Black Twitterati upset at Asian actress for saying some racist shit, accidentally cancels a different mongofoid lmao.

252  2019-09-07 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. Black Twitterati upset at Asian act... -,

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“I dated Asian man once”

*Audience erupts in laughter”

now I understand struggle of r/asianmasculinity

looks at China

They are going to kill us all 🙄

This is why I'll marry a Chinese girl. They won't kill the father of half Chinese children

I'll marry a Chinese girl.

I thought they were hunted to extinction.

Well I managed to find one, she's even extra petite

Jesus christ, yamete is literally the revenant pedo of /r/drama.

The hell is a yamete? Also I didn't mean girl as in actual young girl, she's a woman, 20s.

Yes Yamete we know she's a real women just like your cartoons stop bragging about how she's built like a child and how lucky you are

What cartoons?

she's built like a child

Maybe don't shame her for her bodytype🙄

Whatever pedo

If you're insinuating that only a pedo could find her attractive I think that's pretty rude

I can't even fathom the autism required to make dozens of alt accounts all to engage in the same pedoweeb LARP.

How long has she been female?

Always? It's genetically impossible for a guy to be as short as her without some sort of defect

This is a circle jerk sub, man. I’m not being serious. It’s just funny to crack jokes. For example:

some sort of defect

Isn’t dating you a defect?

And by the way, if I were you I’d reply “only a character defect”. See what I mean? It’s a circle jerk

That's just rude.


Literally every white man with ricefever is a pedo.

Pedos like kids not really petite, cute adults ...

how did you even meet her. i’m sure it’s not going to work out because of your autism

Sat next to her in a lecture I had. The Chinese students always sit in the top two front rows, idk why that is. And just talked to her a bit afterwards and asked her whether she wanted to exchange numbers.

not going to work out because of your autism

Rude, I don't even have autism. I mean I once thought I might have some Aspergers but that was just teenage angst.

oh man. i’ve known irl faggots in your situation. asian exchange students are like pakistanis because of the amount of inbreeding x fucking other asians.

don’t think too much about it. and don’t think it’s going to work out. trust me your not the only white dude who thought he had a chance with an exchange student.

they pay 2x more than normal students. you are not going to hit cus she knows you broke. 😭

amount of inbreeding x fucking other asians.

Lol, doubt it

they pay 2x more than normal students.

Not American ...

you are not going to hit cus she knows you broke

Not wrong, think she still likes me tho

What if they're into big tiddy Asian girls?

Some twelve year olds have big tits. I did but my parents put me on a diet.


Yeah i dated a lolicon before, nigga deadass shamed me for having tiddies. I felt so bad about my body for like months afterwards.


ok ur my big tiddy gf now

I like where this is going.

Hard to tell if you're coping or seething so I'll just say both.

What's with all the Asian loli loving libertarians these past few weeks?

It's just 1 guy with a dozen of alts tbh

Jesus Christ why'd you switch accounts? You did this exact same larp on your other account


Bruh you are so wrong

They'll kill you first for colonizing their property

Nah, when you already have kids together they'll accept that and leave you be

I, too, am engaged to a Chinese girl, but I proposed to her with the sole intention of procreating in order to expedite the pollution of the wh*te race.

I'm Ashkenazi. They will either worship me or dissect my brain.

lol they will kill you first for race mixing

There are 19 million more Chinese men than women. They pretty much have the same issue.

Alternatively, Asianmasculinity could also just stop looking up to the audience of whatever this clusterfuck of a show is.

I finally made it 30 seconds in, and not one single sentence that was said in this show is not hugely embarrassing in every way possible. Literally every sentence is a big "yikes". Luckily, I do not care for the yikers. However, even if you are a huge edge lord, it is just painful to watch. I cannot even put it in words how embarrassing it is... People think this is acceptable behavior. While I think it is not even acceptable to watch this. How does this channel make money? If I've seen this on TV, I would make sure to avoid this channel, probably even delete it. This is how bad it is.

I don't get why the hood rats are all uppity they just get pumped and dumped and the raise black childern as a single parent. They still standing up for black guys

Wow is a living example of the cock carousel mene

Most talk show panelists are.

i looked up why they're upset its because the Asian lady with a black guy fetish dumped her white husband for a black one they recently got married so they're digging up her dirt

Lipstick Alley is some cancer. Angry black women complaining about shit 24/7. They can be pretty funny tho

And apparently bad at coding,not a single site of a search bar on the site.

i looked up why they're upset


For more drama? Why else



But for real though I need me a fine ass Asian woman (male)

Most Asian women don't have an ass and that's a good thing.

fine ass Asian woman (male)

Sooo, you want what? A ladyboy?

Don't be gay about it

That was excruciating to watch.

I made it about 10 seconds in to when the black lady started bobbling her head like an Indian. To think this is what foids watch on a regular basis.

I just gave it my 5th try, and now I already made it to 15 seconds.

That single clip forms the airtight argument for launching an EMP that destroys all moden electronics on Earth

Black entertainment television is absolute shit, holy fuck. Reminds me of this.

Brenda Song

There's a name I have not heard in a long time. She did The Social Network and then basically disappeared.

But wtf, she isn't even married? She's currently living off of Macaulay Culkin's Home Alone money.

I only remember her from the Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

Yeah she did that and played Eduardo Saverin’s crazy gf. That’s about it.


I'm Chinese and I sometimes misidentify the guy in the bathroom mirror.

Black men are handsome, but unfortunately they are taking all the women :(



Can we please just go back to Jerry Springer TV instead of angry black women raging at the chinese girl for saying she likes white men?

jeezy a real nigga haha