ATTENTION: /r/FragileWhiteRedditor officially adopts the policy of race acceleration through the establishment of the reverse ethnostate. See video for details and thank you for your compliance.

89  2019-09-03 by heeehaaw


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. ATTENTION: /r/FragileWhiteRedditor ... -,,

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SRS tards are so painfully unfunny. I just don't get it.

Unemployment, depression, and suicidal tendencies held in check only by cowardice.

Like they're even worse than Trumptards are at this point. At least Trumptards try to argue their points, poorly, but they try.

SRS tards just have this weird tactic, I almost want to say it's a perpetual state of:

> admitting leftoids are worse than rightoids

dude tf happened to you, youre nearly there to becoming a rational human being

Right-wingers in reality are 10x worse.

This is why we need a moderation cap. You get two subs total to mid, one sub and a sister or meta sub.

Don’t anger the power jannie gods!

RIP all /r/dickgirls mods

you realize the absolute hilarity in you of all people playing the "how did they get to this point" card

Yeah the only people less funny are r/watchredditdie tards and boomers

HorrorLOL at this exchange

Brownskin moid wants whiteskin foid for Brownskin babies


Whiteskin moid wants Brownskin food for Brownskin babies

That's problematic, sweaty.

Lmao even endorsing hapas

A horde of Supreme Gentlemen how could this go wrong

Even when they try to copy our memes, they utterly fail at it.


"N-not like that!"

FWR are us but unfunny and only directed at rightoids. I like black asses and Jreg as much as the next guy but they’re so lame when they talk about it😒

Like this is just “mayocide now” but with too many words to convey it. It’s amazing how I can be in an interracial relationship and these guys clearly can’t. Especially with the “yikes sweetie” attitude they immediately take as soon as someone even thinks of actually pursuing a non-white woman

Yikes sweety, it's actually an abuse of white male power and privilege to date black and other minority women. You are actually racist for dating minority women 💅🏿

you're an incel so Im gonna ignore the scientific facts you give me

Based tbh

Imma get an Filipino girl

I appreciate where you're coming from as a white man in an interracial relationship myself, but unfortunately this is something racist white men actually do so they wouldn't be all that mad about. They fetishize Asian women because they're perceived as subservient, as they think women should be. Have a peruse of the depressing hellhole that is r/hapas to learn more, it's a sub dedicated to Eurasians and it's full of people who struggle with having been raised by racist white fathers and Asian mothers.

I hope you've enjoyed today's daily reminder that the world is fucking awful.

Edit: Please don't downvote the above comment, I'm certain they meant well. I got an upvote like a minute two after making this which is very likely from them so I'd say they get it.

they do this and they think they’re funny?

Keep in mind these are the same people that become fragile glass when someone makes fun of small dicks. Like how am I supposed to make fun of whites like they want if I can’t also make fun of their little clittys?

I got an upvote like a minute two after making this which is very likely from them so I'd say they get it.

Does this person comment something then refreshes the page every 30 seconds? Wtf

Theyre capital R redditors. This shouldn’t surprise you

If you use RES, it autorefreshes when you are scrolling. They know their audience wants to be notified within seconds of someone replying to them.

They're just crazy/stupid enough to think so, yes.

we get warned for mayo but they can pull this stunt


Mayocide now

Careful friend, I got a week long suspension for that

Reminder that JREG is the best new YouTuber.

muh edgy white hate

