Furries mad cuz game dev commited suicide instead of facing their trial

135  2019-09-01 by KARMA145


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. Furries mad cuz game dev commited s... - archive.org, archive.today

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9.7k likes 2.1k retweets

What the fuck

Your first time on Twitter? Remember, you're on a platform where this tweet got over 3k likes.

What is more entertaining to me is that literally nobody knows Zoe Quinn is "nonbinary". Who would have thought that when you look, act, present and attention whore like a woman, everyone is gonna call you a woman 🤔

Lmao I’ve been on twitter before, but usually the degenerate furries get like max 500 likes. To me, 10,000 people agreeing with an opinion of a person that dresses up in a dog costume to fuck other “people” in dog costumes, makes me audibly say “what the fuck”.

If you look at the comments, most of that 10,000 are also the aforementioned dog costume sex people.

A sizable portion of furries aren't even into the sexual side. Only a small amount of all furries have a suit (they're crazy expensive). Given their prices, no furry would want to fuck in a typical suit because it would ruin it. A fantastically small percentage of suit owners have suits that are made to fuck in.

It's the equivalent of a "normal" person only wanting to fuck in formal wear, but only extra special formal wear that is machine washable instead of dryclean only and would still be irreparably marked.

Instead, most furries wear suits for the experience, and are genuinely kind (and usually quirky) people. They're usually the most family friendly sort you will find out there in public. The people you have a problem with usually don't own a suit and have a porn addiction.


Longposting COPE

As a fellow furry, get the fuck out of here lmao

Pretty much every furry is in it for the porn and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise

All furries are sex pests GTFO 👉🚪

As a fellow furry, get the fuck out lmao

Pretty much every furry is in it for the fetishization of fantasy animal people and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise. Furries dropping thousands of dollars on single YCH yiff auctions (AKA paying to have your fursona take a placeholder slot in furry porn) is becoming a fairly common thing so your "they wouldn't waste their neetbux to fuck in it" example is retarded.

Not to mention that even if Foxxy McYiff isn't actively having sex in the suit, he's probably rocking a raging hard-on from the fantasy of becoming his sexually ideal altar-ego.

As a fellow furry

As a furry, you can also get out.

I bet you're a sergal or something shitty lol

Furries are crucial for peak drama, hun. :v


As a fellow furry

I had to delete all my browser data and lost all my RES tags a few months ago, so please, everyone volunteer information like this so I can build up ad hominems on everyone.

Furrys get the bullet first

Furry detected

Transhumanist, actually. The idea of animal attributes is common in many cultures, and many technological and fashion advances draw on nature.

But furries are actually decent people once you get to know them. A decent amount are just interested in their idealised animal selves because they want to have abilities they don't normally have, and often also a personality they wish they could have. At least one of them is attainable, and the suit is a crutch to attain their ideal personality similar to how the internet allows one to get away with poor attitudes.

"transhumanist" furry detected

Thats a cope

A sizable portion of furries aren't even into the sexual side.


It's true. Just like, as hard as it is to believe, not all clergy are child molesters. They're just a vocal part of the furry fandom that are. I won't say it's a small group, but it's just as likely that you'll encounter someone who isn't into that sort of thing.

You really just compared "the sexual side" of furries to child molestation lmao

I mean, most people already do that, or call furries zoophiles, so I just picked the other normally innocuous group that has its outliers. Obviously the majority of clergy are not child molesters, otherwise we'd be down at least one religion. Same for furries.

In actuality, the same kinks are present in and outside of the fandom. One just has animal personae involved.

I don't see why anyone would call furries anything besides being mentally ill.

Besides a fascination with anthropomorphic animals which can range from "I can dig it" (the people who typically don't show up on the internet) to "must... sell... body... to... genetic... testing!" (which is the cringe people on the internet post about), they're about as mentally ill as the rest of the population around them, furry or not.

Did you just attempt to justify peak degeneracy with facts and logic?

Sorry, where was my head?


This is the woman they're wokeing for.

At least Anita is a qt

Above link was ED link to Zoe Quinn's page, for anyone wondering.

Twittertards are worse than redditors.

The worst thing is, unlike here on Plebbit, everyone can see what you like. So there is no incentive to freely like whatever you want without repercussions. Yet people do it.

chud chud chud incel incel incel chud incel chud incel

This guy is just brimming with wit.

I love how people are defending her by saying she said not to harass the guy but now they're upset they cant harass him

chud chud chud incel incel incel chud incel chud incel

The type of scathing wit I'd expect from furry Twitter. -v-

Furs mad x24

i wanted to say we cant really talk shit with bussy seethe cope mayo -cel but at least our vocabulary has like 5 words

But that's at least ironic and radically centrist. Imagine having your secret-club leftoid memewords.

Yikes, lets unpack this

Dramas mad x24

based and drama pilled


It's hard trying to degrade people when all the decent insults are problematic

Every so often, these sorts learn new "power words" and then use them ad nauseum until they are meaningless.

Now when I see 'incel' as part of an argument, I stop reading.

People who use the word chud unironically don't deserve human rights

Did she even accuse him of committing a crime? All I've seen is just a hysterical rant about how she lived with him for a few months and he was a bad boyfriend and it didn't work out. Or wait, I shouldn't say "boyfriend", it was probably one of those very sophisticated kinds of relationships we have in the 21st century where you live with someone and fuck them but there's a new word for it.

She said: "He would jam his fingers inside me and walk me around the house by them when I told him it hurt."


Lmao, based male feminist wore the foid like an hand puppet.

How does that even work?

Like dude, does he bend over, is he a manlet? Or is her vagina just stretchy?

You grab them by the pussy bro

I'd rather be incel than a degenerate furry.

Lol cope

They fuck other furries. That's like saying being a tranny is better than being an incel because at least other trannies will fuck you.

I mean, that's not wrong either tbh. :v

Only if FtM.

ftms are chads, change my mind

If you can't top you can never be a chad

as if they can't peg. Honestly an ftm pegging a cis dude is probably the most alpha thing someone with XX chromosomes can do

A woman can top a guy without pretending to be a guy.

You still need testosterone to be a proper chad though.

if my only choice to get laid was fucking a furry id stay a virgin

Considering the amounts of things they want to fuck, that's not really an accomplishment.

If anything, they should be getting laid more with the amount of raunchy shit they do.

Why not both ?


>First post insinuates that our society is full of toxic rape culture

>Second post says verbatim "Uh oh, I angered the chuds"

>Third post contains "Y'all"

>Fourth post is literally just a link to xer SoundCloud

>Fifth post is an apology because one of xer earliest posts might have maybe potentially used a wrong pronoun, and "I'm sorry for misgendering them. TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS."

Everyone once in a while I come across a person like this and have a bit of an existential crisis at the fact that memes are now literally indistinguishable from reality

Don't 👏 forget 👏 the 👏 clappy 👏 emojis

Holy fascist gamer chuds, Batman, we've got another one!

Holy fuck, someone please put a bullet in my head.

I'm unsubscribing from this subreddit.

Lol of course pronouns in the bio

I wonder why I'm banned by that person. I tweet in Russian. I've never communicated with them. Huh.

What's with all the woke furry posts? Twitter threads like this isn't changing their sex offender registry listing(s)...


I would like everyone who doesn’t know, to now know, that ABDL stands for adult baby diaper lover and how that should immediately invalidate any and everything that person says.

I just blocked like 75% of this thread and reported a solid quarter of those for threatening violence, harassment, encouraging suicide, and using slurs :) I won't survive a second GamerGate if I dont!


Interesting observation towards the end: a lot of these accounts are extremely barren. For some, this is their only activity. Don't feel overwhelmed by the chuds, most are fake.

Damn, normal people have a life besides twitter??? 😲

To be fair a lot of redditfags do similar things.

Like apparently me not making threads means something important?

May Allah turn the earth to ashes and build his kingdom upon it

jeffurry epstein's death circa 2019 colourized

but he did face consequences for his actions.

he lost his job, was plastered all over the internet and social media as a rapist, and then died.

those are some major fucking consequences.

These people should all be gulaged

Saying “gamer culture” in any unironic sense, be it positive or negative, should be responded to with a kick to the balls.