
225  2019-08-26 by itsnotmyfault


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. #CoonLivesMatter - archive.org, archive.today

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RIP chubby boi 😭😭😭

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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I love him. Who is he?

This is a great fucking thread

Trash pandas can be viscous. Lets also remember the young BC man who died of rabbis earlier this summer as he was "nicked" by a rabid bat! I think most Urbanites may not even know what Rabbis is or how dangerous it is to pets & humans alike.


Fucking rabbis. Once you catch it you's all like "oy vey" this and then you get those curly side burn looking hair. Such a horrible disease.

I chopped off the Jew fro, but kept the money.

Don't lie, it's not the only thing you chopped off.

He didn't chop that off, the mohel did it with his teeth

This guy gets it 💯

"The only thing worse than a coon is a Jewish coon" -Hitler probably

Remember the best defense when a pack of rabbi animals attack is to throw pocket change on the ground and run the opposite direction .

Mod this man

He likely accidentally posted to Twitter instead of his 8chan account, where that gross filth is welcomed with open arms.

his 8chan account


One more word and I'll hack into your 4chan account and steal all your tendies.

Please no

feminist. leftist, but anti-authoritarian. lover of literature, strong coffee and the Cure.

Foids 🤢

Fluent in sarcasm? Likes travelling?

Loves pizza, Harry Potter and Doctor Who 😜

Haha fascists make it too easy to dunk on them. You seriously gonna suggest Nazi Germany > modern West because some people have tats and face piercings?


feminist. leftist, but anti-authoritarian.

Those three cant be all true

lover of literature

I assume by "literature" she means Harry Potter and 50 Shades of Gay

The Cure are fucking great tbf


I wheeze

Is this yet another retread of the wild hogs thing?

Lol no guns or burgers involved (unless that coon was an immigrant) so no it won’t be nearly that dramatic


Dear mentions: Have you, like, encountered a wild animal? Threatening to sue them while they're attacking you doesn't work too good.

Well it is twitter after all. They never get out of the basement so the chances of encountering a wild animal are pretty much none, unless the now feral cat they have decides to crawl from the vents.

Basement dwellers aside.

This wasn't a pibble or a fucking black bear.

This was an oversized Chihuahua.

It must have really made his wife feel great watching him beat a "rabid" animal to death.

Then while holding his foot over it (while apparently beating it with...a rock?), he takes a picture of his trophy kill and posts it on Twitter? He had time to grab a rock?

There's several levels of retardation at play here.

The fuck is a pibble

A pupper that’ll love you to death

A dog bred specifically to take care of babies.


Level 1 of retardation: caring about this post enough to get assmad about it

So under which handle are you in that thread REEEEEEing at the guy?

People that have multiple handles are pretty much garbage imo.

Dude raccoons are fucking vicious. A housecat can fuck you up and raccoons kill house cats no problem. Who fucking cares that this guy killed an animal that was threatening people.

Taking a blue checkmark's word on face value?

I feel like you're in one of these levels of retardation.

And it's pretty high up there.


I feel like you're in one of these levels of retardation.

And it's pretty high up there.

Says one drama poster to another.

People like to get retarded about wild animals its a frickin coon you kill one and plenty more are born to take its place

You know rabies is 100% fatal right? But oh muh animal rights why didn't you just let it kill you. Fuck off kiddo

So it makes sense to battle with and get close enough to a racoon that you stomp on its head?

The more logical case would be to get him and his wife away from it assuming it even had rabies.

It's 99% fatal, if not treated.

Rabies is an infectious viral disease that is almost always fatal following the onset of clinical symptoms. In up to 99% of cases, domestic dogs are responsible for rabies virus transmission to humans. Yet, rabies can affect both domestic and wild animals. It is spread to people through bites or scratches, usually via saliva.

Rabies is present on all continents, except Antarctica, with over 95% of human deaths occurring in the Asia and Africa regions.


As usual you're being a typical American trying to make it all about yourself, when it's not.

The weird thing about it is that you can get vaccinated after you've been bitten. The virus goes and hides out in your nervous system for a while, and only when it comes out is it ready to kill. You have that window of opportunity to get jabbed and get your immune system ready, and that almost always works. Just don't get bitten and think "well, I feel all right...".

Most foids like it when their man murders animals

She probably came while he was doing it.

And all these virgins here are worried getting rabies from body fluids....🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

why not?

my friend hunts and shares his kills even if its just a rabbit

WTF is with all the retards saying raccoons in BC don't/can't have rabies? That's not at all how it works

>TFW even rabies are refusing to enter Canada

all the raccoons just took advantage of the free healthcare

no rabies in the north

America should not implement socialized healthcare until all rodents and other pests migrate to CAN and kill as many Canadians as possible

WTF is with all the retards saying raccoons in BC don't/can't have rabies?

They don't understand the difference between an animal not being rabid and not being a rabies reservoir

Apparently BC vaccinated all their wild animals for it... I would love to see how that works and how much that cost lol

Apparently BC vaccinated all their wild animals for it

AHAHAHAHA holy fuck that's retarded.

Copy paste from my other comment:

I think they like airdrop pills that the wild animals eat, and those pills vaccinate them. It’s actually pretty interesting.

I think they like airdrop pills that the wild animals eat, and those pills vaccinate them. It’s actually pretty interesting.

I looked it up, and apparently this is something that is pretty commonly done. Can't find any instances of BC doing it though.

There are a bunch of stories of people getting attacked by racoons in BC though lol.


I think Raccoons are just assholes, rabies or not.

raccoons in BC don't/can't have rabies?

Obviously some do but I was under the impression it's super rare. It's anecdotal but the county I used to live in (not BC but PNW) would test fucking everything for rabies. Any dead animal that wasn't roadkill got tested basically. Not once to my knowledge did they find rabies. Think for a second what that means. You're testing every dead animal someone comes across and animals with rabies always end up dead so you're basically testing the majority of potentially rabid animals in the county. It's not actually that common.

Regardless of how common it really is the logical conclusion to 'that animal might have rabies, we need to kill it' is 'kill every animal'. Unless the animal has already bitten someone (and then it makes sense to kill it so you can test it for rabies) you're better off just leaving the damn thing alone. Maybe the raccoon in that photo really was aggressive and acting weird but I bet it was something more along the lines of the thing making raccoon noises at them when they came too close to its garbage or some shit like that.

IIRC in the PNW the problem is mostly bats flying around in the mountains and deserts. Victoria being, you know, a fucking island, there is zero chance of this being an issue.

When I was a kid pry around 12 I used to run around the timber with my single shot 22 hunting coons pretending they were charlie. It would take 3 or 4 shots to drop a big one.

Wish I was 12 now with a Twitter account to periscope it to own the libs.

If you had Twitter when you were 12 you’d probably get groomed by whatever the equivalent of a woke blogger back in your day grandad

Not before CPS made him another foster kid rape statistic.

Doubt it fag

At least I’m not from Iowa

Says the lord of the roaches...

Just a reminder that people believe in specie-ism as a bad thing unironically

To be fair, once you understand the dehumanization tactics popularized and made ever-present by the society we live in and systemic and structural oppression that exist in the current fascist regime, it becomes exceedingly clear that in order to liberate and decolonize ourselves we must first confront the whiteness that exhibits itself in the way we allow corporations to imprison and murder animals for capitalistic consumption.

That’s cool. I’d like my coffee black no sugar.

Speciesism is fuckin’ radical dude.

As an Avian American, speciesism is totally fine and justified against the mammalian menace.

Imagine living in a society where you have to kick an animal to death instead of shooting it like a civilized human being.

30-50 feral raccoons

Tfw lives in a city for so long that the existence of packs of wild animals is haha funny to your 110lbs soaking wet ass

Tfw you’ve never set foot out of Boston and you don’t know shit about how dangerous hogs are

I’m from rural Bama vro

Canada is such a shithole.

On the Day may the Rake pass over him

Why is the American blue tick-sphere (with an assist from popehat of all people lmao) going after a Canadian that stomped a raccoon to death in Canada?

Moreover, who the fuck cares that someone killed a raccoon? Those things are everywhere, invasive, and a pain in the ass.

Moreover, who the fuck cares that someone killed a raccoon?


Right? Like if this guy was posting pictures of himself torturing animals or something I would get it. But he just killed this raccoon that was being aggressive. Who the fuck cares?

Honestly, pussies. If you care about random animals dying, you are indeed a fucking pussy. And that’s just a simple fact.

People who never have to deal with wild animals think that they should never be harmed under any circumstances.

Muh Bambi

Pain in the ass? At times. Invasive? I'm pretty sure they were here before towns and cities were built.

Why don't you let them fuck your girlfriend if you like them so much Huh?

I was expecting people would have caught on to this troll attempt, but no.

This is ridiculous, he should’ve used his raccoon sized handcuffs.


Honestly, who gives a fuck about killing useless animals. If it’s not someone’s personal pet, there should be no reason you can’t just kill it freely. I mean all the people against “cruelty to animals” are always such whiny people. Like they really don’t care about the animals, they just care that they can bitch about it and people will listen.

Who gives a fuck about a random raccoon. I mean honestly, if you care about some random animal that eats trash, then you’re probably a little off lol

I mean honestly, if you think it's OK to kill a wild animal just for the lulz, then you're probably a little off lol.

But acting aggressive to humans is a no-no and if the little furball gets wasted for it, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

I mean not for the lulz, but like kids who go out and shoot squirrels with pellet guns. That’s not crazy or inhuman. It’s just a kid being a kid.

But honestly who really gives a fuck at the end of the day about some random ass animal that’s not human tbh. And then people that talk about how “cruel” it is to nature OBVIOUSLY have no idea what nature is really like lmao

There's obviously some fine shade of distinction between "for the lulz" and "just a kid being a kid", but I'm not seeing it. So far as shooting something for shooting's sake goes, I remember there was a stirring essay on that in some editions of Scouting for Boys, Mark Twain I think (I know he didn't write the book, he was being quoted). It's for sure he was agin it.

do these people realy think raccoons are this little fuzzballs that eat garbage all day? these things will go out of their way to bite you and scratch you and try to kill your cat.

still weird as fuck to make a post about it. also i don't get why people get upset about someone killing what's basically a big rat

Its more interesting than 99 percent of what gets posted


RIP lsu coonalt

both the dude who posted this and the people in the comments are retarded. amazing

I mean... If anything is rabid its fair game to kill.

I do enjoy feeding the friendly ones though.

People who hurt animals, or get off by hurting animals, or want to hurt animals -- you can tell who they are without lumping anyone in like this guy.

Folks who are out to cause suffering #1 usually do it to more accessible animals like cats/dogs, and #2 generally have a trend in their behavior -- you can observe this if you look into the psychopath the_marx's behavior here on drama.

He's a cat killer like kalaa.

I kill cats?

Don't feed trash pandas, tard. That's how this shit happens.

I wish a bitch would

I'll fight any animal

Mayos get so sensitive when it comes to racoons.

"Zomg trash pandas 😍"

I guarantee most of the outraged replies to this live or work in a building in which rodents are managed with painful, slow-acting poison. It's shocking how disconnected people can get from the natural world.


A few really important points that apparently I'm the only fucking person here with the knowledge to make:

  • Victoria is an island in the Pacific. Rabies is difficult to completely eradicate on the American mainland because it's a continent, but it does not exist on offshore islands.
  • Victoria is not, however, a Pacific island like Mindanao. People do not own machetes there unless they're tacticool tryhards.
  • Raccoons sometimes approach humans during the late summer. I dunno why, but they do. It's happened to me and I didn't need resolve it by killing the poor thing and then calling my dad in to do a photo shoot.
  • You can't step on a mammal's neck like that because they will move. If you have ever owned a dog or cat, you would know this. Apparently there are people in this world who haven't.