Amazing Atheist uses FACTS and LOGIC to OWN a guy who accuses him of having a micropenis.

272  2019-09-01 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. Amazing Atheist uses FACTS and LOGI... -,

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That was actually pretty funny. Im new, who makes this?

Also, a micropenis is 2.5 inches or less hard. My erect penis is about 4.5-5 inches, depending on where you measure from. So, while it is a small penis, it doesn't qualify as micro.

This level of cope lmao

Wtf, does he not realize that simply not responding would have been significantly better than saying that?

He's a youtuber. It simply isn't an option.

He likes to own up to it for some reason.

He is obviously a masochist

The video at least is a thing you have to own or it will destroy you lol, but yeah no need to discuss the how small your very small dick is.

Regardless of girth? What if it had a length and radius of 4"?

No bueno

Then do it LOL LOL LOL

lol 4 month old comment, quit it you silly loser

Sorry, didn't realise there was an expiration date on comments

And who trolls in drama. C’mon champ, least effective place to do it 🀣

Honestly idk why I made the comment, I've not troll anyone since I quit cod in my early teenage years lmao

Well go sit in the corner for a while. Takbir for your new daddy.

Not if he posts on /r/Drama!


someone posted his spicy oil PP video. it is infact micro

Holy shit. That dude has better balls than I but I wouldnt trade dicks witj him anyday. He's one of the guys that are in amaetur gangbang videos that gets blown at the beginning and cums in about 17 seconds 🀣

Nah definitely a stand in the corner massaging his button mushroom trying to get hard while everyone else gets busy kind of guy

this is so painfully accurate it hurts my anus

The universe was a mistake.

... Why did he do this?

because he's a G A L A X Y B R A I N atheist who has strayed far far away from the light of the Lord in an attempt to prove he's too enlightened for FUNDIES. So LOGICALLY and FACTUALLY the next stop is to deepfry your boys.

He couldn't afford the MtF surgery

Hell he's almost there.

He's all balls. lmao

What the fuck

Thicc ass tho πŸ‘Œ


Of course he's an atheist. That dick is proof that, at the very least, even if there is a god he doesn't love you.

well that's not true at all.
God loves that guy all the same. AA just chooses to live with a small winky instead of going full troid and embracing his bussy / feminine penis

Guy probably got inches and centimeters mixed up, damn that's tiny

too beeeeee faaaaiiiirrrr he is like 6'7" or something.

Yeah, there is no way that thing is 4.5 inches.

Still mogs me 😒

That's the power of the Skallas parody account. Become Lindy, Lawlz.


Where the fuck is he measuring from? That thing wouldn't pass as a matchstick.


When he says 5 inches, keep in mind he's also obese as fuck. 5 inches in a skinny guy and 5 inches in an obese hamplanet are worlds appart.


If you're fat enough any length penis can become an innie

so fatties could have bigger penis, if they stop being fattie?

Yeah crotch fat is a real thing lol

lel, if that doesn't motivate to lose weight, I don't know what

What good is an extra 2 inches if you're currently using 0 inches

yeah, i went from 5.5ish to 7 when i went from 270 to 190lbs

Lot of people report gaining one or two inches in dong length when they lose weight.

It just depends on far you can jam the ruler into your greasy FUPA

Getting a bigger dick should be one of the biggest reasons to lose weight tbh. You can get 2 or more inches back depending on how much of a fatass you are.

Where does he measure from to measure 4.5? His butthole?

Self-deprecating humor isn't funny it's pathetic.

This is the most autistic possible way to respond to that, holy shit.

It was hot vegetable oil. Which somehow makes it worse.

He is never 4.5 inches. I have seen the video. His dick is T I N Y

Theist tards DESTROYED.

Tfw you watched Amazing Atheist in high school. πŸ€ͺ

Tbf to you the guy had probably yet to publish a film of himself and his microdong at that point

Fuck man, I watched him in my 20s :(

At the age of 25 Julius Caesar was captured and ransomed by pirates. When he learned what they asked for a ransom he was pissed they wanted so little money for his life and demanded they raise their price. He then made friends with the pirates, only to tell them he was going to come back and slaughter them all when he was finally ransomed. Within a few weeks/months he did just that, ringing an entire fleet to destroy every last one of them and presumably went and fucked a bunch of fineass women in Rome when he got back.

At that same age you were jerking yourself off for being a rational skeptic because you watched TJ fucking Kirk.

As usual, amazing atheist manages to be technically correct while still missing the point of having weird video of your tiny penis.

well, thats something I never wanted to see again.

No, because I never did that. It was vegetable oil, and it wasn't boiling. It was just really fucking hot (in more ways than one).

He must have hired ben garrison to draw his profile picture

So he has a Danny Devito dick?

Why did he pour vegetable oil on his penis?

I mean after watching that video, do you still believe in god?

Checkmate, fundie.

This video proved the non-existence of God. 😞


He filmed it for an online "girlfriend" who leaked it. He also made a video where he shoved a banana up his ass or at least tried to.

retard defends himself from micopeen accusations by saying he as a small dick

what a fucking world

Its been year since i last heard of this guy, i thought he quit the internet or something.

He's just even more irrelevant now.

Isnt he a pedo also?

He’s a you tuber so probably

No, a furry, which is almost as bad

I think he is liberal, not libertarian

There might not be any proof of God's existence but there definitely is hard evidence that TJ has a fucking tiny dick.

Holy fuck he's got a small dick and a small brain

I don't understand why he's so defensive about it here when he's made jokes about his own micropenis multiple times. Get your shit together TJ.

Some dumbasses think joking about their insecurities will stop them from being insecure but it doesn't work and only makes it worse


I’m so glad I clicked on this today. Thank you πŸ™πŸ»

I wouldn't know this fat pervert is if it weren't for colossal's video

Had to post this on Sunday of all days...

He doesn't believe in God becuase he has a thimble dick. If he was packing 5 1/2 inches and not fat he would be the unimpressive agnostic.

Ya got dunked on friend, atheist style 😎

I like hot oil on my dick and bananas up my ass.

amazing atheist

Goddamnit... I wasn't expecting someone to post the gif of it. But honestly my horror turned to nature documentary-esque intrigue because I didn't realize someone's dick could be that small.

That man alone is fucking proof there is no god.

Thanks for telling me how big AA’s babydick is, OP

Imagine the cope thinking 4.5 isn’t micro.

lmfao lindy table is rising up

I've seen nippled longer then that