Jack tweets the n-word

202  2019-08-30 by icefourthirtythree


Definitely an ex-employee.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Jack tweets the n-word - archive.org, archive.today

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Snappy, you tha real MVP.

His likes and retweets also having some fun.


some guy who works in tech


that's very problematic

Wasn't he the husband of Harambe?

A guy who joined a startup years ago

A CEO who hasn't managed to turn up a profit, despite trying desperately for years.

Profitable company =\= profitable stock. He’s sure turned a profit being worth billions and all from it.


bottom text


Dude that owns twitter. Ask a fucking question and everyone here turns into a clown

Yeah that’s the entire point of this sub

This sub has no point and you fucking know it

You’re right it’s supposed to be serious and no jokes, good call, fantastic judgment

Is he hacked or something? Lmao

Definitely. It's all been purged now.

Taytay stans spitting straight facts.

Those aren't very nice things to say, I wonder what made him snap 🤷‍♂️

Look, if I were a Tool fan and after 13 years of sitting around with my thumb up my ass I got a record as dull and meandering as Fear Inoculum, I'd be pissed.

this hits far too close to home.

Seeing as he's a CEO of Twitter I'm surprised he's not following Spez and doomsday prepping already.

Looks like a zoomer guessed his password

Would have been funnier to just drop the gamer comment. Harder to deny it was you when it's just one tweet.

Is he hacked or something?

Do you really need to ask that question?

I thought screencaps were banned from /r/Drama? Mod abuse!


Yikes sweaty lets unpack this

Fuck that, Mayocide now

oh no!


hows he gonna explain this!?

how did a gamer get checkmarked?

Incoming twenty million articles about how gamergate alt-right nazi incels are making tech unsafe.

Wow, /r/gaming made a theme song.

Wow this is so based

Based AF

Oh hey it's my one black friend.

Ah shit my nigga, I just goy my pass!


Its obnoxious to me the way he deliberately put earth_americas last. Every human would put the part of the world they live in first, except someone trying to virtue signal.

This isn't SRD, nobody cares.

low value comment


Wait is that jack the ceo? Or some other jack?

You'd think if you were the CEO of a 4 billion dollar tech company with scores of people who hate you, you'd have some strong opsec. Clearly this man is an idiot.

What opsec would you put on top of 2FA?



I have a bold idea that apparently nobody at Twitter has ever thought of. Maybe when you get your blue checkmark you can say that you don't plan on ever using that word, so your account should automatically be shut down on the assumption that it's hacked if you ever do.

That's stupid, you're stupid.

The concept already exists for things like frozen credit. Nice try though rart


Did the famous legendary hacker take over his acc?



Definitely an ex-employee.