Gussy so weak, it got dudes changing over to easy mode.

77  2019-09-01 by Llamayoda


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/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


  1. Gussy so weak, it got dudes changin... -,,

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Knew a girl that legit had 3 dudes come out of the closet after dating her, wonder if they were really gay or her pussy game was just that weak

One of my ex's has had multiple ex's of her own come out as either trans or gay. She keeps trying to contact me 3+ years post-breakup and I think it might be because she's afraid I've turned too.

Tell her you prefer she/her now 🤣

I don’t communicate with anyone from my deadnamed life, sorry

Maybe she's unknowingly lesbian and gets attracted to that kind of guys before they know it about themselves too?

How would she feel if she knew her worst fears were true?

She keeps trying to contact me 3+ years post-breakup and I think it might be because she's afraid I've turned too.

I mean, you do post on /r/drama.

Sounds like the pussy was too strong if anything

she's got a type

“Trans Widows”

Don’t do it TSG. Don’t honk. 😬🥴🤐

Nothing ruins a TERFs day like her former rapist btfo-ing her in ladysports.

These people are all memes holy shit

" They also have found the number one paraphilia for sex offenders is transvestism. We've known this for a very long time, that crossdressing/transvestism are sexually motivated, perverted and can be dangerous. But we're all supposed to forget that now that it's a civil rights movement. "


All these rapists creepy sexual stuff is all about the cross-dressing not rape. Transvestism is the real threat here.


Good ole GC never change.

Isn't it weird how all GCcels have rapist ex boyfriends who are now trannies? 🤔

Trans identified men are narcissists (or have other Cluster B personality disorders) like 80% of the time.

Totally the type of person I want in my restroom!

> Wants to avoid Cluster B people

> Goes into women's bathroom

I refuse to believe 80% of GC posts aren't just you guys larping on alts

I'm too lazy for that

This man raped me in my sleep multiple times

There are women who don't beg to be fucked in their sleep? This feels like a larp.


Almost every reply in that post is some psycho bitch talking about her "rapist ex"

Every single one of these tards has a rapist ex?

Either there are tons more rapist than I thought or these dumb bitches consider things that arent actually rape to be rape.

Trans identified men are narcissists (or have other Cluster B personality disorders) like 80% of the time.

lol you can always count on GC for some hot takes

Oh no they have become self aware

I miss the 90s so much.