Projared releases 45 minute video defending himself

236  2019-08-27 by Crowbar-12


42 minutes actually

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  1. Projared releases 45 minute video d... -,

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2 minutes in - Yea, I shared nudes with my fans

Lol good on ya

Glad you just look for what you want and stop watching

Jeez Jared, sorry. My attention on a hour long video about some vidya playing fag being too low is shameful. Namaste.


Should of included bussy if it wanted to keep us hooked tbqhwy fam

Good advice tbh.

Wait, are you really projared or am I just retarded right now?

I'm Pekka Rinne. World renowned Finnish hockey goaltender and forever too good right now

He posts to projared2, which is a sub for a group of people who got way, way too involved in the relationship drama to an unhealthy degree

A bit of a a generalization. Honestly seems like an excuse to but yourself on a higher ground so having a conversation is nearly impossible.

Sorry but you guys act like you have a personal stake in a youtuber's relationship drama, it was fun to watch the he-said-she-said in the beginning but you're all so fucking weird, who even cares that much about an internet celebrity let alone whether or not they technically cheated with some hobgoblin

I've seen it discussed in light of the Bernie vid and Tumblr blog that came out about a month ago at the end of July , but I've never seen someone treat the situation as omni-important. Again, I feel like you're reaching a little bit in that regard.

Wow, you are like the bottom of the barrel loser. Someone who cares about a smelly gamer who sends nudes to kids.

Damn dude you seem obsessed with defending this YouTube dweeb. Pages and pages of it. If you're not Jared you have a really weird obsession with the guy

I've commented more or less on off and since the scandal surfaced and only when substantial evidence surfaced that suggested there might've been more to the story. To each their own though I guess. I never necessarily wanted to get into spammy territory per se.


Dude bussy lmao

Dude whether you believe him or not there's some good drama in there. I'd recommend it if you have a beer or three on hand.

Nothing wrong with not watching the entire video. I only watched the first few minutes of it myself. The issue isn't that you didn't watch it, it's that you formed an opinion on the entire video and situation, only based on the first few minutes. Not saying you have to watch the whole video, but if you don't watch the whole video, you can't really come to an accurate conclusion.

So edgy man

There's no fucking way I'm watching a 45 minute video of a gamer explaining his dick pics

i didnt either so heres a tldr from my friend

apperently he asked if the girls were 18 and they said yes

he was also divorcing his wife at the time of the original drama and apperently she was also a control freak

theres also a bunch of shit in the description that i didnt bother clicking

The two weren’t girls? I don’t care but they seemed boys.

One is a transman who was not transitioned at the alleged time.

Oh ok


so all this shit can basically be boiled down to airing dirty laundry that should've never been aired. basically what PBG said in the very beginning, and people fucking buried him for it.

well no he still pressured fans into giving him nude pictures. Doesn't matter if they are above 18 or not still scummy

idk, i've seen people say this on twitter before because he's "in a position of power" but honestly so many internet dudes use internet fame to fuck fans i don't see why people should be fixated on jared.

because you shouldn't be doing that. I don't know how manmy do it, obvisouly i know about the ones caught doing it to underage fans but evne with consenting adutls its wrong on so many levels.

Its wrong to fuck completely willing fans if you are popular?


Jealousy is an ugly emotion my dude. Be better

lul wut?

This ain't it sweaty

What's the point of being famous, then.

For real tho

Hoes mad

Hoes mad

Hoes mad

Hoes mad

Hoes mad

Hoes mad x14


You shouldn't do that, either. By "that" I mean posting your dumbass comments.

By that logic, you should dislike like 80% of male musicians for fucking their groupie fans

Why does everyone famous got to be saint Augustine?

He wanted nudes and got a Tumblr for it. I can understand calling him a dumbass for it, I don’t understand judging him for it. get off your high horse

"As role models of many people, we should live lives which reflect a good way of living." (Paraprased) -Some retard at Treesicle who's never done anything wrong, ever

Fuck that noise.

I do find opinions on this interesting. If we take Jared at his word, he did not intentionally act to pressure anyone into sending nudes(and everyone involved was assumed to be of age), but the pressure can definitely still exist in social hierarchies.

I personally don't think this is in any way the same as if there were job-security on the line. Social pressure from someone in the same industry as you is much more potentially destructive and exploitative, Jared isn't threatening anyone's livelihood or future prospects. He is not exploiting anyone's prospects in an industry-hierarchy, because Youtuber-fan relationships tend not to share the same job-sector.

So it's much more like a "rock star" to fan relationship, and this is where I find it difficult to place incredible amounts of moral blame. Is it any different from musicians using their social standing to sleep with fans? That sort of thing is still practically lauded as the "rock'n'roll lifestyle".

There is an allure towards musicians, or movie stars and, yes, even Youtubers. It is a legitimate attraction, I'm sure as hell attracted by it, and therefore at a certain point I think we need to respect that adult fans are functional adults, they are allowed to make the choice to do sexual shit with people with influence because they find that attractive.

So I'm not saying the abuse of said influence does not exist, but where is the line? At what point does someone stop being a consenting adult choosing to do something with someone they find attractive, and start being the victim of someone abusing their influence? Is being attracted to influence and power inherently being abused by said power? Is the "rock'n'roll lifestyle" immoral because of the social power of a band, and if not what is the difference between them and a Youtuber in the sense of a social power structure involving their respective fans?

Have you owned the libs yet?

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So it's much more like a "rock star" to fan relationship, and this is where I find it difficult to place incredible amounts of moral blame.

youtubers... are not rock stars....

It's the same fucking concept dude

so in your mind is Sean Hannity a rock star?

you are completely missing the point

oh please tell me the point

Neither are they movie stars, nor famous tv-show hosts, nor popular people within a high-school. The point is all those examples share the same sort of power dynamic over their respective fans, one that is purely social and not driven by influence within that fan's job-sector. They hold influence over many which does not innately threaten their livelihood, same as Jared here.

Is that influence innately immoral? Is it wrong for people to be attracted to it? If not, at what point does it stop being the free will of the one attracted, and start being the abuse of the wielder of said influence?

yeah.... if only there was a recent wave of celebs being called out for doing inaproprate things.... #metoo

That was literally raping or molesting women, not people regretting sexual contact with rat faced gamers

not all of them. A lot of them are just being inaproprate

What do you think about the Aziz Ansari case?

Or the Louis CK one?

In both cases people overwhelmingly believed the victim only to later discover it wasn’t anything to write home about.

Fact is, when being a victim of sexual abuse becomes a viable way of becoming or staying relevant, nutcases will try and use it to their advantage.

See: Jussie Smollet

Aziz Ansari

he didn't suffer any damages and the case is way more complex then reported

Louis CK yeah he did masterubate in front of women. and his career suffered for it.

a victim of sexual abuse becomes a viable way of becoming or staying relevant

which vicitim of sexual abuse has "stayed relevent" ?

What nutcase has used it to their advantage?

The two people in this case have plugged their Patreons and Twitter every chance they got.

The Aziz Ansari case was blown way out of proportion by, a website that just the day before had articles about being the cool girl in college and owning your walk of shame. You can read more online about it, Search for “the rise and fall of”, where the reporter herself talks a bit about the article. my phone can’t link shit.

Outside of sexual abuse, the Jussie Smollet case shows someone that tried to stay relevant by becoming the victim of a racially charged crime.

I’m all for believing the victim and not pushing them in the darkness, I’m absolutely against those people that shut down critical thinking and become part of a blind mob just to feel better about themselves.


whats the point you are trying to get to?

You understand Jarred didn't get destroyed because of the child porn accusation. He was destroyed because he cheated on his wife with another maried woman and he created a nude pic trading website for his fans.

That's why he is demonized. Those are things he did. that is why his career is ruined.

I answered what you asked me in your previous comment. If you don’t care about the answers, don’t pose the questions.

I don’t follow Jared or this drama so much.

I now understand why he was insisting so much about his wife knowing about the Tumblr. I don’t know why cheating on your wife would mean that his carrier was destroyed but this is the world of Twitter Checkmark People. Some retardation is to be expected.

I guessed that being accused of soliciting pictures from a minor was what brought him really down, but apparently no.

Let me be more clear. Clicks and exposure have economic value. Being a victim right now or reporting about one gives you both, and way more than it did in the past. Do you get it now?

but who are you talking about? Who is the vicitim getting clicks?

I now understand why he was insisting so much about his wife knowing about the Tumblr. I still don’t know why cheating on his wife would equate to his carrier being destroyed, but this is the world of Twitter Checkmark People. Some retardation is to be expected.

she did know about it she said as much when this came out. He also told her he stopped it.

Because people don't like people who cheat in relationships. Plus since it was with Holly who's husband is a Gamegrump makes it worse since more people like Ross then Jarred.

Yeah the underage stuff didn't even come out till later and was always a foot note.

I'm actually surprised he is pushing so hard to clear that. It could be because there is an investigation into it, Jussie Smollet, the two guys in this story, as I said in my previous comment. This part of this conversation is becoming frustrating.

How is everyone believing an accusation of soliciting and receiving pictures from a minor for four months the footnote in this story? Twitter was a mistake.

Also everyone involved is on the side of Jared, even Ross and Heidi knew and were ok with it right?

everybody isn't beleiveing the acusation of the minors. If you look at his tweets and the responsces the vast majority of htem are just about him cheating and being a creep.

Also everyone involved is on the side of Jared, even Ross and Heidi knew and were ok with it right?

what? No Ross is absolutey not ok with it. He moved out and moved back to LA. He is just staying out of it. he isn't airing his dirty laundry

Also no everyone involved on the side of Jared? Whwere did you get that idea from?

Jussie Smollet,

he is facing criminal charages. His story fell apart the instant it happened.

still tried to do it, and people were immediately on his side.

For Ross being ok I meant while it was happening he didn’t resist and was ok with his wife having a relationship in the open. Did he move out before this ruckus?

no he moved out after this happend and it's not clear who knew what about the relationship. It looks like Ross didn't know.

who stilled tried to do what?

yes some people backed him but as we see from his channel the majority were not. There will always be people who support it's just how things work there are still people who support Jesse Smullet doesn't mean he didn't do the things he did

I edited my post with a couple of questions more.

Also on the Ansari story, you call it complex, but IIRC it went like: gal meets famous person and falls heads over heels for him, famous person brings her home to just fuck and nothing else, turns out her perfect nerd is a pushy creep.

she feels uncomfortable and used so she gets up and leaves and in the end he immediately says sorry?

I’m dropping the Smollet argument because you just can’t put 2 and 2 together.

tbh Jared deserves all the hate, not for diddling kids but rather for being a g*mer

If anything, rockstar have an history of raping underage girls.

At least everything about this is online.

if james charles ever wanted to pound my bussy, I'd accept in a heartbeat ♥‿♥ (ㆁωㆁ*)

still scummy

Scummy is your mad ass who's angry at a guy who looks like a jewish girl getting laid while playing video games .

Using your fame to fuck bitches is the only reason to have fame

lol what?


There's no evidence of him "pressuring" anyone though.

his own link defending himself says "i said he was a predetor"

How little do you think of these people that they can be pressured into sending nudes lol. They could just not.

Hot women are pressuring me into sending them pics of my nude dick. It's basically rape. Can hot women not use their social power this way?

Is that really what PBG said in the beginning? I thought he was full on defending Jared at first

i don't remember PBG explicitly siding with jared in a way of saying he's in the right, but that she shouldn't put all of their private shit on blast. i remember him saying him and jared are close friends and people don't know the whole picture. his tweets defending him are deleted though, he backed down only after the nude stuff came out. but he's proven to be completely right that the """""cheating""""" accusations were horse shit.

At this point, the most salient question is one of legal redress. This video has all the catchings of a man who's been given good counsel by a lawyer.

Any lawyer would have told Jared to simply shut up for a while, wait for the cacophony of accusers to die down, then present a reasoned and coherent defense; there's no point in defending yourself with a bunch of lunatic and rabid jackals shouting you down - people who are willing to listen to you would be turned off which is one of the reason cry-bullying works. Better yet, the fact that all cry-bullies are instinctive liars means that you give them rope and watch them hang themselves.

Meanwhile, you remain disciplined, get your facts in order, and provide no ammunition for your opposition. Jared barely even mentions his ex-wife, for example, even pleading that nobody bother Heidi (the first and ONLY time he mentions her by name). Most of the video is a run-down of evidence with falsifiable evidence that is primed to be entered into evidence in court.

It's clear Jared's ducks are in a row.

What it all adds up to is a mountain of evidence for a potential lawsuit, with little to no counter for the would-be defendants of his defamation lawsuit.

The first Charlie is clearly one that Jared's lawyer has "turned" - he was dead and he knew it. He's flipped, and is already singing like a canary - Lord knows what ammunition he's given Jared's counsel on the other conspirators. I'm almost certain the second Charlie is doomed if this ever gets near a court.

Like most cases, it probably won't go to trial and, heck, Jared may not even have to file his suit given his channel is already recovering its subscription base. After all, the monetary damages he can recover from some of these characters is iffy given their limited net-worth and the time it would take to collect.

It's possible Jared simply needs to keep the powder dry on his lawsuit if the trajectory is not impeded by anything that might sink it like Pedo revelations or his ex-wife showing up with substantive evidence that contradicts him. Barring surprises, the threat of the lawsuit will be enough to suppress anymore recklessness, and he can recover some semblance of his career.

That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Solid post.

should've never been aired.

Well now I wouldn’t go that far

So after how many weeks or months of radio silence he decides to make a 45 minute video that boils down to "I dindu nuffin"

It's a great strategy. The outrage masses have long moved on to cancel some other dumb fucker so there's a lot less pushback to this video, lot less people digging through it and finding if what he claims is actually true.

Most people are sheep who don't think for themselves and just choose the safer, general opinion. If the general consensus after this will be "he dindu nuffin" (because majority of this video's audience are bound to be his fans, like I said others have moved on), he might actually save his career.

Someone found that E3 clip he talked about. There is a dude on the panel that literally looks like him, but is someone else. He posts evidence to the other shit he claims.

His ex wife is absolutely losing it on Twitter rn 🤣

So in other words, everything related to a gamer is an absolute shitshow. Can't tell you how shocked I am to hear it

I did, with little knowledge of anything. It was entertaining.


even though sharing nudes with fans is PRETTY messed up sounding.

i do understand he's reasoning. take away the fact he's a internet celebrity and he becomes like any other person with weird hobbies.

as long as they were adult that were consenting, who cares...

don't know how many possible underage victims there might be but questions are raised in his video, like how the 2 main victims know each other and other stuff.


it a hot mess overall, it really depends on what offends you, where you draw the line.... as long as he can prove he had no interactions with minors.

then i don't give a damn about the rest.

- divorce? shit happens, shouldn't have done a poly relationship

- dick pics? again weird, but most of us have seen (alot of) porn so i guess in a weird way we should be somewhat desensitized? or not

Yeah it's fine to say you hate him and don't want watch his content because he exchanged nudes with consenting adults or because you side with Heidi on their divorce.

But he's no pedophile. He's no criminal.

not saying that, but its best not to jump on the bandwagon, especially if you only listen to one side


I hop on bandwagons like my homies' dicks bro you can't stop me

well... we don't know for sure about that. I'm not saying he is but I would wait till after the investiagion is over.

But he's no pedophile. He's no criminal.

He is a supreme dumbass though. Jw, but since people revealed he could have CP on his stuff, is it considered a crime for PJ to fully wipe his HD/SSD's with something like CCleaner?

wipe his HD/SSD's with something like CCleaner

I hope for your sake you don't have anything incriminating on your drives lol.

Only incriminating stuff is trappy saruh's pics <3

But I was asking in the legal sense if it would look very bad if they searched his drives and discovered he did a full wipe.

Ye destroying evidence is always a crime even if you do a shitty job of it. If you're caught with CP that's the least of your worries at trial though.

Oh god no, I just was wondering would he get in trouble for using an "orbital strike" to wipe his HDD clean prior to any police contact. I swear, sometimes I articulate what I want to say really badly and it comes off way diff than I intended.

That’d have to prove stuff was on it and if you dban you hdd no way are they able to prove it forensically


Honestly, getting nudes and sending nudes to your fans is utterly fucking stupid. How many times have we seen a legit "she lied about her age" defense fail in court for someone banging a minor with a fake id? IIRC, there was a case where a guy still got charged and sentenced despite the mom and daughter both testifying she lied about her age and begged the judge for leniency on the guy.

Ya this video is absolutely retarded. He should be STFUing and talking to a lawyer. Also not bring a total creep on his fans in the first place

Pretty sure he's got a lawyer hired which is why it took so long for this response video. Much easier to tell his side once Heidi's bullshit screeching has ramped down and people have calmed down enough to listen.

Yeah, he glosses over it, but at the end of the day he did receive nudes from a minor.

even though sharing nudes with fans is PRETTY messed up sounding.

What the fuck else is he going to do with his fame? Land a serious role?

a psychotic teenager with a porn tumblr about Game Grumps convinced his mentally traumatized twitter friend to accuse ProJared of being a pedophile. Projared shows screens when he has it.

He then tackles on another minor accusation and the cheating situation, stating again that everyone involved knew everything. ProJared and Holly were fucking, his wife Heidi was ok with it until she wasn’t, Ross is a cuck and was on their side somehow.

He then goes on to say he still wants to make videos and asks nicely (read: almost begs) for the support of the internet for his career moving forward.

TL,DW: cancel culture sucks, people can make money from it if they start exploiting someone inside that shitstorm.

if someone cared, it would be a tragic story.

Imagine being a cuck to a literal goblin..

What can they said its a fetish

Is there any evidence to his side though?

There is some in the video, yes. Nothing damning but the two kids are friends and they did cancel all their posts about it.

The cheating stuff I believe has been confirmed by everyone involved, but I don’t follow this closely at all so I might be wrong.

Looks like I have to switch sides, even though he's obviously a dumb ass.

A cautionary tale about fame, ego, chance culture, e-friends and masturbation addiction


i'd hold off and wait till everything comes out. This is still his ediited version of what happened. The truth is somewhere in between

He gave evidence for everything people accused him of. What more is there?

The guy above probably spent months and all their energy attacking projared for what looks now like consenting adults sending nudes to each other and doesn't want to appear like time wasted

Normal human response to being wrong

I've low-key been on the goblin's side from the start. Polyamorous professional attention whore has a hysterical meltdown on twitter about her own private life and divorce? Yeah, that sounds like an honest and stable person.

These are people that decided to put their whole livelihood into video taping themselves playing video games. The money is obviously great, but this is a breeding ground for unstable people.

Also, some chick accused him of being shitty on a panel she was on with him. He says he was never on the panel. Someone looked up the E3 panel she was talking about, and there is a dude on the panel that looks similar to him. Fucking chick just assumed it was the same guy and tried to ruin his life over it.

That’s the minor accusation I was talking about, I didn’t even think it was worth mentioning

Eh I’m retarded so I’d probably do the same in his situation, barely legal titties are like kryptonite for pseudo-celebs 😔

I still feel bad for Ross. Not sure why since he seemed complacent with it. He is just such a nice guy damnit.


He made his own couch and now he has to sleep on it.

He's a cuck, don't feel sorry for him

Heidi made another essay-length tweet storm and my takeaway from all this is that regardless of what the truth is Heidi is a fucking psycho.

using a pic of himself looking dejected for max sympathy


The stylistic choices that 'influencers' use in their apology videos are unironically interesting to analyze

Playing with some animal usually a dog

Shot in a bedroom or somewhere intimate, subject is wearing more casual clothing or pjs to seem down-to-earth

some kid went to a convention cosplaying as a youtuber making an insincere apology video. I thought it was kind of surreal the concept was so common that someone could not only make a costume out of it but everyone would recognize it for it was on reddit and at the convention he attended.

I would put an open pint of ice cream somewhere in the background.

And a hot cup of tea

One of the few truly interesting videos Pewdiepie ever made was him rating all apology videos from famous youtubers


I mean to be fair the dude's been getting harrassed constantly for the last 6 months.

If you looked any better than that then I'd say you're a robot or something.

I’m not listening to any of that but that sad sac face and thinking 🤔 women actually sucked him off. Hope for you all and then some.

When I first heard about the original drama all I thought was: he's really fucking ugly. no amount of therapy will heal the wounds caused by seeing the nudes of a literal goblin.

I can't look at his face without seeing that picture of him in a Sailor Mercury outfit with his legs spread. That one'll stick with ya.

Is that because you're wrong?

I’m a woman, I’ve never been wrong in my life.

He's white. If he was ethnic, he'd have no chance

He looks like a sad worm women fucked this btw

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.

he looks like aids, I hope he gets a real job soon.

he's gonna have to with all the lawyers he is paying out

I hope they use the sailor moon pic as evidence

Yummy yummy yummy I've been waiting for this shit.

Oh yeah this guy. Didnt this drama happen 6 months ago?

yeah but this video is fresh

I mean how long it took for him to respond. Why would he wait so long? Hoping everyone forgot maybe?

He was sorting out legal things due to the false accusation of soliciting nudes from minors.

All this shit because of some nudes? Wtf

He'd be an incel if we wasn't white.

What the fuck are you talking about?

"He's an incel that's fucked multiple women guiz! Also has women send him nudes willingly...but he's incelz!"

Happy cakeday

Telling everyone that other peoples relationships aren't their business. Bold move.

Literally who?

Fake drama fan.

still caring about drama more than a week after it happened


So does he go into detail regarding the cheating business?

He says he had been trying to get a divorce for years but she refused and he has evidence this is the case but its blurred out he says because of current legal proceedings.

All the minor stuff he provides actual evidence against. The cheating stuff will have to wait until after a legal battle I guess.


My man is innocent

This video was brought to you buy Subway eat fresh

Imagine caring enough about these people to watch a 45 minute "my side" video. Its a literal goblin who became famous by pandering to the shut in autistic crowd and got in trouble for trying to make up for being a virgin until 24 and sending nightmarish nudes to fans. His basic plain high Maintence cosplayer wife who is an attention whore with daddy issues and suffers from being ignored by everyone snapped and told on him for screwing a good with lithium bloat and dead eyes. I know this is drama and we love drama bit why are we letting these people become famous?