Dumbass college kids use their phones during a comedy set and Pete Davidson predictably roasts them like any comedian would yet AVClub and twitter checkmarks say how out of line he was

164  2019-08-27 by MasterLawlz


George Soros has paid me $25 million to create this hurricane with a wooden spoon, glitter, and a bottle of Prosecco. I can do this because I’m a woman, and I can bleed each month without dying. He is sending me the money via magical unicorn. Gay Rainbow unicorn, of course...


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Dumbass college kids use their phon... - archive.org, archive.today

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The pasta was probably written about one of your posts

yeah probably

stop bulling me snappy

based and relevant-pilled

Soot ants


People keep posting this but what is it? Doesn’t work as a discord invite


as a discord invite

normies pls go

It’s not really a normie thing. Nowadays when people post random strings of letters and numbers in comments anywhere from reddit to 4chan it’s usually an invite to their shit server

lurk moar

I’ve been here for over a year sorry I don’t understand your pedantic hot new meme

Mr. Lawlz is a zoomer with the social media and IT savvy of a boomer. So he leaked his actual real life Facebook profile pic on this sub. This sub. That he mods. The troll sub. The one that he mods.

For a while you could get banned for even asking about the high res copy of the image (someone found his Facebook page). Now everyone mentions it on every post he makes. Look at his other posts, the image is linked. Think of Bubbles on Trailer Park Boys but with brown hair, less testosterone, and genetic abomination of a handbag dog.

Okay. I had seen the image before but I’m not autistic enough to remember the link string


Lmao. Lurk more. Can’t even triforce probably.

Soys mad (x24)

All these random twittercels are seething, and then when you watch the clip the crowd is fucking laughing along with him and supporting his criticism of the people recording as it's clearly a joke.

I think they're just mad he used the drama word.

Wait, is this a Lawlzpost that's actually drama for once? Òvó

yeah, don't get used to it

Club 27

These pussies would shit themselves at a Jeselnik show

He was angry and a bit vulgar but still a drop in the bucket of what some comedians do to hecklers. I don't even see why anyone could get upset at him cause literally, everything he said was right on point lmao.

 I don't even see why anyone could get upset at him

It's right there, dude:

the University of Central Florida

Fuccking zoomers and their pussified enablers, making Pete Davidson look reasonable.

The comedian and tabloid fixture, who’s poised to headline a new Judd Apatow comedy, unloaded on an audience during a set at the University Of Central Florida on Monday night, calling them “fucking retarded” and “privileged little assholes” while chiding them for using their phones. “I don’t gotta be here. I can just give their money back ‘cause I don’t give a fuck,” he said, flippantly deriding the college for being “in the middle of fucking nowhere.”

Orlando BTFO

It’s over for MissingTheFBSPlayoffcels

the people defending p*te in the replies as if he respectfully explained why the no phones rule is enforced and request them to adhere to it instead of spotting a camera and immediately throwing around volatile words and insulting an entire audience... I have to laugh

What the fuck is with people censoring random words and names lately?


As a moderator of r/slur, I can answer this. It's what the kids call a "meme". What normal people call a joke.

It started a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/b5i3t0/rdrama_bans_all_use_of_slurs/

It's in one of the twitter responses you fucking ape

Can you imagine how stupid I feel?

Give me another half bottle of tequila and a few more cracks to the dome with a 2 x 4 and I'll be on my way

da reel drama in da reddit thread.

Well, I comment in /r/drama, so yeah I can.

As a moderator of ...

Imagine opening with this shit 🤣🤣🤣

Why do they need a special explanation for why venues and events have special rules? It’s not a debate forum. And they know why there’s a no recording rule. They just feel like they’re special and don’t have to follow it.

Press x to nuke


Well yeah, we have to protect that poor hurricane

Literally who

shut the fuck up, hack

Imagine not using your phone in theaters and performance venues. That would be boring AF

Lol Pete Davidson mad that his shitty stand up is boring the crowd this just in

You underestimate my ability to hate multiple things at once

Get real, autists are incapable of multitasking

First hand experience?

Well this is an autism support group

Sure, but we can cooperatively switch between hating things ridiculously fast.

I know right lol. I was surprised that I ended up siding with him in this scenario.

Why don’t you like Pete? I like pete!

It’s not that I don’t like him, the dude just seems pretty unstable and volatile. He was 100% justified in this scenario though.

the dude just seems pretty unstable and volatile

that's why i like him

The retard with the mic was right about roasting cell phone morons but the ideal outcome would have been it leading to a brawl where everyone involved lost the ability to talk.

Pete Davidson is just upset that blogposts about somebody calling their coworker a Nazi is more interesting than his “comedy”

Lol that title

Imagine raising a little boy, the love of your life, and putting everything into him. You lavish him with gifts and love, have him attend a standup school, and try to impart good morals into him. Then the little faggot drops out of college and starts writing "reddit stickies"


Congratulate him on all the poontang he'll get from now on

This post didn’t even need to be a sticky tbh

shut up

Just take the damn compliment


He's saying you did well tardo

I wasn’t aware that “sticky” is a four-letter word around these parts

My favorite part about Pete Davidson at UCF is when he told us we were lame and that he could just text up all his comedian friends and they would never come to our school as if he was thanos or something

Capeshitters seethe.

i like Pete! He also got to fuck Ariana grande

that pussy was still warm with mac miller's dead dick when pete was coming around, no one wants ghost pussy no matter how hot and racially ambigious

Imagine looking up to Pete Davidson

If you go out of your way to never offend anyone you appeal to, then you end up at the mercy of your audience.

What’s the deal with celebrities telling normal people that they’re privileged lmao seems kinda ironic.

Celebrities are privileged too, but they are self-aware of that, unlike leftist zoombraps.

I doubt he’s raking it in, SNL cast members really don’t make that much

Imagine believing the worlds going to end in 25 years

TMZ also adds that sources “at the venue tell us there weren’t any signs posted about cell phone use"

There you go guys it's the venues fault. Imagine being this retarded about common etiquette.

My favorite part about Pete Davidson at UCF is when he told us we were lame and that he could just text up all his comedian friends and they would never come to our school as if he was thanos or something


When Pete Davidson eventually kills himself, it will be the press' fault.