Asking questions is bigoted now

19  2019-08-23 by sup3r_hero


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Asking questions is bigoted now -,

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People should realize no one cares about men they're tools to most people only allow to act in certain ways the moment they get uppity thinking they deserve to be treated like people that they have feeling more than being hungry and angry they're demonized and labelled bad actors and gross virgins or you get to go the male libs route where you get a play pen to talk about your silly man problems as long you don't disagree or question the Golden gussy seriously tho male issues will only be taken seriously when bunch of transmen start getting uppity or a massive rise in male suicide

People in general don't care about other people.

This won't change.

What a terrible paragraph, use punctuation you mong.

We are really embracing the with hunt aren’t we?


There's more drama in the thread linked in the linked thread than there is in the linked thread.

Both threads are full of retarded people arguing past each other with the far left nonsense being upvoted and the MRA nonsense being downvoted.

I don't think you could have found a more Reddit-styled Reddit thread.