Reminder that the Left unironically can't meme.

186  2019-08-22 by JohnWoo4


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Reminder that the Left unironically... -,,

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that's what happens when you have a stick so far up your ass that vlad himself is masturbating in his grave

Rightoids are Mel Brooks compared to leftoids.

Ya there’s so many funny conservatives...

We've got Jay Leno and he's funnier than anyone the dems have.


..what? Jay fucking did you hear this Leno? That's the best you can come up with?


Bill Burr is married to a black woman whos also a feminist. He legally can not support trump.

No one with a Boston accent can legally support Obama. It's a paradox.

Trannies and gentlemen, we have found the one true centrist.

Bill Burr definitely isn’t a rightoid.

Sam Hyde is funny though and he’s a nazi

The other fat balding one was funnier, the little one is just whacked.

Bill Burr isn't a rightoid lol

Bill is based and redpilled but not, in any way, a rightoid.

I'd say he's radical centrist

Jesus Christ, at least have some taste and bring up Bill Burr.


Bill Burr is by his own admission left of center he just loves ragging on everyone

Internalized rightsogony

that's problematic sweathy

When they do an autopsy on r/drama I think this quote may very well be its cause of death

this reply is an incredible self-own

> Chris Pratt isn't funny

How dare you


Norm macdonald

He's not really "conservative" but he is funny as shit

I think he is conservative but he hasn't been funny in a while. dude kinda went insane from what I can tell

He's a contrarian and he does it so so well

Norm Macdonald and Colin Quinn and Dennis Miller were the best comedians riffing on the news ever. Notice how shitty comedy got after tough Crowd was canceled

dennis miller hasn't been funny in almost twenty years

You're 100% right. Because he retired from the mainstream and became an ironybro almost 20 years ago

(((Mel Brooks)))

Is this confirmed???

rightoids seething


Correct, only a true centrist knows how to meme.

Comedy comes from a place of perfect balance

The Trump tower in Greenland was extremely funny though, that alone gives them more points in my book


😴 😴 😴

Isn't that place just boomer central now?

I read a lot about ancient history...the most notable leaders were all people who thought they were blessed with divine power. Caesar, Alexander...

Yep well, God operates (creates) in ordered hierarchy so the divine right of kings makes sense.

Imagine unironically believing this about Trump.

Caesar, Alexander.... Macron, Trump.

Late_Stage_Veganism 1 point 5 days ago Bernie FLEX! #BuffBernie

Well said

Can we get 50likes?

I yearn for the sweet release of death.

DSA isn't left, they are centrist at best, democratic socialism means as AOC and Omar said just wanting to improve your communities and for the 1% to pay their fair share, they want all the things that Scandinavian countries already have, stop this red scare already

AOC definitely isn't a centrist. She supports open borders.

as Sanders said open borders are a Koch proposal

do your parents know you’re gay

not assuming I am a tranny

you are insulting me

did you have to point it out in front of everyone

now i just feel like a jerk

sorry for that 😞

would sucking your dick make you feel better? no teeth I promise

wtf u dont eat ass 😂?

Good thing politics aren't local to the place they're in then and apply to other countries who don't elect these representatives.

Oh wait, that's retarded.

that's true, in Europe (((the elites))) haven't hypnotized the working class into their submission

Which is centrist, because she still allows the whites to remain for some reason


True radical centrism says we open half the borders completely, and have armed drones patrol the other half of the borders

That is the definition of centrism

Open borders? That’s a Koch brothers proposal.

Lmao cope. Who cares what Scandinavia has or why make comparison to them

what DSA wants for America is what Scandinavia already has

Sanders would be right wing in Europe

I don’t care about Europe. Like at all.

that's because your (((masters))) make you blind and don't see how everybody else is doing better than the US

Or because every other country is gay?

Literally not socialist. Scandinavia are social democracies, not Democratic socialists. There's actually a huge difference. Socdems are still capitalist. Demsocs are actual socialists. All industry is owned by a democratically controlled state. You get to vote for who gets sent to the collective farm.

thanks for the poli-science lesson kiddo

i hope that your worthless PS degree is paying off

Oh wat dis a pizzashill alt?

more like his parody

Imagine being so retarded that you think a group that makes up 1% of the population and pays over 37% of taxes is not paying there fair share and should be shook down for more money

fair share is taking away the rest and redistributing it as an election bribe

Leave the Jews out of this.

Imagine seriousposting lmao

no u


you wish, more like baiting local rightoid seriousposters because they fall for everything

There are many talented artists on both the right and left, and of course in the center.

DSA is center you fool

but DSA ARE centrists


Wow, I didn't know the entire left was just a few reeditors

This sub likes to pretend it's "le radical centrist" but the truth is, it's been rightoid leaning for years now.


Have sex


♫ I just had se ex ♪

♫ And it felt so good ♪

♫ A woman let me put my penis inside of her ♪

♫ I just had se ex ♪

♫ And I'll never go back ♪

♫ To my not having sex days of the past ♪

Dw Ill pm you when I get paid


it's counterculture, and the dominant culture is whiny far-left crybabies, so obviously this sub will lean more to the right

At least you admit it!


MDE was funny though



MDE is funny. The reddit sub, not at all.

Nah he just put it the wrong way. Since the left are doing more shit you can ridicule, they get ridiculed more often than the right.

We have more left mods than right ones. I'm not sure if it's still true but we used to have more trans mods than any other subbreddit.

mods =/= userbase

Sure a bunch of lefty mods just let this place run wild with rightoid agenda posting

This but unironically.

Are you suggesting the ones not on reddit are good at making memes?

that irish simpsons communist facebook page is bredy gud

but I can't think of any others

Irish communists are probably closer center than Reddit leftoids.

You don't have much room left for bullshit when your nan died to a carbomb.

I don't actually know or care to know about their genuine political beliefs, I just like the maymays

Yeah me neither, don't take any of the comments on this sub seriously.

Yeah me neither, don't take any of the comments on this sub seriously.

Especially not this one

I have no idea where you see any mention of memes in that comment.

Look at the title of the post you're commenting on.

How the fuck is that at 200 upvotes and like 2 comments?

It's a miniscule demsucc sub with 10k subscribers, give it a break.

4panel funny

orange man baddered

Boomer humor made by non-boomers. Wow

Neither can the far right though, seeing that they steal the term “redpill”, vaporwave imagery, and Pepe the frog.

Only nazbol gang can meme

Pepe was funny

The right didn’t invent it though

Who cares




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