Literal 110 lb manlet thinks he can beat up the World’s Strongest Man

19  2019-08-27 by Can_The_SRDine


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Literal 110 lb manlet thinks he can... -,,

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No idea about that guy's physique but he is completely right in regards to how likely it is that Eddie Hall would run out of gas extremely quickly. That dude has a ridiculous amount of muscle which in turn requires a ridiculous amount of energy. There's a reason heavyweights in MMA rarely go above 250 these days, if they do they can barely make it past the second round.

Go watch old ufc heavyweight matches from like 10+ years ago. They used to have some really jacked chonkers back then and while the first round would be fun, the second and third would usually devolve into wrestling with lots of resting in between moves. It's why a guy like Randy Couture dominated the heavyweight division for so long. Even though he was usually tiny compared to manimals he was fighting, he was quicker and could be active for the 5 rounds a championship match would go while his opponents looked like they had emphysema halfway through the match.

Connor McGregor fighting the Mountain.

They're obviously not giving it their all but it's pretty obvious who would win. The big guy can just absorb one or two hits as he charges you and grabs you, then it's over. It does make me wish they had mixed weight MMA where talented little guys could fight less skilled big guys.

IF they had mixed classes there would be basically no small guys McGregor would get bodied by pretty much any proffesional heavyweight fighter

proffesional heavyweight fighter

That's what I'm getting at, professional little guys fighting amateur or near-amateur big guys. With a good ranking system we could eventually determine what makes it a 50/50 matchup. A lot of people are going to get their shit pushed in figuring out what makes a fair fight, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


The Problem is that the Big guys would get better over time.

Tbh that leprechaun can't even win a lad grandpa.

The fights are manlet vs manlet for a reason, an average man would kill conor in one hit.

Pretty sure McGregor is average size

there’s reality then there’s this cope. Connor is like 5’9. Even an above average 6 footer at 190 or whatever would probably get knocked out if they were average boxing skill (none).

Why isn't this a picture of Martins Licis?

Mark Henry has gotten into Michael Jackson's skin cream.

Seriouspost real quick. Weight obviously matters, but training obviously does as wel. I'm a 6'4" 210lb BJJ white belt and I get shit on by my 5'9" 170 blue belt friend any time. But at some point, you can't beat strength with technique.

In boxing it's slightly different because as you get better, you don't get as durable as fast, so it's technically possible for a 110 lb manlet to knock out Brock Lesnar, but in an actual fight, that's much harder.

but dude bussy lmao


According to my teacher (yellow belt checking in lmao) 50 lbs is the cutoff where size really starts to matter. He’s about 180 and im close to 240 right now and I can get on top of him wrestling without too much trouble. I gotta watch the arm bars and stuff cause any slip up and he’s got me but it’s not too bad.

It’s slightly more complicated than that. It really does depend on how good you are. You see Mackenzie Dern bear Gabi Garcia. Caio Terra also just spider monkeys on black belts that are twice his weight all the time.

I’m great at wrestling big motherfuckers in the pool and I’m 5”11 and 175lbs, but I fucking die on land.

Water polo player detected

Yeah I think at the very high end of skill it probably matters but for the 99% of us who don't fight in championship UFC matches it's probably a good rule of thumb

This feels like a special strain of white knighting.