Saturday aSocial drama talk

57  2019-08-24 by pewkiemuffinboo

Hey sluts!

Lawlz is mean now and I dont like his stickies so we're going to make a new stickie about past dramas that you enjoyed the most.

Talk about your most favorited of favorite dramas and let us cherish the memories of the past and shit.


Fitnesscirclejerk brigading fatpeoplehate was bae

Mine was probably back when JewDank would actually hang out here, and one day she wrote and posted that utterly bizarre cringey r/drama / SouthPark crossover fanfic then tried to delete all traces of it when she came off her Xannies or whatever


oh god, remember when her "roommate" got a reddit account?

I avoided jd drama cos she seemed unwell but that was hilarious.

does anyone have a link to this lol

God I wish. I know people had saved it right after it happened but I haven't seen it reposted since it happened

I liked when a bunch of discord trannies were devising a year-long master plan to overthrow this dumpster fire of a subreddit only to be cucked and chucked by ComedicSans.

Please censor your slurs. This is a gender neutral safe space.

I'm a tranny so I have the rights to that word, hun.

Holy shit get yall'ed pewk.

Sorry Queen, that's not true.

Slurs affect us all in different ways, often times in a negative way.

Despite your transgender status you may feel mentally healthy enough to engage in dangerous discourse about certain things, but be aware that many people that use this subreddit are not, and thus all slurs need to be censored and removed entirely.

If anyone here was mentally healthy then they wouldn't be browsing r/drama to begin with :>

You're just projecting your own unhealthiness upon others.

Many people that use this subreddit are of sound mind. We don't need you projecting your probable anxiety and depression (and whatever your other fake illnesses are) upon us.

I was super worried about you responding so I banned you for a week.

I'm sure you'll think that's okay.

Thanks in advance for calming down! <3<3

>v< *caw*

Being a bird is actually very racist.

This but so unironically that it somehow loops back around to irony again

Is this a pasta or did you just write this up?

I'm a tranny

Uwu, oh really?

🥝🥝🥝They🥝🥝🥝 did this.

Gender neutrality is a boomer concept.

Post links my dude.

>ed snoozeposting at the bottom of the thread

i miss this

Don’t we all 😭😭😭

Hopefully he'll flunk out of med school and be back posting emojis so we can bully him again.

lol chat rooms are cool now

Chat rooms aren’t and never will be cool. Get friends.

But how will I get my n00ds? uwu


Friends are over-rated and always let you down. Plus, they never move across the country with you. Get chats.

I second your edit. Dio, mate, make more videos!

Link that shit dude wtf

Women-warriors chewing up her bathmat.

Wasnt that worldofwomen? Two very similar yet different insane foids.

yeah you're correct.

But muh red panda sticky...

Lawlz making Wil Wheaton cry is the high point of reddit entirely, not just this subreddit.

Link please

don't have the link handy but it boils down to him just telling wheaton to grow the fuck up. Something I suspect not enough people said to him in his life.

Ah the glorious pinging days..

Some people just can't behave

No fag.

Was just going to post this

As an RPGer, vague Star Trek fan and table top gamer, Wil is something of a legend among my friends, he really just seems like a regular dude who in some cases got dealt a great hand in life and in some cases got a shitty hand too, like most people. There's a fair amount of consideration put in to all his work: if something is wrong he's the first to admit it, his interactions with people on reddit are awesome and doesn't seem stuck up his own butt. If there was a celebrity to win the award for most down to earth and reasonable human being, he would certainly be a contender (the prize would be 5 gold and a party).

I'm probably never going to get to buy the guy a (craft) beer but I sure would like to! But as this is reddit I'll give this a go:

Hey Wil, what's the internet equivalent of buying you a beer?

Don't be a dick, and play more games!

That thread is exactly why we need the ping.

This video was an absolute work of art and I'm upset it didn't become a regular thing.

Lawlz is mean now


and I dont like his stickies


I still love your stickies lawlz


Why would an incels stickies ever be good. You write with as much wit as a poop shaped rock


Is this what they call a “fentpost”?

My fav drama: That chick who was using Alts to agree with herself during that whole Instagram vs reality drama. Who then admitted to it and attributed it all to mental illness. That one was damn good shit.

link pls

Bunny toaster.

BelleAriel paid $20 from her welfare check to have myself and another poster banned from r/drama for laughing that devavrata12 got banned. teeeheee I LOL'd.

Did anyone ever find out why devrata was banned? I figured that would be overturned. Looks like they're back as Vasudev19.

My God...

lol I knew he'd get an alt. It was suggested in the announcement thread that it was due to a call to violence on someone. Notice he pinged him. It's really funny that the guy who reported people religiously for pinging him got banned for mean pinging lol

I have no idea what reddit's rules are anymore.

So you get suspended and your buddies add your obvious alt right back to the mod team.

I feel like I couldn't get away with that.

He'll get banned again. That was a permaban after getting temp banned for a call to violence previously. The dude is a nutter.

I know.

He got banned...then one of the FTAR mods came over to SPS after their subreddit was linked to engage our users in a conversation.

During the conversation, that mod was userpinged in replies in the conversation they were on SPS having.

Then they deleted their comments and reported SPS users (who were in conversation with them on SPS) for mean pings. We had allowed pinging on SPS if the person being pinged was actually ON SPS talking to posters.

Anti evil removed the pings and suspended at least one of those SPS users. But then that user appealed their suspension and had it overturned.

We don't know if the rest appealed their suspensions.

Admins have not clarified with us.

But having your dude site banned and then adding his obvious alt right back to your mod team?

I don't even try to understand the admins way of thinking. Delete the pinging feature if you're going to ban people for using it. Dev's ping was threatening, but the admins will permaban for pinging when the user doesn't want to be pinged even though the user can turn them off.

Delete the pinging feature if you're going to ban people for using it.


iby 🤗

Hi saruh. I wanted to stop by to see you!

yay 🥰

I went down a rabbit hole the other day and read your explanation of why so many transgender folks wind up as unironic tankies and I thought, "This belongs on bestof." But I'm sure their heads would implode the moment it was posted and maybe we need r/AckTuaLlYbestof.

yeah, "cis allies" are obnoxious loud mouthed sycophants who are going to end up destroying trans rights due to their obsession with always siding with whoever is being "hurt", no matter how few people are actually hurt. what a world.

I understand that transwomen in particular suffer. I also understand that a battered women's shelter may not want to allow a transwoman who still possesses a penis to reside there.

This makes me, apparently, a TERF who should be punched.

It's all very odd.

i wish people would just stop talking about trans stuff tbh. im sick and tired of every single thing in politics having to mention trans stuff, its why i hate being around leftists. cant talk about anything without them bringing up trans stuff. fucken annoying.

I can understand.

I can't imagine going through my life with everyone saying, "So.. you are a woman, how oppressed are you... tell me about your oppression... do you agree that men are horrible and the patriarchy needs to be smashed? How does this story about people getting struck by lightning impact you, as a woman, who would not be allowed to play on that golf course where those men were golfing."

It would drive me up a fucking wall.

it bugs me more how trans people are used as their sword to swing around on whatever bs they're spewing on that day

You and Angylika from SPS would probably get along.

She's no bullshit.

And you both can come over for cocoa and popcorn and we can watch TV and talk shit with no filters.


Whenever i see one of his posts i am compelled to spend real money to gild it. Idk why but even if they consistently follow the same formula and use the same arguments i still can't help smiling. A true comedic genius.

When they recommended SRD

When they modded MiltonFriedman

The Jussie drama was top notch, it was quite a trip uncovering the whole shitshow.

That one was fun because it kept going back and forth

Someone should put both of the raps through the Kermit voice simulator j/s

the guy took down the kermit voice simulator for some reason

Alex Jones still has got pull.

Favourite drama is I am not a Robot

Have only seen four episodes since I started it six months ago but I like it. Just don't see how such a qtpie Korean girl could date a loser, ugly professor. Completely unrealistic

that's on my to-watch list! I keep saying I'm going to watch stuff but then I end up re-watching Stranger/ Secret Forest and I can't watch anything else.

that's on my to-watch list!

DO IT! You will not regret it.

Ill watch that if you agree to watch Stranger/ Secret Forest. It's incredible and has everything: rich people misbehaving, corrupt prosecutors, and police. brutality.


Okay, I'll give it a try, but I can only find a torrent in 1080p so it's gonna take forever to get it.

Keep going, it will not disappoint you. Also that year was apparently when robots were in style, and I'd recommend Borg Mom if you want to see something more light-hearted.

I will, thanks, but I'm not used to the longer episode format after only watching 20 minute anime episodes all my life. My attention span is really short

I know what you mean bro. I used to kick back and watch a 70 minute episode of Dae Jang Geum and now it almost seems like it takes an effort to get through it. Modern technology is making us soft.

Exactly, also I just have so much stuff I still plan to watch, especially movies. The show you mentioned, Dae Jang Geum, might be good but at 50+ episodes and 60+ minutes that's a lot of time

The pewdiepie bridge scene is always going to be my favorite. Best part is how he follows it up with "I didn't mean it in a bad way, jeez" like there is a way where "what a fucking n*****" can be interpreted as not bad. One of the few times where I laughed so hard that my lungs hurt.

Ya but I know what he means - Sweden is like a country full of walking talking teddy bears.

They're all so naive and innocent.

Dude had no idea what shit pile he stepped into.

what a fucking n*****" can be interpreted as not bad.

Like, "he gets all the secs"

My favorite drama hasn't happened yet but it was when RBG died and everyone was instantly transformed into an expert on the US judicial system. Everyone shared their big brain hot takes and we all had a hearty chuckle. Eventually it became clear that the real supreme court was the friends we made along the way.

>political drama is my favorite drama

absolutely shit taste, you should be ashamed of yourself.

I definitely am. For this and many, many other reasons.

Nobody loves me 😭


In general: Probably the Andy Blake saga; I even traveled to the former spot of the children's reading garden (tbf I was in the area for other reasons). Everything associated with Kiki Kannibal also has a special place in my heart. I'll probably think of ones that are even better tho.

On reddit: The raw hysteria generated on /r/CBTS_Stream and /r/greatawakening; even when they were all in agreement and jerking each other off there was a strong sense of high drama.

Release the survey results jannies

Martin Shkreli's ex was a good one. Foot fetish AOC article of course. Hmm. I'll edit it with more after I grab dinner.

I really really miss r/greatawakening. I feel lost without them and find myself picking on people who don't necessarily deserve ir

The time when r/polyamory automods shut down any thread linked to another sub. Then we started linking every thread there, effectively killing the sub.

Here is one of them trying to understand what's going on while throwing around playground insults...

Best thing was that nobody here gave a fuck about polyamory and we were basically reacting to the lazy fucking moderation of that sub.

Sometimes I like to think about that while masturbating, like I do to videos of dog porn and urethera sounding.

Down with Lawlz!

:crab: :crab: :crab: GINSBURG IS DEAD :crab: :crab: :crab:

How long is pizza banned for this time?

I got a very wholesome contribution to make here:

The guy who really liked Garfield and we pinged him and he was like "yeah, I like Garfield" and we were like, "well okay good for you". If the MDEcels hadn't ruined it for us, we could still be having positive interactions with people who are kinda weird but whatever.

The UVA med school sperg who brought a camcorder to his own disciplinary hearing, and tried to sic /pol/ on the school administration when he got suspended.