
162  2019-09-02 by MasterLawlz


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My girlfriend was the one interested in the idea of being open

Fuckin always

she straight up ruined this guy's life lol

He went from being a normal dude to slowly convincing himself that his wife getting railed by men that he, in detail, says are superior to him in every way is erotic. And then when she tried to go back to being monogamous, he refused because I guess that's the only way he can get off anymore.

The whole thing reads like a bizarre greentext

Set boundaries (with the understanding that they will probably change)

watch as your self esteem crumbles like a sandcastle in the waves

What is the point of having boundaries if you can't even hold it there?

Kind of how the left seems to see all kinds of borders. Temporary boundaries to be abandoned as soon as convenient. It's why gun tards will never accept any compromise because they know those "sensible gun control" lines mean nothing, one second after the agreement the goal post shifts and you've gained nothing to lose ground.

Compromise has always meant 'You compromise.'


All he said about their divorce was this:

Then, seven years into our marriage, she decided that being monogamous was something she wanted to revisit and we subsequently separated.

Sounds more like she kept the cuck around for emotional and financial support until she found the Chad for her, and then she ran away with him.


I'm really confused by the wording. I cannot tell if he meant she wanted to go back to being monogamous with him (like, alright fun's over and we got it out of our system so let's go back to normal) or monogamous with someone else entirely. Either version is funny for different reasons.

Lol in another story he says she made her secondary partner her primary partner and established monogamy with him.

Damn, ouch

Lol right? Seems like this is not only a wonderful idea for society, but for this totally normal dude who is now better off. Source article:

Oh, by the way, this also left him hooked on Viagra and nasal spray. Yep. All good here.

This dude makes it out like he gets more action than James Bond and Vinny Case combined. Why do I feel like that was a massive exaggeration or outright lie?

Perhaps you feel that way because even the notion of the original story—that he made an open relationship “work”—is untrue. He did not make it work. He allowed his wife to open the relationship against his objections and carried her until she found someone better. Then he became addicted to drugs, and, if you believe him at all, casual sex. The whole thing is premised on a bad relationship with truth and permanence.

Apparently he’s a Brit in America and isn’t particularly ugly, so it’s possible he’s telling the truth.

At that point just go use poppers.

Or even re-evaluate life choices and whether it’s possible for this situation to “work” for you.

Haha in another piece he says that her secondary partner became her primary partner and they established monogamy together and had kids a year later. Lol I like how he acts as if she chose “monogamy” in the abstract instead of “some other guy besides him.”

Not some guy.

She chose a man.

In retrospect, I can see that I was working out some serious issues.



Also what the fuck has VICE become if not just cuckoldry fetishist at this point.

vice has been garbage since the beginning of when it existed.

It was always trash.

Originating from the Montreal-based Vice magazine co-founded by Suroosh Alvi,[7] Shane Smith, and Gavin McInnes

It was garbage media that was never respeceted by anyone other than idiot terminally online millienials.

Vice produces pretty good shit sometimes, a lot of their documentaries are actually super solid and well done and informative.

It's just their articles that are crazy.

two links from 6+ years ago

eat shit pizzashill

Just yesterday they released a story about 2 gay Saudi girls running away from their families in İstanbul.

They still have good docs today, lol. I just linked some of my favorite ones.

I genuinely feel sorry for the children who don't realize how pathetic it is

How are the linked docs garbage?

Well, they are from vice.

Also, lmao, charles taylor did nothing wrong and they are not rebel but the rightfull government in exile.

Vice produces pretty good stuff sometimes

only for the type of "people" - and I'm using the term very loosly here - who'd be interested in garbage like a fyre festival documentary.

Nah man. They had some good stuff. Their front line reporting from Donbass was fire.

Vice's only good bit was Do's vs Don'ts.

Really makes you think

Because men know that their girlfriends would break up on the spot if they propose an open relationship. Cuckoldry is a masculine tendency 💅🏻

Cuckoldry is a white male tendency*.

And men know that if they were to open the relationship, they are the one who doesn't get laid

Very true


Every goddamn time.

“Love me enough to not fuck other people” is a hilariously low bar, I cannot understand why some people still can’t clear it.

The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. cuck -,*

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What I don’t understand about this poly shit is why not just be a slut?

Like, if you get along with one person really well but want to fuck a lot of other people, that’s called being friends. Trying to desperately pretend your bizarre, disgusting “polycule” full of physically repulsive, overweight, bearded millenials is the solution to wanting a ho phase is dumb af.

Locked down emotional (financial, too, perhaps?) outlet.

It's really the perfect solution. You've got one foot where it's secure and another foot out in the exiting unknown. Thots have truly become the modern embodiment of the yin yang.


My wife changed challenged me to be open and it completely changed my life. Then, seven years into our marriage, she decided that being monogamous was something she wanted to revisit and we subsequently separated.

"Let me fuck other people while leeching off you for seven years until I find someone I want to be in a real relationship with

No you don't understand he left her because being a cuck is his life now and he can't stop it

Fuck that vanilla shit, ho, go bring home some black dick.

If that's what happened he would have said that but he conspicuously doesn't. I think the reason is clear

Try to remember that people who write for Vice are barely literate retards. So it could just be that this guy failed to communicate accurately.

He said she wanted to revisit it not him so i can only assume its not like he would say it out right cucks dont like making open relationships look bad 🤭🤭

Why be a single slut getting no free housing and gifts when you can cuck a beta mayo?

I know this couple from work and I don't have the heart to tell the guy that at the start of their relationship she was fucking four other men

Tell him. Moids need to have solidarity against the eternal (((foid)))

Literally this. The eternal enemy remains gussy.


I was hoping your the rapist had advocated assisted suicide. Disappointing.

no, he brought it on himself


he'd have to have been retarded not to see the signs. What would you think if you turned up on your girl's doorstep and met another man leaving?

Oh fuck that's some retard shit. I was asking you to elaborate on more obvious signs for entertainments sake.

It's a lifestyle for women know they have little value, but want a backup plan in case Chad doesn't work out.

They want the emotional benefit of having a partner without any of the compromises. They're what happens when kids who were never told "No, you can't have both ice cream AND pizza" grow up.

Article from last year

C'mon, you're better than this.

Vice just reposted it on their fb today. They like to keep this shit in circulation apparently.

you, and by unfortunate extension all of us, took the bait

I don’t think it’s bait when most of their content is like this

They just want clicks.

thank you lawlz for standing up for the correct definition of the word bait


another piece from the author

I Got My Penis Zapped for Better Boners

This treatment is meant for erectile dysfunction, but people who just want harder, longer-lasting erections might also benefit.

I want to laugh but this is so pathetic that it starts to be sad.

Lmao of course he’s had a vasectomy

Props to him honestly.

Hes doing his part for the gene pool

Wait I thought being cucked was his fetish, fetishes usually involve the exact opposite of ED, the fuck happened?

You know who the real "cuck" was? That motherfucker Hamilton.

That was the most pathetic person and vice was "cucked" themselves by letting him do what did

I'm unironically, and genuinely pissed about that.

I want to meet the fat fucking sweaty retard fuck who makes all these sticky posts every fucking day god fucking dammit. I want to fucking see you. I want to fucking smell you. I want to fucking taste you. I fucking want to spread open your fat fucking sweaty fucking cheeks and breathe in the musk like it is christmas fucking morning. I want to rummage through every fucking flap and cranny on your putrid fucking body and lick every goddamn speck of mold that has been spreading across your fucking gangrenous blubber. Then I want to snuggle into your fucking rolls until I dissapear for good then kill us both for both of our own fucking goods. god dammit.


If that's not an admission of love, I don't know what is.

I hope you both enjoy your future relationship built on delusion and sexual fetishes.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a Vice writer. Honestly, think about it rationally.


If you weren't a mod, I'd pay to ban you for linking to vice.

Do better, Master Lawz.

Don’t tell me what to do

No matter what the drama is, or for whatever purpose, never link to vice.

Vice is honestly hilarious though, just not on purpose

You don't even know what a host file is, do you?

once, years ago some managers at my work tried to block reddit via the host file.

The best part was 1, they assumed I wouldn't know to check it for their pointless fuckery and 2, when I did check it I found out they didn't even enter the address right thus rending it somehow even more pointless.

Will his inevitable suicide note list six important reasons why he had to rope

This guy is more spineless than the guys killed by the predator

The Predator doesn’t kill spineless guys though. He kills people who are worthy of being killed.

Your point is still accurate, but the comparison is a little off. I’d say the only people more spineless are the guys who get pegged by their fat ass wives.

he literally removes their spines.

👏🏻 👏🏻 I see now well done

And this is why AIDS happens. Keep eating your Red 40, queer bait.

Thanks I'll read it when the title is "How I made non-consensual monogamy Work"

What happened to "The kids are grown, we're still in awesome shape, the neighbors have been flirty lately... wanna do some coke and fuck them?" like adults. All these stupid rules and regulations for wanting to get your hole pounded and dick wet.

According to Blue, there are two types of jealousy: “dispositional,” meaning that feeling some degree of jealousy is part and parcel of your personality, and “incidental,” meaning that certain activities or dynamics tend to arouse jealousy as they occur. “The former is a character trait,” she tells me.

This is like one sociopath explaining to another that some people have something called a "conscience". It's a character trait.

Set boundaries

Then get some BBC in your Bussy I don't get what the problem is

I’ll be monogamous but it’s okay if my boyfriend is not

Damn, you single?


Cuckquean trussy mmmm

Men are so bad at rping :(

Its true

So uh . . . Whats up



Howto ruin your relationship 101.

Fucking degeneracy.

Ugh painted brick is so fucking gross.

These cucks are so mentally beat down they have to form support communities just to cope. Championing degeneracy.

how I made degeneracy work.


we broke up.
