No surprise here as /r/Desmoines comes out as pro cuck

39  2019-09-07 by cochnbahls


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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. No surprise here as /r/Desmoines co... -,,

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As an Iowan of 26 years, I'm disappointed in these proceedings

I think I recognize that gas mask porn from some other drama in this sub some time back or maybe I'm a degenerate.

gamer blowjob

Allah save us

$59 for a 5 min foot video, jesus christ.

It seems the woman herself showed up in the comments in your first linked post.

That's what her husband gets for getting with a mayo

A busy day for Sears means 10 to 15 clients.

Imagine being the 15th. I'm all for legalized prostitution like they have in parts of Nevada, but that's pretty gross.

I'm sure she cleans herself up between visits. It's not like she's LauraTeen. Not that I know who that is or anything.

Imagine being the child that she carried and realize that your mother's holes swallowed a thousand dicks while you were playing the role as her fetish cash cow.

That kid's only future is radical, whether to the left or to the right. Or to the center and it ends up finally dethroning Masterlawlz.

That kid's only future is radical, whether to the left or to the right. Or to the center and it ends up finally dethroning Masterlawlz.

How do you think I got here to begin with? Not every origin story is cool like Batman's

You sitting in the living room watching Ben 10 while a bevy a strange men go in and out of your mom's bedroom is r/drama canon now.

Lol that reminds me of the scene in Watchmen with Rorschach as a kid

I am shocked.

Things to do

*Go be a whore in LV

*Use your excess money to live luxuriously with your partner due to your unconventional lifestyle/profession

*Sue a brothel you worked at for unsavory conditions

Things not to do

*Brag about being a whore to people who don't respect whores

*Engage with Redditors regarding the topic

As always, the internet was a mistake.

How is being a whore empowering in anyway? What's hilarious to me is that women love to show they are more than just sexual objects, then go and throw it all out the window and feel power by being just a literal sexual object.
