Zoomers SEETHE after one user has the gall to not like PewDiePie.

61  2019-08-25 by Ghdust2


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People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


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Reddit: "ugh, le fucking normies and their celebrity worship."

Also reddit:

this post summarises reddit's relationship with youtubers:

I think a lot of people have a hard time finding good in the world. Every day you scroll through the internet, reading about forest fires, political turmoil, hunger, and war. But every once in a while, there’s a glimmer of hope.

Hope that things can get better. Hope that you can achieve happiness in this world. Hope that one day, the weight can be pulled off your shoulders, and that people can just relax, and enjoy not only themselves, but each other.

Pewdiepie represents this hope like no one has in recent history. He’s a man who started with nothing but a computer, and a camera. Even though he’s Swedish, he represents the American dream.

He’s an underdog. Everybody loves an underdog. We’ve seen him fall at the hands of the media. We’ve seen the lowest points in his career. But with those hard times, we’ve seen him grow. He’s learned the responsibility that comes with being the top youtuber. He’s learned how to help people.

Yes, there are some people who are genuinely interested in his life. But a lot of people, dare I say most, just like to see good in the world. They like to see a good man, having a good time. In his last video, pewdiepie is just building a fishtank for his horse. As he builds, he talked about his wedding day. The way he speaks is so raw, and human, it is impossible to to be in a bad mood when you hear this genuinely happy man play Minecraft.

Pewdiepie is more than just a youtuber. He’s a symbol, and a leader. People look to him and his life, not because they care about what’s going on, but because they like to be reassured that yes, there is good in the world.

this is why we need mayocide

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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this is what people used to have 'friends' for

what have we done

the internet is the final ultimate expression of human alienation. Our primitive animal brains won't survive for long, just look what's happening

Reddittors are the internet equivalent of the scrapes of mold that grew on Elliot Roger’s retainer, and this is proof.

Redpill me on pewdiepie. I know he said the nigger word once, but aside from that, why does anyone like or care about him?

Reddit's core demographic sees themselves in him.

/pol/tards and Chapocels both think he's a secret Nazi because he occassionally makes edgy jokes.

Most of them grew up watching him be a retard when he played scary games

It started when he noticed a site which allowed you to pay 5 dollars to a bunch of third-worlders to record a 30 second clip of them saying whatever you wanted. Being absolutely disgusted by the jewishness of the concept he fought back by giving two Indian kids five dollars to dance around with signs saying "death to jews." When they tried to end his channel he scared them into silence by uploading videos of himself watching Hitler speeches. He is an Aryan man who has married an Italian woman and only vacations in Japan where he reads and recommends books by Japanese nationalists who wish for the emperor to gain power again. No one is more based or redpilled than pewdiepie.

GCJ, Restera and woke twitter hate him for being a nazi because he once forced some black kids to say "death to the Jews". Actually they don't hate him, he makes them seethe.

Damn hoes are mad at straight facts.

He used to make loud screeching noises and pretended to be scared playing horror games and the manchildren (aka gaymers) of reddit loved it as kids and now he's their idol. Also helps that he said the gaymer word which won the respect of all those KIAcels.

I personally find his content boring.

A few years back when I was like 10

I need to stop using the internet

The older you are the less forgivable use of reddit is.

He's a fucking manchild and is a vanguard at the head of manchild soy boys the world around. All the replies are like "yo I'm thirty but I want this guy to cum in me because he makes me feel like a child"

The PewDiePie crowd is literally the same as the MLP fandom but cucked reactionary flavor. Content made for children carried away by petulant men who never grew up

When he was first becoming "Youtube Famous" I couldn't understand his popularity myself.

The one video I watched he was loud and screeching, his reactions were obviously fake and overall not enjoyable to watch for me.

I really have no idea how he became a popular let's player when he just acted like a twat in and out of the game. Different strokes for different folks and all I guess

It's the obviously part. Everyone knows that he is being fake and most of these children want to enjoy some if the "edgy ironic humor" thinking it makes them cool. He has had some funny moments but that's to be expected of someone who uploads daily reaction videos. Nevertheless i can still respect him for milking the youtube fame so well, i mean that man must we swimming in money all at the expense of some retard kids.

Yeah. Not my cup o tea but he is quite popular, you cant (even though I think i did) shit on him for that. It's probably jealousy in most cases. I just couldn't stand watching his let's plays. I enjoy watching those so...

I’m glad I don’t know a literal single fact about this person other than what I’ve learned today in this thread (he’s a youtuber, he said the n-word once, and he appeals to normies). I plan not to learn anything else about him.


The real shit: not giving a fuck about Pewdiepie but supporting him because it triggers SJWs so hard that you can hear their combined subsonic seething across the globe.

Too many.

Imagine paying money to keep a kid alive when you could have booze instead