themselves.

Why are you posting ben 10

Why not

I can think of a lot of reasons as to why not

But why not tho?

Ben 10

Drama 0


I was going to make a joke but you didn't either