r/moviescirclejerk pans a movie for being problematic before it's out

156  2019-09-03 by Sadie347


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Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. r/moviescirclejerk pans a movie for... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Circlejerk subs have really lost their way.

They're more of a circlejerk than they've ever been.


The people who think joker is epic because he has heated gaming moments are the same people who love the empire and thanos and think they’re right. They’re lost causes anyway and we shouldn’t police sympathetic villains just because dumbasses can’t interpret movies well

...they think people participate in Empire/Thanos didnothingwrongs completely unironically? Lmao

Tbh there are some idiots who take that crap seriously and go seething all over the place when they read stuff like that. I had a guy get PISSED at me for joking that Umbridge was right in Harry Potter once lel

you shouldnt know that name in the first place

quit bein a cunt is what im sayin

Hey, I watched the movies in my teenage years, give me a break xD

It's one of those things with a cringy fanbase that can still be enjoyed without being part of such.

there's that cunt-talk we talked about

You're acting like a real bellatrix lestrange right now

Is that like some Anne Rice character?

I read the books and I don't even remember this name.

Empire was correct 😤

Empire was actually doing some shit right don't start with me boyo

what about Slytherin?

I learned that the Empire was right from playing TIE Fighter. Now that was a good game.

When did the Joker use the N word?


There's only 2 circlejerk subs that are good now. R/circlejerk and r/drugscirclejerk. Everything else is an unironic circlejerk and smugposting.

r/drugscirclejerk is just boof and sativa/indicia memes now, it fucking sucks. r/bookscirclejerk is where my real bitter vitriol niggas at

Unironically the best circlejerk sun out there.

just Brandon'd my Sandersons adding the audiobook of this comment to my goodreads. All I can say is wow.

r/beercirclejerk is small but mighty


r/fitnesscirclejerk is good, and r/drama would approve of all the bussy that is posted there.


Ummm r/SCJerk thank you very much 😤😤


Forgive me Allah, but r/hscirclejerk is p good too

Except /r/circlejerk.

yeah, /r/gamingcirclejerk takes gaming more seriously than the actual gaming subreddit lol

theyve always been obnoxious twox level contrarian goon faggotry what are you talking about

Imagine reducing every character's personality in everything ever down to a race and gender lmao

But the movie will indeed be awful because at the end of the day, it's still capeshit.

Dude X-shit Lmao

Wow you are really mad at drama meta lingo 😡😡😠

X-shit is an old /tv/ meme that drama ripped off lmao

Yes it's drama meta lingo, cope and seethe all you want.

Imagine reducing every character's personality in everything ever down to a race and gender lmao

When the only tool you have is a hammer.

You can only ever write white males as anything other than perfect sweaty.

I hate to say it but it actually looks interesting, not sure i've seen a capeshit since the spiderman with the twin towers in his eyes but i might even give this one a go.

I'm pretty sure they're entirely wrong about the trailer, the black characters are clearly supposed to be representative of the troubled system that's trying it's hardest but failing anyway due to lack of support from above which contrasts with the white guys in positions of power who are self-interested and unrelateable... No doubt it's going to express the frustrations of the overlooked and down-trodden but we're going to see a unified and diverse mass of the people at odds with the establishment, possibly even they'll hint at rich white men using their unlimited resources to live out childish fantasies while fighting to maintain the status-quo and the moral will be that maybe Bruce Wayne would have been better solving the social problems which cripple Gothem rather than spending literally billions on top-secret R&D for absurd and impractical toys....

ngl that sounds pretty based

Joker doesn't wear a cape silly

It's not about the cape on your back, it's the cape in your heart.

make it the flag!

The worst thing is they bitch when their isn't enough representation and then they will bitch if they just hand out a bunch of minority roles because it doesn't fit what they want.

they basically get mad if it is isn't pushing their exact propaganda.

We live in a society

alright I'm gonna say it

so it's a mayo supremacist movie because the director has had whites in his previous films lead roles.... makes sence

Yeah this movie seems to have really missed the point of the Joker. I'm really not looking forward to it.

This nigga has never read a comic in his life. The joker has mental problems due to childhood trama so to entertain himself he plays cat and mouse with batman. He hates how society has wronged him so he wrongs society in response. He hates that batman is a good guy, harasses him and tries to drag him down with him. The movies like this are a completely true representation. The backstories are slightly different but the theme is accurate.

The Arkham Origins video game had a great Joker origin. Joker was a nihilist with a deathwish and liked to blow shit up/kill people for fun all the while hoping someone would eventually put him out of his misery until Batman saved his life one day and it basically gave him a reason to live because he was so perplexed as to why anyone would go out of their way to save the life of a homicidal madman. It was interesting because Batman's no-kill rule ultimately ended up being his greatest fuckup since had he just let Joker be suicidal then he would have never really been much of a problem to begin with but instead he became obsessed with Batman.

Yes in the comics it's pretty similar. He keeps trying to push batman to kill him by doing slightly more horrible things each time. He started out as joker gas which could be cured, then he would put people in insane saw like positions, then he started killing people, then at one point he he trapped batman and brought him to a back ally after learning his origin story about his parents. There in that back ally he revealed he had kids with their parents tied up. Several times he kills their parents in front of the kids so, due to batman not killing the joker, he caused more people to experience batman's origin story. Batman breaks free and kills the joker. Of course there's like 150 timelines but he's dead in several.

Isn't it implied at the end of The Killing Joke that Batman killed Joker? He gave him one final way out but Joker basically said this is how he'll be forever and nothing will change it so Batman finally finished him off.

I mean he's died multiple time so whatever probably

I really liked the Joker death in Return of the Joker (from Batman Beyond). That whole story was extremely dark. Even the Heath Ledger version didn't brainwash a child and try and force that child to kill his own father figure

Wait why are you not coming up as a mod? Did they demod you?

No I just don't distinguish my comments lol

He started out as joker gas which could be cured,

That's a after the fact cope due to comic regulations, before Batman went to Mars and shit with batatrata and Superman Joker killed like hundreds of people

>I've caught you Joker, now I will place you back in Arkham Aslyum only to escape again eventually for the 500th time

Batman may be an "expert" detective, but he's a retarded may moid.

You're wrong, the point of the Joker is that he kills people because he's sOoOo CrAaAaZyYyYoOo. That's what makes him the second most interesting and fleshed out villain after the guy who kills for balance.

r/moviescirclejerk is 100% the worst jerk sub

May I also add r/gamingcirckejerk

what about that Makeupcirclejerk place we invaded?

I’d say gamingcirclejerk is worse because at least mjc watch movies. You can clearly tell no one at gcj actually play the games their jerking about.

They are so close to being aware that they are reducing characters to their race just like right nutters do. They are complaining about a white man being rejected by a black girl, rightoids complaining that a white guy would date a black girl.

I think Nolan/Ledger said it best, he’s an agent of chaos.

As if a kid being raised by a single, proud WoC isn't an agent of chaos.

Based on the trailers, I feel like this Joker has an Oedipus thing going on. You see him bathing his mom so their relationship definitely doesn't seem healthy.

that sub is occupied by unironic chapotards

the trailers and Todd Phillips writing/directing have me convinced the social commentary will simply be “Poor White Males.” And that will unironically have incels rising up.

Remember kids: music, videogames, and movies don't cause violence... except this one. This one will. This time it's different, because... white males? I guess? 🙄

Mayos are scum to be fair

They were right to pan it, just not for the reasons they did. It's capeshit so of course it's going to be shit.

The only Joker that should have an origin story if Caesar Romero's Joker.

I want this movie to prove me wrong, but the trailers and Todd Phillips writing/directing have me convinced the social commentary will simply be “Poor White Males.” And that will unironically have incels rising up.

  • I want this movie to prove me wrong, but the trailers and John Singleton's writing/directing have me convinced the social commentary will simply be “Poor Black Males.” And that will unironically have urban youth rising up.

I wouldn't be surprised if boomers said these exact words when Boyz N The Hood first aired in theaters.

What weird observations, I'm pretty sure Joker and the other girls' races won't even be acknowledged let alone important aspects of their characters

His entire existence is basically a joke version of Batman. He’s mocking the whole shtick. “Oooooh! A whole bat theme with a bat cave and Batarangs and bat underoos. You know what else scares people? Clowns! What if I dressed up like a clown and did a whole clown theme and used fear against people for my own personal reasons!”

Literally seething that these people don't know Joker is based on the fear of chemical warfare

Explain, I’m not a capeshitter

Hes from the 1940s and flat out killed like 4 people with chemical gas in his first appearance


i have to remind myself that these people rarely exist outside of the internet, otherwise i want to nuke society.

when you’re not racist so you make everything about race

when you’re not sexist so you make everything about sex

when you’re fucking retarded so you use the word incel

You sound like you’re a racist, sexist incel who’s tired of being called a racist, sexist incel.