“Blocking traffic and running over old people is actually very woke and brave” - SRDines.

75  2019-08-26 by Ghdust2


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. “Blocking traffic and running over ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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ah the classic din duh nuffin defense imagine if righties did some retarded explanation for every stupid shit they did.

"He gunned down the beaners because he was feeling disfranchised as a white person living in a soy america that loves white guilt"

. "They are only nazi's because they grew up poor and the lefts policies toward welfare only aimed at minorities disenfranchised them so they grouped up with other people like them"

Just call a fucking spade a spade Jesus Its obviously a bunch of negro's willin out because the police aren't willing to risk a Black lifes matter protest.

This tbh.

This symbolises the unity of the left. They would never throw one of their own under the bus!

I have no horses in that race, but it would be funny if it made people realise that it's mostly using cars that's the issue, and having everyone using bikes or smaller vehicles leads to increased safety.

Look out folks, motherfucking King Brain SRDine says “actually motorcycles and 4 wheelers are much safer than cars!”

Yeah People flip quads all of the time and its often not pretty

I think every rural community has least one person that got quadriplegic’d or killed from one.

The motorcycle thing is honestly too rarted to even address, just go talk to some first responders or hospital staff.

Holy shit. 😯

Interestingly, if you talked to people whose only experience of golf was dealing with people who got struck by lightning while playing golf, you'd be convinced golfers were batshit insane.

Yeah, the injuries you can get on a bike are potentially horrific. Yeah, per mile it's statistically more dangerous than a car. But if you think the risks are unmanageable and everyone on a two-wheeler is just too stupid to get it, then you're honestly too rarted to even address.

I've lived my life as I chose, I've run the risks I saw fit to run, I'm still sound in wind and limb and I turn 60 next year. You?

The NHTSA reports that 13 cars out of every 100,000 are involved in a fatal accident, but motorcycles have a fatality rate of 72 per 100,000. ... For every mile traveled, motorcyclists have a risk of a fatal accident that is 35 times higher than a car driver.

You have to be retarded ride a motorcycle. Just get a convertible Corvette, grampa

35:more times.

72 per 100,000. Gosh, that leaves the odds only 1388:1 in my favour, how very dare I. 35 times not much is still not much. If you're concerned about avoiding risk, you can improve your life expectancy no end by getting your fat ass off the sofa, going outdoors and getting some fresh air and exercise, instead of hiding under your bed and scarfing too many tendies every day.

You also have to be retarded to fuck up a simple sentence. Just get off my lawn, juvie.

Whoa. Based Boomers on Drama. I like this.

To address your earlier point, yeah by all means live how you want. You are a different case than the people in this photo or the general population, though. If we suddenly had everyone using motorized smaller vehicles, it would be a massacre.

If everyone was suddenly using motorized smaller vehicles, there wouldn't be motorized bigger vehicles doing the massacring. When everyone's vulnerable, everyone takes care not to get hurt.

My generation's not the point (though it gave the world rock music that later generations can only kneel before in awe, fight me if you want). Realistic risk assessment is. Those numbers you quoted suggest that if I'd never ridden a bike in my life I'd have added two weeks to my life expectancy (and that's just on the raw numbers, not the difference between bike and car risk, which means I've overestimated but it'll do). Now? I've long since lived through the dangerous part of the learning curve.

I ought to get around to reading the link at the start of this thread, but you know how it is: the fewer the facts, the better the drama.

Agreed on most points, I’m just shit posting but I do feel that most people are pretty horrible at operating vehicles in the US, mutual danger could work though.

And no bully on generation, I’m just surprised.

No worries, enjoyed the argument, willing to move on. :)


I assume they mean bicycles, which is fine if you have a job where you can show up soaked in sweat with wrinkled clothes.

Maybe, but I don’t think these guys are gonna want to do this with bikes.

hahaha No they do.

Seattle spent over 2 Million on bike sharing lmao

almost as much of a waste as their Space Age Public Toilets

I remember there was an episode of The Office where they did that and I was just thinking “are they going to reak all day?”

Unless you live in a place with a lot of hills, you're not necessarily going to sweat from cycling.

Maybe the first few times you actually do cycle as your body adjusts.

Before you know it, you can cycle long distances without breaking a sweat--depending on elevation.

Got caught up in a group of these idiots a few weeks ago in Detroit. We were driving along the river and all of a sudden you started hearing dirtbike engines and then this huge group of bikes and ATVs start weaving in and out of traffic and running red lights and shit. They were annoying as fuck but no more annoying than the groups of bike riders out in the country that take up the whole fucking road and don't stop or let you get around them. I really just wanted to see one of their dumb asses wipe out more than anything.

I really just wanted to see one of their dumb asses wipe out more than anything.

London solves the problem by ramming which seems like the best option.

They tried something similar in Detroit. But the legal system didn't seem to like it too much. Fucking liberals.

whatever it takes I suppose

He should've gotten a medal for being able to hit a moving kid one-handed while driving. The kid committed suicide tbh, good riddance.

The Detroit teen was driving his ATV in August 2017 on the city’s east side when Bessner — a passenger in a moving patrol car — fired his Taser at the teen during a chase. Grimes slammed into the back of a parked truck and died soon after from his injuries.

Based and John wick pilled

Well, not for bad driving manners but for street crime followed by escaping on a small bike, and the idea is to knock 'em off and arrest them, not wipe them out. Fair enough, bikers don't want twats on mopeds giving them a bad name either.

That's like if someone bans guns and people protest by firing into public areas.

You're not protesting, you're being a cunt endangering lives.

Surprised to see Islamophobia so heavily upvoted in SRD.

Never in my life have I understood the hate for gentrification. “Oh no by making this neighbourhood not a shithole you’re pushing out the people who made it a shithole”

nobody likes other people moving into their neighborhood and changing it, mayos don't like blacks coming in with their crime and blacks don'l like mayos increasing their rent.

mayos increasing their rent.

it's part of their culture

It’s a mix of nostalgia, neighborhood being white washed and being priced out of buying in “cool” neighborhoods.

Although they Will argue other wise, when a city subreddit poster is complaining about gentrification it’s about a old gay or artsy neighborhood that went from young people with money to older people with a lot more money. They will take the high ground and say it’s about the black neighborhoods because it’s gives them moral superiority in their argument. However, in countless /r/Houston or /r/NewOrleans gentrification dramafest it is almost always a 40k a year honky complaining about being priced out of a already good neighborhood.

That's basically what Keep Austin Weird and all its offshoots mean. One ironic thing that happens is when gentrification happens in two waves.

The first wave involves the "40k a year honkies" moving into shitty neighborhoods, pricing out the even poorer blacks/Hispanics. The second wave is when the yuppies who are super liberal but secretly scared of minorities move in, pricing out the poor honkies, who then insist that their neighborhood must stay "weird," but obviously not too weird like it was before they moved in.

Meanwhile, the townies who didn't leave work white flight in the 60s/70s tell everyone to go fuck themselves.

I just think it's hilarious how "inner city sucks because white flight" has now become "fuck whites for moving back to the inner cities".

I have no horses in that race, but it would be funny if it made people realise that it's mostly using cars that's the issue, and having everyone using bikes or smaller vehicles leads to increased safety.

Here is why people driving UTVs at 60mph on the sidewalk burning through red lights is actually a GOOD thing.

I'm just amazed how easy it is for Americans to accept bans on these things, while calling even the most moderate firearm restrictions a violation of their rights. Like you would think Republicans would be at the forefront of defending this stuff but clearly they're not.

Man this is such a stupid take.

Holy shit yungsnuggie is in there, haven’t seen him so much. I remember being banned for calling him SRD’s token black some years ago. I don’t regret that though, it was creepy as fuck how people treated him.


There's good footage of one hooligan getting a face full of windshield. 👌

Lol and of course yungsnuggie is there.

Fake r/nba 'celebrity', failed soundcloud and middle class champagne socialist saying "fuck those people who might be hit by atv's or die in ambulances in traffic as long as I get to pay less for my rent"

And here I thought that homeboy was a communist...lol

To be adored by the regular posters of subredditdrama is the dream of every American black man


SRD must be the single largest source of revenue for blacked.com

I like how I can't carry my gun into DC, the one place I'll probably need it.