Waitress claims low tips due to sexism, others accuse her of racism for saying blacks don't tip.

142  2019-08-26 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Waitress claims low tips due to sex... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Maybe these fucking idiots should stop relying on handouts and get a real job

but gratuities provide an incentive for them to provide better service

or an incentive to start giving out handies at the booth for $15 under the table


You mean for them to not leave you alone and let you eat your meal in piece

Most full time waitresses at a decent restaurant make 40-50k a year. One of my waitress friends in NY does fine dining and she made like 90k last year. I’d call those number a real job.

Giving money to people who intentionally work for crumbs

This is communism 😡


real job

For someone in like their 20s maybe

Totally depends on where you live. I live in Ohio and when I worked at a restaurant most servers made roughly 30-35k a year and we worked at one of the more expensive restaurants where servers were known for getting decent tips. I’ve never met someone in the restaurant industry who makes more than that as a server.

You really can't speak on the restaurant industry because you live in Ohio, dude. In Pittsburgh the servers are making 1000 a week in casual fine dining. Bartenders walk away with 200-400 a night in hotels. Cost of living is basically the same as Ohio.

I can speak on the restaurant industry because I worked in it. And I clearly said it depends on where you live. A shit load of people live in the Midwest, not everybody lives in a city.

That $1000 a week also becomes much less when you figure that most servers don’t get health insurance and have to buy it themselves or go uninsured and I doubt you’re including after tax deductions.

I highly doubt the cost of living is comparable. Where I live I pay $750 a month for a 3 bed/2 bath 1200 sq foot apartment. You can buy an okay house for 100k. It’s definitely not the same in Pittsburgh.


Or get a husband.


Expecting a grown adult working as a server to have the intelligence or work ethic to learn how to code el oh el

Despite being only 13% of the population blacks leave 52% of all tips

blacks tip less cmv

I’ve never worked a job that tips but I have heard that

People from low-income backgrounds tip less in general. It just happens that ethnic minorities disproportionately end up in poverty.

It just happens that ethnic minorities disproportionately end up in poverty due to systematic and institutional racism.

Sounds like cope lmao



I just say big words to sound smart

Chapocel out out out!

Just because I don't spam "dae nigs lmao" doesn't mean I'm a disgusting Chapocel, honey. :v

No but being a transtrender and a furry, is what does it.

Does that mean every cis mayo in the sub is a MDE-fugee rightoid? Òvó

You can draw your fursona as a pretty princess all you like, it won't give you a period IRL

Thank fuck for that.

Or a functional vagene

That's fine, I'm considering keeping my fat bird girldick ;>

Mouthfeel = cope

My sissy humie boyfriend loves it.

He's gay.

I think he just loves cock regardless of whether it's male or female.

Female penis is a cope for being too cowardly to get a stink ditch

Wow you saying 'dae nigs lmao' is cultural appropriation.

Dude nigger lmao

I feel like such a retard for actually lmao’ing at this

You laughed cause it’s funny


Don't worry, I was severely retarded long before the estrogen kicked in

If you're gonna do the seriouspost followed by "I mean dude bussy lmao" at least have the respect for the community and its vulnerable members by purging yourself of your retardation first 🤗🤗🤗😌😌😌

at least have the respect for the community and its vulnerable members

Ew no



The mother of all serious posts.

Rich blacks commit the same crime as poor whiteiods, explain

Ok Jontron :v


People who spend 19 dollars on sushi have the money for a tip.

Middle and upper class Asian people tend to be bad tippers (according to my waiter friends).

Indians tip like shit and are usually loaded.

People think its shocking that poor people don't give away money lmao

Oh so they can't afford to tip but the same people can spend $200+ a week on dominos

Tipping is part of eating out. If you can’t afford the tip, you can’t afford to go to dinner that night.

I found they are either really good tippers or don’t tip at all. Anyone with a little bit of ghetto in them doesn’t tip at all. You can tell by looking at them.

You can tell by looking at them.

It's not that hard to spot a teat tattoo

That's true. Some tip the standard $1,2, or 3 even if it's a $50 order. Or they dont tip at all. But a few realize the stereotype and tip big. I had one that tipped like 30% once because it was nite

I had one that tipped like 30% once because it was nite.

2am in the ghetto.


1AM in the ghetto.

Yep. Worked in a restaurant for 7 years. Doesn’t matter the race or gender. If they’re trashy and ghetto looking then the chances of you getting a tip are slim to none.

Nah race matters. Blacks and Indians are way less likely to tip a shitty amount.

Are you saying blacks and Indians leave good tips or they’re less likely to tip at all?

I'm retarded and meant they tip like shit. So take what I say with a grain of salt because I'm retarded.


Like all things it depends on the person, but when I delivered pizzas for a few months they literally never tipped unless they had some spare change.

I delivered pizzas for a majority of college and you're spot on. The best I could really hope for was the change ($15.50 order, they give you $16 and say keep the change)

It was proven in multiple studies the last 50 years


one woman was crying because she ended up with $24 after tip out and she has kids

It's her fault for getting prego before getting a real job💅

I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel you for that comment.

Thank you for bringing that emoji to my attention 💅

💅🏿 wh*toids can’t use this💅🏿


Not wrong.

Oy vey how dare you criticize a woman's choice to raise children in poverty!!

Its her fault for living in a red state that taught her condoms give HIV.

How do you only sell $375 at Texas Roadhouse? That's like 15 customers if nobody drinks.

I think they are a shitty waitress tbh

Fucking this, texas roadhouse is super efficient when it comes to serving people. At least they should be. Tables are cleaned off right away when someone leaves and then another group sits down. Plus everything costs a decent amount so you should be making plenty if you arent shit. Basically I am just saying this dumb broad is bad at her job.

As someone who recently moved up from a server support position to a server position, I can assure you that server support get the short end of the deal here. They are paid a very low amount for (in my opinion) the shittiest job in FOH.

I've never worked at a restaurant, but I'm guessing this is something you do for a week if that for your first waiting job.

No lol, they stick people support for as long as possible.

So what, two weeks?

Servers typically have pretty low turnover, since it's pretty high income for a position that only requires basic customer service skills.

I did it for 6 years. All through high school and part of college. Not quit sure why I put up with it for that long so don’t ask.

FOH clowns wouldn't know hard work of it hit them with a truck. BOH brutes are bleeding and sweating for hours while Stacy and her fellow waitresses smash the bell demanding more dinner rolls and gossiping about their baby daddy's new hoe.


Get a real job lmao

I share my tips with my support staff because they also do work and deserve money for doing their job.

Why do they keep repeating this retarded logic lol. The waitresses don't employ the staff. I don't see why I should share my wage with my co-workers just for doing their job.

Burger brains are this broken

They pay out support staff because the support staff does shit like deliver the food and clean the table

With that logic then why are customers expected to tip you for doing your job?

The support staff do part of the servers job for them, which is why they get a portion of the tips.

Tipping out busboys, bar, and sometimes hostesses is just the system restaurants use. The finer points very from place to place.

Lol OPs history is like 20 different posts about this shit. Maybe get a different job u dumb foid

When one person tips less than 15% you got stiffed, when all of them do, your customers are trying to tell you you're a shitty waitress

I remember when 12% was considered a really good tip, now it's 20%

I remember when I could fill my tank for $20 and a 12" sub sandwich was $5.

They still are, stop going to LibertarianWay and make the sub yourself at home fatoid

In high school I had a full size chevy pickup and could fill that tank for $20.

Funny thing about percentages...

"But stuff is more expensive nowdays" - The person who doesn't know how fucking percentages work.

If the hamburger I order is $10 instead of the $5 it was back in the 90's and I pay 12% tip then I pay $1.20 instead of $.60. The expected percentage is the issue I have, I don't get why the expected percentage changed.

Oh no man, I totally agree. There are just other people replying saying that shit is more expensive nowdays, completely ignoring the fact that because tipping is a percentage that means their tips are also higher.

Gotcha, sorry I thought you were re-enforcing that comment.

Dude bussers lmao

Why dont mutts just unionize

I mean they are utterly shit when ever they have happened in Europe but mutts could quite honestly benefit from it

Because that would require the average Starbucks-American to experience face to face confrontation.

they'd make less money you eurotard

When I was a server we called them Canadians because they don’t tip in Canada

Tipshare should be illegal. We need to rise up against that bullshit. My best year I paid $8,500 in tipshare, that’s some bullshit.

Wait the tips are shared? Socialism fails

Looks like she overestimated her intersectionality score. A costly mistake, to be sure.

mb, meant to be talking to OP. am overtired. work in restaurant, in BOH. afaik law exists whereis servers can be paid shit like 2-4$/hr, but make decent tips the majority of the time, often up to 2x minimum wage. law also exists that if they dont get tips, restaurant has to cover their pay so they meet minimum wage. even if theres a corporate nonsense bullshit tax on tips or tip pools, they still make at least minimum wage. tipped jobs are not consistent. thats how it is. if they cant deal with that, they really need to look for something more stable, or w.o the extra corporate greed tax. 40+$ for 5 hrs seems bad to me for a friday night at a TX Rdhouse. ive eaten there 4x. its about 34$ for 2 ppl. which even for minimal but perfectly passable service is like +4-6$ tip. price/person is probably normally much higher with multiple alcoholic beverages. it was a slow night, or they are a bad server. slow nights happen. maybe the OTHER servers were shit. either way they made several $ over minimum wage/hr. if they are specifically complaining and want to bring attention to taxes on tips, they need to highlight and explain relevant policy/law and $ breakdown better. if im reading it correctly, the restaurant does some 3% of sales get taken out of servers tips thing? that sounds illegal, but thh i rlly dont know. sounds like the restaurant has a shitty policy, and servers shouldnt work there. thats not a 3rd tax, thats your employer straight taking money you earned.

new snappy quote

I've known more coherent downies.

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Sweatie, in the restaurant business they're referred to as "canadians"

None of this nonsense would have happened if burgers paid their employees fairly and didn't start this retarded tipping culture.

We didnt start it we merely stole it from the upper classes of europe of mid to late 19th century and kept at it instead of abandoning it

mid to late 19th century

It has been like 150 years. Stop acting like retards already. Just because your mayo ancestors were retards doesn't mean you have to be too.

What's a tip out?

Yes this is nothing short of persecution, we need to unionise and take this shit out on strike.

Please, by all means. God only knows where the restaurant will find someone else with your skillset.

statistically speaking blacks tip the least

also remember that AITA where that guy basically drove out blacks from his restaurant and made it more successful